
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Localized PSGet.Resource.psd1

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
        NeedToRunInVisualStudio=This cmdlet should only be run in the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio 2015. To open the Package Manager Console, click the 'Tools' menu, select 'NuGet Package Manager', and then click 'Package Manager Console'. {0}
        RequireVisualStudio2015=This cmdlet requires Visual Studio 2015. {0}
        InstallVisualStudio2015=If you don't have Visual Studio 2015 installed, you can download and install Visual Studio Community 2015 from https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-community-vs.aspx. Make sure you select to install the "Windows and Web Development -> Universal Windows App Development Tools -> Tools (1.3.1 [or higher]) and Windows 10 SDK" feature during Visual Studio setup.
        NeedAdminPrevilegeMessage=A PowerShell process will be started requesting Administrator privileges to copy the CoreCLR and PowerShell Core reference assemblies for Windows Server 2016 Nano Server to the Visual Studio reference assembly folder '{0}'. Do you want to continue?
        NeedAdminPrevilegeCaption=Nano Server PowerShell SDK Initial Setup
        InitialSetupCancelled=Initial setup for the SDK was canceled. {0}
        UnknownDTEFailure=An operation in Visual Studio failed with the error '{0}'. {1}
        NoCurrentOpenSolution=No Visual Studio solution is currently open.
        ProjectAlreadyExistsInCurrentSolution=The current Visual Studio solution already has a project named '{0}'.
        StartProcessExecutionFailed=Failed to copy the CoreCLR and PowerShell Core reference assemblies for Windows Server 2016 Nano Server to the Visual Studio reference assembly folder. {0}
        StartProcessFailedToStart=Failed to copy the CoreCLR and PowerShell Core reference assemblies for Windows Server 2016 Nano Server due to the error '{0}'. {1}
        FollowManualSteps=Please try the command again, or you can run 'Show-SdkSetupReadMe' and follow the instructions for setting up the SDK and creating a Visual Studio C# project manually.
        AboutToDeployReferenceAssemblies=VERBOSE: Preparing to deploy the CoreCLR and PowerShell Core reference assemblies for Windows Server 2016 Nano Server to the Visual Studio reference assembly folder '{0}'
        DoneDeployingReferenceAssemblies=VERBOSE: CoreCLR and PowerShell Core reference assemblies deployed at '{0}'
        AboutToCreateCSharpProject=VERBOSE: Preparing to create the Visual Studio C# project '{0}'
        DoneCreatingCSharpProject=VERBOSE: The Visual Studio C# project '{0}' has been successfully created and is ready to use
        FetchProjectTemplate=VERBOSE: -- Try getting the Visual Studio C# project template 'Visual C#\\Windows\\Class Library'
        CreateProjectWithNewSolution=VERBOSE: -- Creating Visual Studio project with a new solution named '{0}'
        CreateProjectInCurrentSolution=VERBOSE: -- Creating Visual Studio project within the currently open solution '{0}'
        CloseCurrentlyOpenSolution=VERBOSE: -- Save and close the currently open Visual Studio solution '{0}'
        DeployTargetFilesToProject=VERBOSE: -- Copy MSBuild Targets files 'Microsoft.Coresys.Common.Targets' and 'Microsoft.CoreSys.CSharp.Targets' to the Visual Studio project folder '{0}'
        UpdateProjectFile=VERBOSE: -- Update the Visual Studio project file '{0}' to target the right .NET Framework version and import the new .Targets files
        PrerequisitesForRemoteDebugger=One or more prerequisites are missing for this cmdlet. Please make sure your Visual Studio 2015 is upgraded to 'Update 2' [or higher] and the "Windows and Web Development -> Universal Windows App Development Tools -> Tools (1.3.1 [or higher]) and Windows 10 SDK" feature is installed.
        SessionNotOpened=The remote PSSession is not in 'Opened' state. Please make sure you have an opened PSSession targeting the remote Nano Server.
        CopyOneCoreDebuggerBits={0}-- Copy Nano Server remote debugger binaries to {1}
        CopyPlatformAgnosticBits={0}-- Copy platform-agnostic debugger binaries to {1}
        CopyCRTBits={0}-- Copy C Run-time (CRT) debugger binaries to {1}
        CopyLocalCoreCLRBits={0}-- Copy the isolated CoreCLR binaries that are solely required by the CoreCLR remote debugger to {1}
        CopyCoreCLRDebugBits={0}-- Copy the CoreCLR debugging binaries to {1}
        ConfigureRemoteDebugger={0}-- Configure the remote debugger and Windows Firewall settings
        CopyToNanoServer=Nano Server at '{0}'
        CannotCopyRemotely=The PowerShell version you are using is '{0}' and it does not support copying files over a remote PSSession. Therefore, a package of remote debugger binaries will be prepared locally that you can manually copy to the target Nano Server machine. To get a better automated experience, please install Windows Management Framework 5.0 or later, or upgrade to Windows 10.
        ManualInstallSteps=A package of remote debugger binaries has been prepared at '{0}' and the folder has been opened for you. To manually install the remote debugger on the target Nano Server machine, please copy the folder 'RemoteDebuggerPack' to the system drive of the target Nano Server machine, and then run the script 'install.ps1' from that folder in a remote PowerShell session targeting the machine.