function Get-Users { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the creation time and date of the last password change for all users. Script inspired by: .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the creation time and date of the last password change for all users. .PARAMETER OutputDir OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory. Default: Output\Users .PARAMETER Encoding Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the CSV output file. Default: UTF8 .PARAMETER LogLevel Specifies the level of logging: None: No logging Minimal: Critical errors only Standard: Normal operational logging Default: Standard .EXAMPLE Get-Users Retrieves the creation time and date of the last password change for all users. .EXAMPLE Get-Users -Encoding utf32 Retrieves the creation time and date of the last password change for all users and exports the output to a CSV file with UTF-32 encoding. .EXAMPLE Get-Users -OutputDir C:\Windows\Temp Retrieves the creation time and date of the last password change for all users and saves the output to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$OutputDir = "Output\Users", [string]$Encoding = "UTF8", [ValidateSet('None', 'Minimal', 'Standard')] [string]$LogLevel = 'Standard' ) Set-LogLevel -Level ([LogLevel]::$LogLevel) $requiredScopes = @("User.Read.All") $graphAuth = Get-GraphAuthType -RequiredScopes $RequiredScopes if (!(Test-Path $OutputDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutputDir > $null } else { if (!(Test-Path -Path $OutputDir)) { Write-Error "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -ErrorAction Stop Write-LogFile -Message "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -Level Minimal } } Write-LogFile -Message "=== Starting Users Collection ===" -Color "Cyan" -Level Minimal try { $selectobjects = "UserPrincipalName","DisplayName","Id","CompanyName","Department","JobTitle","City","Country","Identities","UserType","LastPasswordChangeDateTime","AccountEnabled","CreatedDateTime","CreationType","ExternalUserState","ExternalUserStateChangeDateTime","SignInActivity","OnPremisesSyncEnabled" $mgUsers = Get-MgUser -All -Select $selectobjects $formattedUsers = $mgUsers | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ UserPrincipalName = $_.UserPrincipalName DisplayName = $_.DisplayName Id = $_.Id Department = $_.Department JobTitle = $_.JobTitle AccountEnabled = $_.AccountEnabled CreatedDateTime = $_.CreatedDateTime LastPasswordChangeDateTime = $_.LastPasswordChangeDateTime UserType = $_.UserType OnPremisesSyncEnabled = $_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled Mail = $_.Mail LastSignInDateTime = $_.SignInActivity.LastSignInDateTime LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime = $_.SignInActivity.LastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime IdentityProvider = ($_.Identities | Where-Object { $_.SignInType -eq "federated" }).Issuer City = $_.City Country = $_.Country UsageLocation = $_.UsageLocation } } $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) $oneweekold = $mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.CreatedDateTime -gt $date } $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) $onemonthold = $mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.CreatedDateTime -gt $date } $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90) $threemonthold = $mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.CreatedDateTime -gt $date } $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-180) $sixmonthold = $mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.CreatedDateTime -gt $date } $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-360) $OneYear = $mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.CreatedDateTime -gt $date } Get-MgUser | Get-Member > $null $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm" $filePath = "$OutputDir\$($date)-Users.csv" $formattedUsers | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding $Encoding $userSummary = [PSCustomObject]@{ TotalUsers = $mgUsers.Count EnabledUsers = ($mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.AccountEnabled }).Count DisabledUsers = ($mgUsers | Where-Object { -not $_.AccountEnabled }).Count SyncedUsers = ($mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled }).Count GuestUsers = ($mgUsers | Where-Object { $_.UserType -eq "Guest" }).Count LastSevenDays = $oneweekold.Count LastThirtyDays = $onemonthold.Count LastNinetyDays = $threemonthold.Count Onehundredeighty = $sixmonthold.Count OneYear = $OneYear.Count } Write-LogFile -Message "User Analysis Results:" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "Total Users: $($userSummary.TotalUsers)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Enabled: $($userSummary.EnabledUsers)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Disabled: $($userSummary.DisabledUsers)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Synced from On-Premises: $($userSummary.SyncedUsers)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Guest Users: $($userSummary.GuestUsers)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nRecent Account Creation:" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Last 7 days: $($userSummary.LastSevenDays)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Last 30 days: $($userSummary.LastThirtyDays)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Last 90 days: $($userSummary.LastNinetyDays)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Last 6 months: $($userSummary.Onehundredeighty)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Last 1 year $($userSummary.OneYear)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nExported File:" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - File: $filePath" -Level Standard } catch { Write-logFile -Message "[ERROR] An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal throw } } Function Get-AdminUsers { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all Administrator directory roles. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves Administrator directory roles, including the identification of users associated with each specific role. .PARAMETER OutputDir OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory. Default: Output\Admins .PARAMETER Encoding Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the CSV output file. Default: UTF8 .PARAMETER LogLevel Specifies the level of logging: None: No logging Minimal: Critical errors only Standard: Normal operational logging Default: Standard .EXAMPLE Get-AdminUsers Retrieves Administrator directory roles, including the identification of users associated with each specific role. .EXAMPLE Get-AdminUsers -Encoding utf32 Retrieves Administrator directory roles, including the identification of users associated with each specific role and exports the output to a CSV file with UTF-32 encoding. .EXAMPLE Get-AdminUsers -OutputDir C:\Windows\Temp Retrieves Administrator directory roles, including the identification of users associated with each specific role and saves the output to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$outputDir = "Output\Admins", [string]$Encoding = "UTF8", [ValidateSet('None', 'Minimal', 'Standard')] [string]$LogLevel = 'Standard' ) Set-LogLevel -Level ([LogLevel]::$LogLevel) $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm" Write-LogFile -Message "=== Starting Admin Users Collection ===" -Color "Cyan" -Level Minimal $requiredScopes = @("User.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All") $graphAuth = Get-GraphAuthType -RequiredScopes $RequiredScopes if (!(Test-Path $OutputDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutputDir > $null } else { if (!(Test-Path -Path $OutputDir)) { Write-Error "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -ErrorAction Stop Write-LogFile -Message "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -Level Minimal } } Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Analyzing administrator roles..." -Level Standard $rolesWithUsers = @() $rolesWithoutUsers = @() $exportedFiles = @() $totalAdminCount = 0 try { $getRoles = Get-MgDirectoryRole -all foreach ($role in $getRoles) { $roleId = $role.Id $roleName = $role.DisplayName if ($roleName -like "*Admin*") { $areThereUsers = Get-MgDirectoryRoleMember -DirectoryRoleId $roleId if ($null -eq $areThereUsers) { $rolesWithoutUsers += $roleName continue } $results = @() $count = 0 foreach ($user in $areThereUsers) { $userid = $user.Id if ($userid -eq ".") { continue } $count++ try { try { $getUserName = Get-MgUser -Filter ("Id eq '$userid'") -ErrorAction Stop } catch { if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 429) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $getUserName = Get-MgUser -Filter ("Id eq '$userid'") -ErrorAction Stop } else { throw } } $userName = $getUserName.UserPrincipalName $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ UserName = $userName UserId = $userid Role = $roleName DisplayName = $getUserName.DisplayName Department = $getUserName.Department JobTitle = $getUserName.JobTitle AccountEnabled = $getUserName.AccountEnabled CreatedDateTime = $getUserName.CreatedDateTime } } catch {} } if ($results.Count -gt 0) { $totalAdminCount += $results.Count $rolesWithUsers += "$roleName ($($results.Count) users)" $filePath = "$OutputDir\$($date)-$($roleName.Replace(' ','_')).csv" $results | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding $Encoding $exportedFiles += $filePath } else { $rolesWithoutUsers += $roleName } } } $outputDirMerged = "$OutputDir\Merged\" If (!(test-path $outputDirMerged)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $outputDirMerged > $null } $mergedFile = "$outputDirMerged$($date)-All-Administrators.csv" Get-ChildItem $OutputDir -Filter "*Administrator.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Import-Csv | Export-Csv $mergedFile -NoTypeInformation -Append Write-LogFile -Message "`nRoles with users:" -Color "Green" -Level Standard foreach ($role in $rolesWithUsers) { Write-LogFile -Message " + $role" -Level Standard } Write-LogFile -Message "`nEmpty roles:" -Color "Yellow" -Level Standard foreach ($role in $rolesWithoutUsers) { Write-LogFile -Message " - $role" -Level Standard } Write-LogFile -Message "`nSummary:" -Level Standard -Color "Cyan" Write-LogFile -Message " Total admin roles: $($rolesWithUsers.Count + $rolesWithoutUsers.Count)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " Roles with users: $($rolesWithUsers.Count)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " Empty roles: $($rolesWithoutUsers.Count)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " Total administrators: $totalAdminCount" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nExported files:" -Level Standard -Color "Cyan" Write-LogFile -Message " Individual role files: $OutputDir" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " Merged file: $mergedFile" -Level Standard } catch { Write-logFile -Message "[ERROR] An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal throw } } |