
$resultSize = 5000

function Get-UAL {
    Gets all the unified audit log entries.
    Makes it possible to extract all unified audit data out of a Microsoft 365 environment.
    The output will be written to: Output\UnifiedAuditLog\
    .PARAMETER UserIds
    UserIds is the UserIds parameter filtering the log entries by the account of the user who performed the actions.
    .PARAMETER StartDate
    startDate is the parameter specifying the start date of the date range.
    Default: Today -180 days
    .PARAMETER EndDate
    endDate is the parameter specifying the end date of the date range.
    Default: Now
    .PARAMETER Output
    Output is the parameter specifying the CSV, JSON, or SOF-ELK output type. The SOF-ELK output can be imported into the platform of the same name.
    Default: CSV
    .PARAMETER OutputDir
    OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory.
    Default: Output\UnifiedAuditLog
     .PARAMETER MergeOutput
    MergeOutput is the parameter specifying if you wish to merge CSV/JSON/SOF-ELK outputs to a single file.
    .PARAMETER Encoding
    Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the CSV/JSON output file.
    Default: UTF8
    The ObjectIds parameter filters the log entries by object ID. The object ID is the target object that was acted upon, and depends on the RecordType and Operations values of the event.
    You can enter multiple values separated by commas.
    Makes it possible to extract all unified audit data out of a Microsoft 365 environment.
    The output will be written to: Output\UnifiedAuditLog\
    .PARAMETER Interval
    Interval is the parameter specifying the interval in which the logs are being gathered.
    .PARAMETER Group
    Group is the group of logging needed to be extracted.
    Options are: Exchange, Azure, Sharepoint, Skype and Defender
    .PARAMETER RecordType
    The RecordType parameter filters the log entries by record type.
    Options are: ExchangeItem, ExchangeAdmin, etc. A total of 353 RecordTypes are supported.
     .PARAMETER Operation
    The Operation parameter filters the log entries by operation or activity type.
    Options are: New-MailboxRule, MailItemsAccessed, etc.
    .PARAMETER LogLevel
    Specifies the level of logging:
    None: No logging
    Minimal: Critical errors only
    Standard: Normal operational logging
    Default: Standard
    Gets all the unified audit log entries.
    Get-UAL -UserIds
    Gets all the unified audit log entries for the user
    Get-UAL -UserIds ","
    Gets all the unified audit log entries for the users and
    Get-UAL -UserIds -StartDate 1/4/2024 -EndDate 5/4/2024
    Gets all the unified audit log entries between 1/4/2024 and 5/4/2024 for the user
    Get-UAL -UserIds -Interval 720
    Gets all the unified audit log entries with a time interval of 720.
    Get-UAL -UserIds -MergeOutput
    Gets all the unified audit log entries for the user and adds a combined output JSON file at the end of acquisition
    Get-UAL -UserIds -Output JSON
    Gets all the unified audit log entries for the user in JSON format.
    Get-UAL -Group Azure
    Gets the Azure related unified audit log entries.
    Get-UAL -RecordType ExchangeItem
    Gets the ExchangeItem logging from the unified audit log.
    Get-UAL -RecordType ExchangeItem -Group Azure
    Gets the ExchangeItem and all Azure related logging from the unified audit log.
    Get-UAL -Operation New-InboxRule
    Gets the New-InboxRule logging from the unified audit log.

        param (
            [string]$UserIds = "*",
            [ValidateSet("Exchange", "Azure", "Sharepoint", "Skype", "Defender")]
            [string]$Group = $null,
            [array]$RecordType = $null,
            [array]$Operation = $null,
            [ValidateSet("CSV", "JSON", "SOF-ELK")]
            [string]$Output = "CSV",
            [string]$Encoding = "UTF8",
            [ValidateSet('None', 'Minimal', 'Standard')]
            [string]$LogLevel = 'Standard'

    Set-LogLevel -Level ([LogLevel]::$LogLevel)
    $stats = @{
        StartTime = Get-Date
        ProcessingTime = $null
        TotalRecords = 0
        FilesCreated = 0
        IntervalAdjustments = 0

    Write-LogFile -Message "=== Starting Unified Audit Log Collection ===" -Color "Cyan" -Level Minimal

    try {
        $areYouConnected = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -EndDate (Get-Date) -ResultSize 1 -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Ensure you are connected to M365 by running the Connect-M365 command before executing this script" -Color "Yellow" -Level Minimal
        Write-logFile -Message "[ERROR] An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal

    StartDateUAL -Quiet
    EndDate -Quiet

    $baseSearchQuery = @{
        UserIds = $UserIds

    if ($ObjectIds) {
        $baseSearchQuery.ObjectIds = $ObjectIds

    if ($Operation) {
        $baseSearchQuery.Operations = $Operation

    $totalResults = 0
    $recordTypes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    $date = [datetime]::Now.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
    if ($OutputDir -eq "") {
        $OutputDir = "Output\UnifiedAuditLog\$date"
        If (!(test-path $OutputDir)) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Name $OutputDir > $null
    } else {
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $OutputDir)) {
            Write-Error "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-LogFile -Message "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -Level Minimal

    $GroupRecordTypes = @{
        "Exchange" = @("ExchangeAdmin","ExchangeAggregatedOperation","ExchangeItem","ExchangeItemGroup",
        "Azure" = @("AzureActiveDirectory","AzureActiveDirectoryAccountLogon","AzureActiveDirectoryStsLogon")
        "Sharepoint" = @("ComplianceDLPSharePoint","SharePoint","SharePointFileOperation","SharePointSharingOperation",
        "Skype" = @("SkypeForBusinessCmdlets","SkypeForBusinessPSTNUsage","SkypeForBusinessUsersBlocked")
        "Defender" = @("ThreatIntelligence","ThreatFinder","ThreatIntelligenceUrl","ThreatIntelligenceAtpContent",

    if ($Group) {
        if ($null -eq $GroupRecordTypes[$Group]) {
            Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Invalid input for -Group. Select Exchange, Azure, Sharepoint, Defender or Skype" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal

    if ($RecordType) {
        if ($RecordType -is [string]) {
            $recordTypesArray = $RecordType.Split(',').Trim()
            foreach ($item in $recordTypesArray) {
        } else {
            # Handle array input
            foreach ($item in $RecordType) {

    Write-LogFile -Message "Start date: $($script:StartDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "End date: $($script:EndDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Output format: $Output" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Output Directory: $OutputDir" -Level Standard
    if ($recordTypes.Count -gt 0) {
        Write-LogFile -Message "`nThe following RecordType(s) are configured to be extracted:" -Level Standard
        foreach ($record in $recordTypes) {
            Write-LogFile -Message " - $record" -Level Standard
    if ($Operation) {
        Write-LogFile -Message "`nThe following Operation(s) are configured to be extracted:" -Level Standard
        foreach ($activity in $Operation) {
            Write-LogFile -Message "- $activity" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "----------------------------------------`n" -Level Standard

    if ($recordTypes.Count -eq 0) {

    $maxRetries = 3
    $baseDelay = 10
    $retryCount = 0 

    foreach ($record in $recordTypes) {
        if ($record -ne "*") {
            Write-LogFile -Message "=== Processing RecordType: $record ===" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard
            $baseSearchQuery.RecordType = $record
        } else {
        $retryAttempt = 0
        $success = $false
        while (!$success -and $retryAttempt -lt $maxRetries) {
            try {
                $totalResults = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $script:StartDate -EndDate $script:EndDate @baseSearchQuery -ResultSize 1 | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty ResultCount
                if ($null -ne $totalResults) {
                    $message = if ($record -eq "*") {
                        "[INFO] Total number of events during the acquisition period: $totalResults"
                    } else {
                        "[INFO] The record '$record' contains $totalResults events during the acquisition period"
                    Write-LogFile -Message $message -Level Standard -color "Green"
                $success = $true
            catch {
                if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*server side error*" -or 
                    $_.Exception.Message -like "*operation could not be completed*") {
                    if ($retryAttempt -eq $maxRetries) {
                        Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR] Maximum retry attempts reached for initial count. Last error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal
                    Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Server-side error on initial count attempt $retryAttempt of $maxRetries. Waiting $baseDelay seconds..." -Color "Yellow" -Level Minimal
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $baseDelay
                    $baseDelay *= 2
                else {

        if ($null -eq $totalResults -or $totalResults -eq 0) {
            $message = if ($record -eq "*") {
                "[INFO] No records found!"
            } else {
                "[INFO] No records found for RecordType: $record"
            Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] No records found for RecordType: $record" -Level Standard -Color "Yellow"

        if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Interval')) {
            $totalMinutes = ($script:EndDate - $script:StartDate).TotalMinutes
            $estimatedIntervals = [math]::Ceiling($totalResults / 50000)
            if ($estimatedIntervals -eq 0) {
                $Interval = $totalMinutes
            } else {
                $Interval = [math]::Max(1, [math]::Floor($totalMinutes / $estimatedIntervals))

        $resetInterval = $Interval
        [DateTime]$currentStart = $script:StartDate
        [DateTime]$currentEnd = $script:EndDate
        $finalEndDate = $script:EndDate.ToUniversalTime()

        $maxRetries = 3
        $baseDelay = 10
        $retryCount = 0 

        while ($currentStart -lt $finalEndDate) {    
            $currentEnd = $currentStart.AddMinutes($Interval)
            if ($currentEnd -gt $finalEndDate) {
                $currentEnd = $finalEndDate

            if ($currentEnd -le $currentStart) {
                Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Reached end of date range" -Level Standard
            $retryAttempt = 0
            $currentDelay = $baseDelay
            $success = $false
            while (!$success -and $retryAttempt -lt $maxRetries) {
                try {
                    $amountResults = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $currentStart -EndDate $currentEnd @baseSearchQuery -ResultSize 1 | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty ResultCount
                    if ($null -eq $amountResults) {
                        $retryAttempt = 0
                        $maxNullRetries = 3
                        $success = $false
                        while (!$success -and $retryAttempt -lt $maxNullRetries) {
                            Start-Sleep -Seconds (5 * ($retryAttempt + 1)) 
                            try {
                                # Try with a different session ID
                                $tempSessionId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                                $verifyResult = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $currentStart -EndDate $currentEnd `
                                    @baseSearchQuery -ResultSize 1 -SessionId $tempSessionId
                                if ($null -ne $verifyResult) {
                                    $amountResults = $verifyResult | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty ResultCount
                                    $success = $true
                            catch {
                                Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Retry attempt $($retryAttempt + 1) failed for period verification" -Level Standard
                        if ($null -eq $amountResults) {
                            if ($currentStart -ne $currentEnd) {
                                Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] No audit logs between $($currentStart.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) and $($currentEnd.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')). Moving on!" -Level Standard
                            $CurrentStart = $CurrentEnd
                            $success = $true
                    elseif ($amountResults -gt 50000) {
                        while ($amountResults -gt 50000) {        
                            $amountResults = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $currentStart -EndDate $currentEnd @baseSearchQuery -ResultSize 1 | 
                            Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty ResultCount
                            $oldInterval = $Interval 
                            if ($amountResults -gt 50000) {
                                if ($amountResults -gt 1000000) {
                                    $divisor = ($amountResults/50000) * 4
                                } elseif ($amountResults -gt 500000) {
                                    $divisor = ($amountResults/50000) * 3
                                } elseif ($amountResults -gt 200000) {
                                    $divisor = ($amountResults/50000) * 2
                                } elseif ($amountResults -gt 100000) {
                                    $divisor = ($amountResults/50000) * 1.5
                                } else {
                                    $divisor = ($amountResults/50000) * 1.25
                                $newInterval = [math]::Max([math]::Round(($Interval/$divisor), 2), 0.1)
                                $calculatedInterval = $Interval/$divisor
                                $newInterval = if ($calculatedInterval -lt 1) {
                                    [math]::Max([math]::Round($calculatedInterval, 3), 0.1)
                                } else {
                                    [math]::Max([math]::Round($calculatedInterval, 0), 1)
                                # Safety check to prevent getting stuck
                                if ($newInterval -ge $oldInterval) {
                                    $newInterval = [math]::Max($Interval * 0.5, 1)
                                $Interval = $newInterval
                                Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] $amountResults entries between $($currentStart.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK")) and $($currentEnd.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK")) exceeding the maximum of 50000 entries" -Color "Red" -Level Standard
                                Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Temporary lowering time interval from $oldInterval to $newInterval minutes" -Color "Yellow" -Level Standard
                                $currentEnd = $currentStart.AddMinutes($Interval)
                            elseif ($amountResults -eq 0) {
                                # Double check with a smaller result size
                                $verifyResults = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $currentStart -EndDate $currentEnd @baseSearchQuery -ResultSize 1
                                if ($null -ne $verifyResults) {
                                    # If we find results, adjust interval and retry
                                    $Interval = [math]::Max($Interval * 0.5, 1)
                                    $currentEnd = $currentStart.AddMinutes($Interval)
                                # Break the loop if no results are found
                                Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] No results found in this time period, moving to next interval" -Level Standard
                                $currentEnd = $currentStart.AddMinutes($Interval)
                            if ($Interval -eq 0) {
                    elseif ($amountResults -gt 0) { 
                        $Interval = $resetInterval
                        if ($currentEnd -gt $script:EndDate) {
                            $currentEnd = $script:EndDate
                        if ($null -eq $amountResults) {
                        Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Found $amountResults audit logs between $($currentStart.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK")) and $($currentEnd.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK"))" -Level Standard -Color "Green"
                        $retryAttempt = 0
                        $currentDelay = $baseDelay
                        $success = $false
                        while (!$success -and $retryAttempt -lt $maxRetries) {
                            try {
                                do {
                                    $sessionID = $currentStart.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")                    
                                    $batchSuccess = $false
                                    $batchAttempts = 0
                                    $maxBatchRetries = 3
                                    [Array]$allResults = @()
                                    $totalProcessed = 0
                                    $backoffDelay = 10
                                    while (!$batchSuccess -and $batchAttempts -lt $maxBatchRetries) {
                                        try {
                                            $allResults = @()
                                            $totalProcessed = 0
                                            while ($totalProcessed -lt $amountResults) {
                                                [Array]$results = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $CurrentStart -EndDate $currentEnd -SessionCommand ReturnLargeSet -SessionId $sessionId -ResultSize $resultSize @baseSearchQuery
                                                if ($null -ne $results -and $results.Count -gt 0) {
                                                    $allResults += $results
                                                    $totalProcessed += $results.Count
                                                    Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Retrieved $($results.Count) records (Total: $totalProcessed / $amountResults)" -Level Standard
                                                    $backoffDelay = 10
                                                else {
                                                    Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Microsoft returned corrupt data for the period $($currentStart.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) to $($currentEnd.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))... Retrying the entire batch... " -Color "Yellow" -Level Minimal
                                                    $allResults = @()
                                                    $totalProcessed = 0
                                                    $sessionId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                                                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $backoffDelay
                                                    $backoffDelay = [Math]::Min(30, $backoffDelay * 2)
                                            if ($totalProcessed -eq $amountResults) {
                                                $batchSuccess = $true
                                        catch {
                                            if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*server side error*" -or 
                                                $_.Exception.Message -like "*operation could not be completed*" -or 
                                                $_.Exception.Message -like "*timed out*") {    
                                                    Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Server error encountered. Restarting entire batch." -Color "Yellow" -Level Standard
                                                $allResults = @()
                                                $totalProcessed = 0
                                                $sessionId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()                                        
                                                Start-Sleep -Seconds $backoffDelay
                                                $backoffDelay = [Math]::Min(30, $backoffDelay * 2)
                                            } else {
                                                Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR] Unexpected error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Standard
                                } while ($totalProcessed -lt $amountResults -and $batchSuccess -eq $false)
                                if ($totalProcessed -ne $amountResults) {
                                    Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Retrieved record count ($totalProcessed) differs from expected ($amountResults). Retrying entire batch." -Level Standard -Color "Yellow"
                                    $allResults = @()
                                    $totalProcessed = 0
                                    $sessionId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
                                else {
                                    $success = $true
                                    if ($totalProcessed -gt 0) {
                                        $sessionID = $currentStart.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "-" + $currentEnd.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
                                        $outputPath = Join-Path $OutputDir ("UAL-" + $sessionID)
                                        $stats.TotalRecords += $totalProcessed
                                        if ($Output -eq "JSON" -or $Output -eq "SOF-ELK") {
                                            $allResults = $allResults | ForEach-Object {
                                                $_.AuditData = $_.AuditData | ConvertFrom-Json
                                            if ($Output -eq "JSON") {
                                                $json = $allResults | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
                                                $json | Out-File -Append "$OutputDir/UAL-$sessionID.json" -Encoding $Encoding
                                            elseif ($Output -eq "SOF-ELK") {
                                                # Encoding is hard-coded to UTF8 as UTF16 causes problems when importing the data into SOF-ELK
                                                foreach ($item in $allResults) {
                                                    $item.AuditData | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 100 | 
                                                        Out-File -Append "$OutputDir/UAL-$sessionID.json" -Encoding UTF8
                                            Add-Content "$OutputDir/UAL-$sessionID.json" "`n"
                                        elseif ($Output -eq "CSV") {
                                            $allResults | export-CSV "$outputPath.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Append -Encoding $Encoding
                                        Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Successfully retrieved $totalProcessed records for the current time range. Moving on!" -Level Minimal -Color "Green"
                            catch {
                                if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*server side error*" -or 
                                    $_.Exception.Message -like "*operation could not be completed*") {
                                    if ($retryAttempt -eq $maxRetries) {
                                        Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR] Maximum retry attempts reached for interval check. Last error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal
                                    Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Server-side error on attempt $retryAttempt of $maxRetries. Waiting $currentDelay seconds..." -Color "Yellow" -Level Minimal
                                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $currentDelay
                                    $currentDelay *= 2
                                else {
                        $CurrentStart = $CurrentEnd
                catch {
                    if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*server side error*" -or 
                        $_.Exception.Message -like "*operation could not be completed*") {
                        if ($retryAttempt -eq $maxRetries) {
                            Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR] Maximum retry attempts reached for interval check. Last error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal
                        Write-LogFile -Message "[WARNING] Server-side error on attempt $retryAttempt of $maxRetries. Waiting $currentDelay seconds..." -Color "Yellow" -Level Minimal
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds $currentDelay
                        $currentDelay *= 2
                    else {
        if ($Output -eq "CSV" -and ($MergeOutput.IsPresent)) {
            Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Merging output files into one file" -Level standard
            Merge-OutputFiles -OutputDir $OutputDir -OutputType "CSV" -MergedFileName "UAL-Combined.csv"
        elseif ($Output -eq "JSON" -and ($MergeOutput.IsPresent)) {
            Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Merging output files into one file" -Level standard
            Merge-OutputFiles -OutputDir $OutputDir -OutputType "JSON" -MergedFileName "UAL-Combined.json"
        elseif ($Output -eq "SOF-ELK" -and ($MergeOutput.IsPresent)) {
            Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Merging output files into one file" -Level standard
            Merge-OutputFiles -OutputDir $OutputDir -OutputType "SOF-ELK" -MergedFileName "UAL-Combined.json"
    $stats.ProcessingTime = (Get-Date) - $stats.StartTime
    Write-LogFile -Message "`n=== Collection Summary ===" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Start date: $($script:StartDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "End date: $($script:EndDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Total Records: $($stats.TotalRecords)" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Files Created: $($stats.FilesCreated)" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Interval Adjustments: $($stats.IntervalAdjustments)" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Output Directory: $OutputDir" -Level Standard
    Write-LogFile -Message "Processing Time: $($stats.ProcessingTime.ToString('hh\:mm\:ss'))" -Level Standard -Color "Green"
    Write-LogFile -Message "===================================" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard