
# This contains function for getting Admin Audit Log

function Get-AdminAuditLog {
    Search the contents of the administrator audit log.
    Administrator audit logging records when a user or administrator makes a change in your organization (in the Exchange admin center or by using cmdlets).
    The output will be written to a CSV file called "AdminAuditLog.csv".
    .PARAMETER StartDate
    startDate is the parameter specifying the start date of the date range.
    .PARAMETER EndDate
    endDate is the parameter specifying the end date of the date range.
    .PARAMETER OutputDir
    OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory.
    Default: Output\AdminAuditLog
    Displays the total number of logs within the admin audit log.
    Get-AdminAuditLog -StartDate 1/4/2023 -EndDate 5/4/2023
    Collects the admin audit log between 1/4/2023 and 5/4/2023

    param (
        [string]$outputDir = "Output\AdminAuditLog"

    write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Running Get-AdminAuditLog" -Color "Green"

    $date = [datetime]::Now.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss') 
    $outputFile = "$($date)-AdminAuditLog.csv"

    if (!(test-path $OutputDir)) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Name $outputDir | Out-Null
        write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Creating the following directory: $outputDir"
    else {
        if (Test-Path -Path $OutputDir) {
            write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Custom directory set to: $OutputDir"
        else {
            write-Error "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -ErrorAction Stop
            write-LogFile -Message "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script"

    $outputDirectory = Join-Path $OutputDir $outputFile


    Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Extracting all available Admin Audit Logs between $($script:StartDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK")) and $($script:EndDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK"))" -Color "Green"

    try {
        $results = Search-AdminAuditLog -ResultSize 250000 -StartDate $script:startDate -EndDate $script:EndDate
        $results | Export-Csv $outputDirectory -NoTypeInformation -Append -Encoding UTF8
    catch {
        write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Ensure you are connected to M365 by running the Connect-M365 command before executing this script" -Color "Yellow"
        Write-logFile -Message "[ERROR] An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red"

    write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Output is written to: $outputDirectory" -Color "Green"