
if (-not ("System.Xml.Linq.XDocument" -as [Type])) {
    Add-Type -Assembly System.Xml.Linq

if (-not ("System.Web.HttpUtility" -as [Type])) {
    Add-Type -Assembly System.Web

if (-not ("System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -as [Type])) {
    Add-Type -Assembly System.Management.Automation

#Requires -Module ConfluencePS
#Requires -Module MetaNullUtils
# Module Constants

Set-Variable CWikiNamespaces -option Constant -value @('ac','ri')
Function Clear-Placeholder {
        Remove any Wiki placeholders (template values, that are not displayed in view mode) from a piece of html
    .PARAMETER InputHtml
        The HTML input
        $Body | Select-Placeholder

param (
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
Process {
    $InputHtml -replace '<(ac:placeholder\b).*?>.*?</\1>' | Write-Output
Function ConvertFrom-Artifact {
        Convert a WikiArtifact object into the best matching type of artifact
        Convert a WikiArtifact object into the best matching type of artifact. The function checks the presence of specific Page Properties OR specific Labels
    .PARAMETER InputArtifact
        The input object.

param (
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Position=0)]
Process {
    if($InputArtifact.Properties.Id -contains 'info' -or $InputArtifact.Labels -contains 'product') {
        [WikiProduct]::new($InputArtifact) | Write-Output
    } elseif($InputArtifact.Properties.Id -contains 'container' -or $InputArtifact.Labels -contains 'container') {
        [WikiContainer]::new($InputArtifact) | Write-Output
    } elseif($InputArtifact.Properties.Id -contains 'technology' -or $InputArtifact.Labels -contains 'technology') {
        [WikiTechnology]::new($InputArtifact) | Write-Output
    } elseif($InputArtifact.Properties.Id -contains 'domain' -or $InputArtifact.Labels -contains 'domain') {
        [WikiDomain]::new($InputArtifact) | Write-Output
    } elseif($InputArtifact.Properties.Id -contains [string]::Empty -or $InputArtifact.Labels -contains 'key-data-entity') {
        [WikiKeyDataEntity]::new($InputArtifact) | Write-Output
    } elseif($InputArtifact.Properties.Length -gt 0) {
        $InputArtifact | Write-Output
    } else {
        # Nothing to return, Input Object was probably not a valid artifact
Function ConvertTo-XDocument {
        Convert a piece of html into a XDocument
        Convert a piece of (well formed) html into a XDocument
    .PARAMETER InputString
        The input string. It must contain a valid piece of XHTML

param (
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Position=0)]
Process {
    ConvertTo-UtilsXDocument -InputString $InputString -Namespaces $CWikiNamespaces | Write-Output
Function Select-HyperLink {
        Select the title and uri of html hyperlinks
    .PARAMETER InputHtml
        The HTML input
        # Get all hyperlinks in a html page
        $Body | Select-Hyperlink

param (
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
Process {
    $InputHtml | ConvertTo-XDocument | Select-Xpath -XPath '//a[@href]' | Foreach-Object {
        $Href = $_ | Select-XPath -XPath './@href' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
        $Node = $_ | Select-XPath -XPath '.' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node
        $Body = $Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerXml
        $Text = $Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerText
            Href = $Href
            Text = $Text
            Body = $Body
        } | Write-Output
Function Select-LinkCard {
        Select the "titles" of all wiki link cards in a blob of (html) text
    .PARAMETER InputHtml
        The HTML input
        # Get the titles from all link cards
        $Body | Select-LinkCard

param (
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
Begin {
    $xpathSelectors = @(
    $xpathExpression = "($($xpathSelectors -join ' | '))"
Process {
    $InputHtml | ConvertTo-XDocument | Select-Xpath -XPath $xpathExpression | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | Write-Output
Function Select-Macro {
        Select the content of all excerpt macros in a wiki page (html)
        # Get the body from all exerpt macros
        $Body | Select-Excerpt

param (
    # Hashtable to represent
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
Process {
    $Macros = $InputHtml | ConvertTo-XDocument | Select-Xpath -XPath '//ac:structured-macro'
    $Macros | ForEach-Object {
        $Object = [MetaNullWiki.Macro]::new()

        $Macro = $_
        $Object.Name = $Macro | Select-Xpath -XPath '@ac:name[position()=1]' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
        $Object.Parameters = @{}
        $Macro | Select-Xpath -XPath 'ac:parameter' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object name,InnerText | Foreach-Object {
            $Object.Parameters.($ = $_.InnerText
        $Object.Body = $Macro | Select-Xpath -XPath 'ac:rich-text-body' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerXml
        $Object.Attributes = @{}
        $Macro | Select-Xpath -XPath '@*' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object Name,Value | Foreach-Object {
            $Object.Attributes.($_.Name) = $_.Value
        $Object | Write-Output
Function Select-Placeholder {
        Select the content of all Wiki placeholders (template values, that are not displayed in view mode)
    .PARAMETER InputHtml
        The HTML input
        $Body | Select-Placeholder

param (
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
Begin {
    $xpathExpression = "//ac:placeholder"
Process {
    $InputHtml | ConvertTo-XDocument | Select-Xpath -XPath $xpathExpression | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerXml | Write-Output
Function Select-Text {
        Select the content of all text nodes in a blob of (html) text
    .PARAMETER InputHtml
        The HTML input
        # Extract the piexes of text from (x|ht)ml
        '<strong>Meta<u>Null</u></strong><p>was here</p>' | Select-Text

param (
    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
Begin {
    $xpathSelectors = @(
    $xpathExpression = "($($xpathSelectors -join ' | '))/text()[normalize-space()]"
Process {
    if($InputHtml -notmatch '[<>]') {
        $InputHtml | Write-Output
    } else {
        $InputHtml | ConvertTo-XDocument | Select-Xpath -XPath $xpathExpression | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerText | Write-Output
Function Select-VersionLinkCard {
        Select "Versions", representred by a wiki link card and a free text version number in (html) text
    .PARAMETER InputHtml
        The HTML input
        # Get the titles from all link cards
        $Body | Select-VersionLinkCard

param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline)]
Process {
Function Select-Xpath {
        Use XPath on a blob of (xhtml) text
        Use XPath on a blob of (xhtml) text.
    .PARAMETER InputDocument
        The input XML onwhich to run xpath
    .PARAMETER Xpath
        The xpath query string
    .PARAMETER Namespaces
        A list of additional NS to declare
        # Get URL from all hyperlinks in a page
        $Html | ConvertTo-XDocument | Select-Xpath -XPath '//a/@href/text()'

param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]

Process {
    $InputDocument | Select-UtilsXpath -Namespaces $CWikiNamespaces -XPath $Xpath | Write-Output
class WikiArtifact {

    WikiArtifact() {
    WikiArtifact([object]$Page) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Page})
    WikiArtifact([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Page; Labels = $Labels})
    WikiArtifact([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Page; Labels = $Labels; Properties = $Properties})
    WikiArtifact([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Artifact.Page; Labels = $Artifact.Labels; Properties = $Artifact.Properties})

    [void] SetPage([object]$Page) {
        if($null -ne $Page) {
            $this.Page = $Page.PSObject.Copy()
    [void] SetProperties([WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) {
        if($null -ne $Properties) {
            $this.Properties = $Properties.Clone()
        } else {
            $this.Properties = @()
    [void] SetLabels([string[]]$Labels) {
        if($null -ne $Labels) {
            $this.Labels = $Labels.Clone()
        } else {
            $this.Labels = @()
    [void] SetLinkCards([string[]]$LinkCards) {
        if($null -ne $LinkCards) {
            $this.LinkCards = $LinkCards.Clone()
        } else {
            $this.LinkCards = @()

    [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) {
        foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) {
            switch($Property) {
                'Page' {
                    if($properties.Keys -notcontains 'Properties') {
                        # Load 'properties' from the page, unless if they are explicitly provided
                'Properties' {
                'Labels' {
                'LinkCards' {
                default {
                    [System.ArgumentException]::New("No such property: $($Property).")

    [WikiArtifact] Clone() {
        return $this.PSObject.Copy()

    [void] LoadPageProperties() {
        if($this.Page) {
            $this.Properties = [WikiPageProperties]::CreateFromMacros([WikiMacro]::CreateFromHtml($this.Page.Body))
        } else {
            $this.Properties = [WikiPageProperties[]]@()

    [void] LoadLinkCards() {
        if($this.Page) {
            $this.LinkCards = $this.Page.Body | Select-LinkCard | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object
        } else {
            $this.LinkCards = [string[]]@()

    [WikiPageProperties[]] GetPageProperties([string]$Id) {
        return $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id }

    [string] ToString() {
        return "[$($this.Page.ID)] [$($this.GetType().Name -replace '^Wiki')] $($this.Page.Title)"

    # Calculated Properties
    static [hashtable[]] $MemberDefinitions = @(
            MemberName = 'xType'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.GetType().Name -replace '^Wiki'
            MemberName = 'xAllPropertyText'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Foreach-Object {
                    foreach($p in $_.Properties.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $p.Value | Foreach-Object {
            MemberName = 'xAllPropertyLink'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Foreach-Object {
                    foreach($p in $_.Properties.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $p.Value | Foreach-Object {
                } | Select-LinkCard | Select-Object -Unique
            MemberName = 'xAllPropertyVersionLink'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Foreach-Object {
                    foreach($p in $_.Properties.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $p.Value | Foreach-Object {
                } | Select-VersionLinkCard | Where-Object {
                    $_.Version -ne ''
                } | Select-Object -Unique
    static WikiArtifact() {
        $TypeName = [WikiArtifact].Name
        foreach ($Definition in [WikiArtifact]::MemberDefinitions) {
            Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition
class WikiContainer : WikiArtifact {

    WikiContainer() : base() {}
    WikiContainer([object]$Page) : base($Page) {}
    WikiContainer([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {}
    WikiContainer([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {}
    WikiContainer([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {}
    WikiContainer([WikiContainer]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {}

    # Calculated Properties
    static [hashtable[]] $ContainerMemberDefinitions = @(
            MemberName = 'xContainerName'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Container }
            MemberName = 'xContainerType'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Type }
            MemberName = 'xProductName'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Product }
            MemberName = 'xLinkProduct'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Product } | Select-LinkCard
            MemberName = 'xFramework'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Main frameworks' }
            MemberName = 'xVersionLinkFramework'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Main frameworks' } | Select-VersionLinkCard
            MemberName = 'xLibrary'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Frameworks & libraries' }
            MemberName = 'xVersionLinkLibrary'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Frameworks & libraries' } | Select-VersionLinkCard
            MemberName = 'xAuthentication'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authentication }
            MemberName = 'xLinkAuthentication'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authentication } | Select-LinkCard
            MemberName = 'xAuthorization'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authorization }
            MemberName = 'xLinkAuthorization'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authorization } | Select-LinkCard
    static WikiContainer() {
        $TypeName = [WikiContainer].Name
        foreach ($Definition in [WikiContainer]::ContainerMemberDefinitions) {
            Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition
class WikiDomain : WikiArtifact {

    WikiDomain() : base() {}
    WikiDomain([object]$Page) : base($Page) {}
    WikiDomain([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {}
    WikiDomain([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {}
    WikiDomain([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {}
    WikiDomain([WikiDomain]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {}

    # Calculated Properties
    static [hashtable[]] $DomainMemberDefinitions = @(
            MemberName = 'xDomainName'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'domain' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Domain } | Select-Text | ConvertFrom-UtilsHtmlEncoded
            MemberName = 'xGUID'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'domain' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.GUID }
    static WikiDomain() {
        $TypeName = [WikiDomain].Name
        foreach ($Definition in [WikiDomain]::DomainMemberDefinitions) {
            Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition
class WikiKeyDataEntity : WikiArtifact {

    WikiKeyDataEntity() : base() {}
    WikiKeyDataEntity([object]$Page) : base($Page) {}
    WikiKeyDataEntity([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {}
    WikiKeyDataEntity([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {}
    WikiKeyDataEntity([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {}
    WikiKeyDataEntity([WikiKeyDataEntity]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {}
class WikiMacro {

    WikiMacro() {
    WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters,[hashtable]$Attributes,[string]$Body) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters; Attributes = $Attributes; Body = $Body })
    WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters,[hashtable]$Attributes) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters; Attributes = $Attributes })
    WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters,[string]$Body) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters; Body = $Body })
    WikiMacro([string]$Name, [string]$Body) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Body = $Body })
    WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters})

    [void] SetName([string]$Name) {
        $this.Name = $Name
    [void] SetParameters([hashtable]$Parameters) {
        $this.Parameters = $Parameters.Clone()
    [void] SetAttributes([hashtable]$Attributes) {
        $this.Attributes = $Attributes.Clone()
    [void] SetBody([string]$Body) {
        $this.Body = $Body
    [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) {
        foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) {
            if($Properties.$Property -is [hashtable]) {
                $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone()
            } else {
                $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property

    [WikiMacro] Clone() {
        return $this.PSObject.Copy()

    static [WikiMacro[]] CreateFromHtml([string]$Html) {
        return [WikiMacro]::CreateFromXDocument(($Html | ConvertTo-XDocument))

    static [WikiMacro[]] CreateFromXDocument([object]$Document) {
        $Output = @()

        $Document | Select-Xpath -XPath '//ac:structured-macro' | Foreach-Object {
            $Name = $_ | Select-Xpath -XPath './@ac:name' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty '#text'
            $Attributes = @{}
            $_ | Select-Xpath -XPath './@*' | Foreach-Object {
                $Attributes += @{  $_.Node.Name = $_.Node.Value }
            $Parameters = @{}
            $_ | Select-Xpath -XPath './ac:parameter' | Foreach-Object {
                $Parameters += @{  $_.Node.Name = $_.Node.InnerXml }
            $Body = $_ | Select-Xpath -XPath './ac:rich-text-body' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerXml
            $Output += ([WikiMacro]::new($Name,$Parameters,$Attributes,$Body))
        return [WikiMacro[]]($Output)

    [string] ToString() {
        return "[Macro] Name:$($this.Name), Parameters:{$(($this.Parameters.Keys -join ', '))}, Body:$($this.Body)"

class WikiPageProperties {

    WikiPageProperties() {
    WikiPageProperties([hashtable]$Properties) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Properties = $Properties })
    WikiPageProperties([hashtable]$Properties, [string] $Id) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Properties = $Properties; Id = $Id })
    WikiPageProperties([string]$Id, [hashtable]$Properties, [WikiMacro]$Macro) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Properties = $Properties; Id = $Id; Macro = $Macro })

    [void] SetId([string]$Id) {
        $this.Id = $Id
    [void] SetProperties([hashtable]$Properties) {
        $this.Properties = $Properties.Clone()
    [void] SetMacro([string]$Macro) {
        $this.Macro = $Macro.Clone()

    [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) {
        foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) {
            switch($Property) {
                'Macro' {
                    $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone()
                'Properties' {
                    $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone()
                'Id' {
                    $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property
                default {
                    [System.ArgumentException]::New("No such property: $($Property).")

    [WikiPageProperties] Clone() {
        return $this.PSObject.Copy()

    static [WikiPageProperties[]] CreateFromHtml([string]$Html) {
        return [WikiPageProperties]::CreateFromXDocument(($Html | ConvertTo-XDocument))
    static [WikiPageProperties[]] CreateFromXDocument([object]$Document) {
        return [WikiPageProperties]::CreateFromMacros([WikiMacro]::CreateFromXDocument($Document))
    static [WikiPageProperties[]] CreateFromMacros([WikiMacro[]]$Macros) {
        $Output = @()

        $Macros | Where-Object {
            $_.Name -eq 'details'
        } | Foreach-Object {
            $Macro = $_.Clone()
            $Id = $
            $Properties = @{}
            $_.Body | ConvertTo-XDocument | Select-Xpath '//tr' | Foreach-Object {
                $Key = ($_ | Select-Xpath '(./td|./th)[position()=1]').Node.InnerText
                # $Value = ($_ | Select-Xpath '(./td|./th)[position()=2]/p').Node.InnerXml
                $Value = ($_ | Select-Xpath '(./td|./th)[position()=2]/p' | Clear-Placeholder | Where-Object {$_})
                $Properties += @{ $Key = $Value }
            $Output += [WikiPageProperties]::new($Id,$Properties,$Macro)
        return [WikiPageProperties[]]($Output)

    [string] ToString() {
        return "[PageProperties] Id:$($this.Id), Properties:{$(($this.Properties.Keys -join ', '))}"

class WikiProduct : WikiArtifact {

    WikiProduct() : base() {}
    WikiProduct([object]$Page) : base($Page) {}
    WikiProduct([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {}
    WikiProduct([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {}
    WikiProduct([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {}
    WikiProduct([WikiProduct]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {}

    # Calculated Properties
    static [hashtable[]] $ProductMemberDefinitions = @(
            MemberName = 'xProductName'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Name } | ConvertFrom-UtilsHtmlEncoded
            MemberName = 'xProductAlias'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Title } | ConvertFrom-UtilsHtmlEncoded
            MemberName = 'xDomainName'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Domain } | ConvertFrom-UtilsHtmlEncoded
            MemberName = 'xLinkDomain'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Domain }  | Select-LinkCard
            MemberName = 'xStatus'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Status } | Select-Text
            MemberName = 'xDescription'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Description } | Select-Text | ConvertFrom-UtilsHtmlEncoded
            MemberName = 'xProjectManager'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'pmo' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.PM }
    static WikiProduct() {
        $TypeName = [WikiProduct].Name
        foreach ($Definition in [WikiProduct]::ProductMemberDefinitions) {
            Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition
class WikiTechnology : WikiArtifact {

    WikiTechnology() : base() {}
    WikiTechnology([object]$Page) : base($Page) {}
    WikiTechnology([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {}
    WikiTechnology([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {}
    WikiTechnology([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {}
    WikiTechnology([WikiTechnology]$Technology) : base($Technology.Page,$Technology.Labels,$Technology.Properties) {}

    [WikiVersionPriority] AssessVersion([version]$Version) {
        if($null -eq $version -or $version -eq '') {
            return  [WikiVersionPriority]::Unknown
        if($null -ne $this.xVersionVulnerable -and $this.xVersionVulnerable -ne '' -and $Version -le $this.xVersionVulnerable) {
            # Smaller than Vulnerable = Vulnerable
            return [WikiVersionPriority]::Vulnerable
        } elseif($null -ne $this.xVersionOutdated -and $this.xVersionOutdated -ne '' -and $Version -le $this.xVersionOutdated) {
            # Smaller than Outdated = Outdated
            return [WikiVersionPriority]::NotSupported
        } else {
            if($null -ne $this.xVersionRecommended -and $this.xVersionRecommended -ne '' -and $Version -ge $this.xVersionRecommended) {
                # Greater than Recommended = Recommended
                return [WikiVersionPriority]::UpToDate
            } elseif($null -ne $this.xVersionAccepted -and $this.xVersionAccepted -ne '' -and $Version -ge $this.xVersionAccepted) {
                # Greater than Accepted = Accepted
                return [WikiVersionPriority]::Supported
        # In any other case = Outdated
        return  [WikiVersionPriority]::NotSupported
    [bool] IsSupported([version] $Version) {
        return ($this.AssessVersion($Version) -in ([WikiVersionPriority]::UpToDate,[WikiVersionPriority]::Supported))
    [bool] IsVulnerable([version] $Version) {
        return ($this.AssessVersion($Version) -in ([WikiVersionPriority]::Vulnerable))
    [bool] IsUnknown([version] $Version) {
        return ($this.AssessVersion($Version) -in ([WikiVersionPriority]::Unknown))

    # Calculated Properties
    static [hashtable[]] $WikiTechnologyMemberDefinitions = @(
            MemberName = 'xTechnologyName'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Technology } | Select-Text | ConvertFrom-UtilsHtmlEncoded
            MemberName = 'xTechnologyVendor'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Vendor } | Select-Text | ConvertFrom-UtilsHtmlEncoded
            MemberName = 'xTechnologyType'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Type } | Select-Text
            MemberName = 'xTechnologyStatus'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Status } | Select-Text

            MemberName = 'xVersionRecommended'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Recommended } | ConvertTo-UtilsVersion
            MemberName = 'xVersionAccepted'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Accepted } | ConvertTo-UtilsVersion
            MemberName = 'xVersionOutdated'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Outdated } | ConvertTo-UtilsVersion
            MemberName = 'xVersionVulnerable'
            MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
            Value = {
                $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Vulnerable } | ConvertTo-UtilsVersion
    static WikiTechnology() {
        $TypeName = [WikiTechnology].Name
        foreach ($Definition in [WikiTechnology]::WikiTechnologyMemberDefinitions) {
            Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition
class WikiVersionLink {

    WikiVersionLink() {
    WikiVersionLink([string]$Title,[version]$Version) {
        $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Title = $Title; Version = $Version})

    [void] SetTitle([string]$Title) {
        $this.Title = $Title
    [void] SetVersion([version]$Version) {
        $this.Version = $Version.Clone()
    [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) {
        foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) {
            if($Properties.$Property -is [hashtable]) {
                $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone()
            } else {
                $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property

    [WikiVersionLink] Clone() {
        return $this.PSObject.Copy()

    static [WikiVersionLink[]] CreateFromHtml([string]$Html) {
        return [WikiVersionLink]::CreateFromXDocument(($Html | ConvertTo-XDocument))

    static [WikiVersionLink] CreateFromCurrentNode([object]$Node) {
        $Output = [WikiVersionLink]::empty
        $Node | Select-Xpath -XPath 'self::ac:link' | Foreach-Object {
            $Title = $_ | Select-XPath './ri:page/@ri:content-title' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            $VersionString = $_ | Select-XPath '(./following-sibling::text()[1]|./following-sibling::code/text())' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
            if($VersionString) {
                $VersionString = $VersionString.Trim()
            $Version = ConvertTo-UtilsVersion -InputString $VersionString
            <##> $Body = $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OuterXml
            $VersionLink = [WikiVersionLink]::new()
            $VersionLink.Title = $Title
            $VersionLink.Version = $Version
            <##> $VersionLink.VersionString = $VersionString
            <##> $VersionLink.Body = $Body
            $Output = $VersionLink
            # $Output += ([WikiVersionLink]::new($Title,$Version))

        return [WikiVersionLink]($Output)

    static [WikiVersionLink[]] CreateFromXDocument([object]$Document) {
        $Output = @()
        $Document | Select-Xpath -XPath '//ac:link' | Foreach-Object { 
            $Output += [WikiVersionLink]::CreateFromCurrentNode($_)
        return $Output

    [string] ToString() {
        return "[VersionLink] Link:$($this.Title), Version:$($this.Version), VersionString:$($this.VersionString)"

enum WikiVersionPriority {