function Invoke-MerakiOrganizationMoveLicensingCotermLicenses { <# .SYNOPSIS Moves licenses for a Meraki organization's licensing coterm. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-MerakiOrganizationMoveLicensingCotermLicenses function allows you to move licenses for a specified Meraki organization's licensing coterm by providing the authentication token, organization ID, and an optional license move configuration string. .PARAMETER AuthToken The authentication token (API key) required to access the Meraki Dashboard API. .PARAMETER OrganizationId The organization ID of the Meraki organization for which you want to move the licenses. .PARAMETER LicenseMoveConfig An optional string containing the license move configuration. The string should be in JSON format and should include the properties as defined in the schema. .EXAMPLE $LicenseMoveConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{ destination = @{ organizationId = "123" mode = "addDevices" } licenses = @( @{ key = "Z2AA-BBBB-CCCC" counts = @( @{ model = "MR Enterprise" count = 5 } ) } ) } $LicenseMoveConfig = $LicenseMoveConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Compress Invoke-MerakiOrganizationMoveLicensingCotermLicenses -AuthToken "your-api-token" -OrganizationId "1234" -LicenseMoveConfig $LicenseMoveConfig This example moves licenses for the Meraki organization with ID "1234". .NOTES The function requires the "Invoke-RestMethod" cmdlet to be available. The function returns the response from the API if the move is successful, otherwise, it displays an error message. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$AuthToken, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$OrganizationID = (Get-OrgID -AuthToken $AuthToken), [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$LicenseMoveConfig ) If($OrganizationID -eq "Multiple organizations found. Please specify an organization ID.") { Return "Multiple organizations found. Please specify an organization ID." } else { try { $header = @{ "X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key" = $AuthToken "content-type" = "application/json; charset=utf-8" } $url = "$OrganizationId/licensing/coterm/licenses/move" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $url -headers $header -UserAgent "MerakiPowerShellModule/1.1.2 DocNougat" -Body $LicenseMoveConfig return $response } catch { Write-Debug $_ Throw $_ } } } |