
function Import-MvDamFilenameListFromCsv {
    param (
        $csv = Import-Csv -Path $Path
        $filenameArray = $csv | Foreach {$_.Filename}
        return $filenameArray

function Export-MvDamAssetInfo {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName="From Filename List")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName="From Asset ID List")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0,ParameterSetName="All Assets")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
        if ($ListAllAssets)
            if (!$Resume)
                $assets = Find-MvDamAssetInfo -SearchQuery "*&sort=record.createdAt+A" -Count 1000
                $data = Import-Csv $Path
                $result = $data[$data.Count - 1]
                $assets = Find-MvDamAssetInfo -SearchQuery "*&sort=record.createdAt+A&filters=(DateUploaded+GT+$lastCreatedDate)" -Count 1000
            $assetCtr = $assets.Count
            while ($assets.Count -gt 0)

                $firstCreatedDate = $assets[0].CreatedDate.ToString('o')
                $lastCreatedDate = $assets[$assets.Length-1].CreatedDate.ToString('o')

                Write-Host "Retrieved $assetCtr assets: "  $firstCreatedDate "to" $lastCreatedDate

                $convertedAssets = @()
                foreach ($asset in $assets)
                    $convertedAssets += ConvertAssetToCSVExport $asset
                $convertedAssets | Export-CSV -Path $Path -Encoding Default -Append -NoTypeInformation 
                $filter = "*&sort=record.createdAt+A&filters=(DateUploaded+GT+$lastCreatedDate)"
                $assets = Find-MvDamAssetInfo -SearchQuery $filter -Count 1000
                $assetCtr = $assetCtr + $assets.Count
            $assets = @()
            if ($FilenameList)
                $assets = Get-MvDamAssetInfo -FilenameList $FilenameList
            if ($AssetIdList)
                $assets = Get-MvDamAssetInfo -AssetIds $AssetIdList
            $convertedAssets = @()
            foreach ($asset in $assets)
                $convertedAssets += ConvertAssetToCSVExport $asset
            $convertedAssets | Export-CSV -Path $Path -Encoding Default -Append -NoTypeInformation

function Export-MvDamAssetAttribute {
    param (
        if ($AssetInfoList.GetType().Name -ne "AssetInfoModel[]" -or $AssetInfoList.Count -eq 0)
            Write-Error -Message "Please pass an AssetInfoModel array with one or more items to the `$AssetInfoList parameter"
        #Get AttributeList for Library
        if ($AttributeList -eq $null)
            $AttributeList = (Get-MvDamAttributeDef) | Foreach {if ($_.IsSystemProperty){"System."+$_.Name}else{$_.Name}}
        else #validate the AttributeList against the AttributeDefs
            $objAttrNames = (Get-MvDamAttributeDef) | Foreach {if ($_.IsSystemProperty){"System."+$_.Name}else{$_.Name}}
            $AttributeList | Foreach { if (-not $objAttrNames.Contains($_)) {Write-Error "Invalid attribute name $_ specified"} } 
        $assets = @()
        Foreach ($assetInfo in $AssetInfoList)
            $asset = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Id' -Value $assetInfo.Id
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.FileName' -Value $assetInfo.FileName
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Title' -Value $assetInfo.Title
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Description' -Value $assetInfo.Description
            Foreach($attributeName in $AttributeList)
                if ($attributeName -notlike "System.*")
                    $attrValue = $assetInfo.Attributes | Where {$_.AttributeName -eq $attributeName} | Select -Property AttributeValue
                    $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$attributeName" -Value $attrValue.AttributeValue
            $assets += $asset  
        $assets | Export-Csv -Path $Path -Encoding Default -Append -NoTypeInformation 
        return $assets

function Import-MvDamAssetAttributesFromCsv {
    param (
        $csv = @()
        $import = Import-Csv -Path $SourcePath -Encoding Default
        if ($import.GetType().ToString() -eq "System.Object[]")
            $csv = $import
            $csv = @($import)
        for($i=0;$i -lt $csv.Length; $i++)
            $line = $csv[$i]
            $assetId = $line.('System.Id')
            $percentComplete = ($i/$csv.Length)*100
            Write-Progress -Activity "Importing Asset Attributes" -Status "Updating attributes for Asset Id $assetId" -PercentComplete $percentComplete 
            $txnInfo = New-MvDamTxnInfo -StartTime (Get-Date) -Id $assetId  -Status "InProgress" -TxnType "Update-MvDamAssetAttribute"
            $attrKvps = @{}
            $line | Get-Member | Where {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} | Foreach {if ($line.($_.Name) -ne "") {$attrKvps.Add($_.Name, $line.($_.Name))}}
            $errorInfo = $null
            $txnResult = Update-MvDamAssetAttribute -AssetId $assetId -Attributes $attrKvps -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable $errorInfo
            $txnInfo.EndTime = Get-Date
            if ($errorInfo)
                $txnInfo.Status = "Failed"
                $txnInfo.Notes = $errorInfo.Message
                $txnInfo.Status = "Succeeded"
            if ($LogPath)
                $txnInfo | Export-Csv -Path $LogPath -Encoding Default -Append
        Write-Progress -Activity "Importing Asset Attributes" -Completed 


function Test-MvDamAssetAttributeCsv {
    param (
        $csv = @()
        $import = Import-Csv -Path $SourcePath
        if ($import.GetType().ToString() -eq "System.Object[]")
            $csv = $import
            $csv = @($import)
        $assetsWithErrors = 0
        $totalErrors = 0
        for($i=0;$i -lt $csv.Length; $i++)
            $line = $csv[$i]
            $assetId = $line.('System.Id')
            $percentComplete = ($i/$csv.Length)*100
            Write-Progress -Activity "Validating Asset Attributes" -Status "Testing attributes for Asset Id $assetId" -PercentComplete $percentComplete 
            $attrKvps = @{}
            $line | Get-Member | Where {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} | Foreach {if ($line.($_.Name) -ne "") {$attrKvps.Add($_.Name, $line.($_.Name))}}
            $errorInfo = $null
            $txnResult = Test-MvDamAssetAttribute -AssetId $assetId -Attributes $attrKvps -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable $errorInfo
            if ($txnResult.Errors -eq 0)
                $line | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Errors' -Value ""
                $totalErrors += $txnResult.Errors
                $errorMsgs = ($txnResult.AttributeValidatonResults | Foreach ValidationResult) -join "; "
                $line | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Errors' -Value $errorMsgs
            if ($i -eq 0)
                $line | Export-Csv -Path $ResultPath -Encoding Default  -NoTypeInformation
                $line | Export-Csv -Path $ResultPath -Encoding Default  -Append -NoTypeInformation
        Write-Progress -Activity "Validating Asset Attributes" -Completed 
        Write-Host "Total Assets Validated:"$csv.Length
        Write-Host "Assets with Error(s):"$assetsWithErrors
        Write-Host "Total Errors Detected"$totalErrors
        if ($totalErrors -eq 0)
            Write-Host "`r`nCONGRATULATIONS! Your asset attribute CSV file is ready to import."

function Import-MvDamAssetKeywordFromCsv
    param (
        $Assets = Import-Csv -Path $Path | Select 'System.Id', Keywords

        "Validating Ids"
        $Count = 0
        foreach ($id in ($Assets | select Id))
            if ($id -match '<<[a-z]*>>')
                $Count += 1;

        if ($Count -gt 0)
            throw "$Count issues were detected with the Asset Ids provided. Please resolve this before continuing."

        "Ids are valid"
        "Starting keyword import"

        $err = @()
        $lastErrorCount = 0
        $errorLogPath = ".\UpdateKeywordErrors.csv"
        foreach ($asset in $Assets)
            "AssetId: {0}" -f $asset.'System.Id'
                "Keywords: $asset.Keywords"
                $keywords = $asset.Keywords.Split(",")
                Update-MvDamAssetKeyword -AssetId $asset.'System.Id' -Keywords $keywords -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable +err

                if ($err.Count -gt $lastErrorCount)
                    $updateKeywordError = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                    $updateKeywordError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "System.Id" -NotePropertyValue $asset.'System.Id'
                    $updateKeywordError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Keywords" -NotePropertyValue $asset.Keywords
                    $updateKeywordError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Error" -NotePropertyValue $err[$lastErrorCount]

                    $updateKeywordError | Export-Csv -Path $errorLogPath -Encoding Default -NoTypeInformation -Append

                    $lastErrorCount += 1
        "Import complete"

function Import-MvDamAssetCategoryFromCsv
    param (
        [string]$ErrorLogPath = ".\ImportAssetCategoryErrorLog.csv" 
        $Assets = Import-Csv -Path $Path | Select 'System.Id', Path

        Test-MvDamSystemId -Ids ($Assets | Select -ExpandProperty System.Id)

        $err = @()
        $lastErrorCount = 0
        foreach ($asset in $Assets)
                $category = Get-MvDamCategory -CategoryPath $asset.Path -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable +err
                Update-MvDamAssetCategory -AssetId $asset.'System.Id' -CategoryIds $category.Id -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable +err

                if ($err.Count -gt $lastErrorCount)
                    $updateCategoryError = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                    $updateCategoryError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "System.Id" -NotePropertyValue $asset.'System.Id'
                    $updateCategoryError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Path" -NotePropertyValue $asset.Path
                    $updateCategoryError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Error" -NotePropertyValue $err[$lastErrorCount]

                    $updateCategoryError | Export-Csv -Path $ErrorLogPath -Encoding Default -NoTypeInformation -Append

                    $lastErrorCount += 1

function Import-MvDamAssetStatusFromCsv {
    param (
        [string]$ErrorLogPath = ".\ImportAssetStatusErrorLog.csv" 
        $Assets = Import-CSV -Path $Path | Select 'System.Id', Status
        Test-MvDamSystemId -Ids ($Assets | Select -ExpandProperty 'System.Id')
        $err = @()
        $lastErrorCount = 0
        foreach ($asset in $Assets)
                Update-MvDamAssetStatus -AssetId $asset.'System.Id' $asset.Status -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable +err
                if ($err.Count -gt $lastErrorCount)
                    $updateCategoryError = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                    $updateCategoryError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "System.Id" -NotePropertyValue $asset.'System.Id'
                    $updateCategoryError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Status" -NotePropertyValue $asset.Status
                    $updateCategoryError | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Error" -NotePropertyValue $err[$lastErrorCount]

                    $updateCategoryError | Export-Csv -Path $ErrorLogPath -Encoding Default -NoTypeInformation -Append

                    $lastErrorCount += 1

function Test-MvDamSystemId
    param (

        $Count = 0
        foreach ($id in $Ids)
            try {
                [System.Guid]::Parse($id) | Out-Null

            } catch {
                $Count += 1

        if ($Count -gt 0)
            throw "$Count issues were detected with the System.Ids provided. Please resolve this before continuing."
            "Validation complete. No issues were detected."

function Initialize-MvDamUploadBatch {
        param (
        $AttributeList = (Get-MvDamAttributeDef) | Foreach {if ($_.IsSystemProperty){"System."+$_.Name}else{$_.Name}} 
        if ($AttributeList -eq $null)
        Write-Progress -Activity "Reading folder structure..." -Status "Initializing"
        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath -File -Recurse
        $ctr = 0
        $md5 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
        foreach($file in $files)
            Write-Progress -Activity "Adding $file to manifest" -Status "In-Progress" -PercentComplete ($ctr/$files.Count*100)
            #Write-Host $file.DirectoryName, $file.Name, $file.Basename $file.Length, $file.CreationTimeUtc, $file.LastWriteTimeUtc
            $relPath = $file.DirectoryName.Replace($SourcePath, "")
            if (!($env:OS).StartsWith("Windows")) 
                $relPath = $relPath -replace '/','\'
            $hash = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($md5.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($file.FullName)))
            $asset = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Id' -Value ""
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process.LocalPath' -Value $file.DirectoryName
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process.LocalName' -Value $file.Name
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.FileName' -Value $file.Name
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.CategoryPath' -Value $relPath
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Title' -Value $file.Basename
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.MD5Checksum' -Value $hash
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process.PreflightStatus' -Value "Pending"
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process.PreflightInfo' -Value ""
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process.UploadStatus' -Value "Preflight"
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Process.UploadInfo' -Value ""
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.File Size' -Value $file.Length
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Created Date' -Value $file.CreationTimeUtc
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Last Modified' -Value $file.LastWriteTimeUtc
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Description' -Value ""
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'System.Keywords' -Value ""
            Foreach($attributeName in $AttributeList)
                if ($attributeName -notlike "System.*")
                    $attrValue = $assetInfo.Attributes | Where {$_.AttributeName -eq $attributeName} | Select -Property AttributeValue
                    $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$attributeName" -Value $attrValue.AttributeValue
            if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent -eq $true)
                Write-Host "Adding to manifest: $asset `r`n"
            $asset | Export-Csv -Path $ManifestFilePath -Encoding Default -Append -NoTypeInformation 
        Write-Progress -Activity "Finalizing" -PercentComplete 100 -Completed

function Test-MvDamUploadBatch {
        param (

function ConvertAssetToCSVExport ($assetInfo)
    $asset = New-Object -TypeName PSObject    
    foreach ($property in $assetInfo.PSObject.Properties)
        if (!$property.Name.Equals("Attributes"))
            if($property.Name.Equals("Keywords") -or $property.Name.Equals("Categories"))
                $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ("System." + $property.Name) -Value ($property.Value -join ", ")
            elseif ($property.Value -is [DateTime])
                $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ("System." + $property.Name) -Value ($property.Value.ToString("o", $null))
                $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ("System." + $property.Name) -Value $property.Value
    foreach($attribute in $assetInfo.Attributes)
        if (!$attribute.IsSystemProperty)
            $attrValue = $assetInfo.Attributes | Where {$_.AttributeName -eq $attribute.AttributeName} | Select -ExpandProperty AttributeValue
            $asset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $attribute.AttributeName -Value $attrValue

    return $asset

function Import-MvDamCategoryTreeFromManifest {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName="By File Path")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ParameterSetName="By File Path")]
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1,ParameterSetName="By Job Folder")]
        $jobResult = 0;
        $JobStartTime = Get-Date 
        $RootCategoryName = (Get-MvDamCategory -RootCategory).Name

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "By Job Folder")
            $ManifestFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'category-manifest.csv')
            $LogFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'Logs')
            if (-not(Test-Path $LogFolder))
                New-Item -Path $LogFolder -ItemType Directory > $null
            $LogPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'Logs','category-import-log.csv')

            $categories = Import-Csv -Path $ManifestFilePath
            $ctr = 0
            ForEach($category in $categories)
                Write-Progress -Activity 'Creating categories from import file...' -PercentComplete ($ctr/$categories.Length*100)
                $result = New-Object PSObject
                $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'CategoryTreePath' -NotePropertyValue $category.CategoryPath
                $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Status' -NotePropertyValue 'Pending'
                $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'CategoryId' -NotePropertyValue ([System.Guid]::Empty).ToString()
                $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'BatchStarted' -NotePropertyValue $JobStartTime
                $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Submitted' -NotePropertyValue (Get-Date -Format FileDateTimeUniversal)
                $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Completed' -NotePropertyValue ''
                $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Notes' -NotePropertyValue ''
                if (($category.CategoryPath.ToLower().StartsWith($RootCategoryName.ToLower())) -or ($category.CategoryPath.ToLower().StartsWith('\root\')))
                    $opsErr = $null
                    #Check if access token still valid
                    if ((Get-Date).AddMinutes(5) -ge $MvDamContext.ClientRunspace.AccessTokenExpiry)
                        Connect-MvDamAccount -Username $MvDamContext.ClientRunspace.Username -Region $region -Password $MvDamContext.ClientRunspace.Password

                    $catOperation = New-MvDamCategory -Name $category.CategoryPath -UseRootPath -CreateTreeIfNotExists -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable opsErr
                    if ($opsErr.Count -eq 0)
                        $leafCat = $catOperation[$catOperation.count -1]
                        $result.CategoryId = $leafCat.Id
                        $result.Status = 'Success'
                        $result.Completed = Get-Date -Format FileDateTimeUniversal
                        $catOperation | ForEach-Object {Write-Host "Created category $($_.Tree.Path)"}
                        $result.Status = 'Fail'
                        $result.Notes = $opsErr[0].InnerException.InnerException.Message
                    $catOperation = $null
                    $result.Status = 'Failed'
                    $result.Notes = "Invalid category path."
                $result | Export-Csv -Path $LogPath -NoTypeInformation -Append -Encoding UTF8
            Write-Progress -Activity 'Creating categories from import file...' -PercentComplete 100 -Completed
            $jobResult = -1
        return $jobResult

function Export-MvDamContainerManifest {
    param (
        [string] $SrcSasUri,
        [string] $ParentCategoryPath = '\Root',
        [string] $JobFolder
        #Validate that the Az.Storage module is installed
        if ($null -eq (Get-Module -Name Az.Storage -ListAvailable))
            Write-Warning "Az.Storage Powershell Module is not installed. Please run 'Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber' as Administrator."
            return -1

        #Validate MvDamContext
        if ($null -eq $MvDamContext)
            Write-Warning "You are not connected to a MediaValet DAM Account. Please run 'Connect-MvDamAccount' to connect to an account."
            return -1

        #validate ParentCategoryPath
        $parentCategory = Get-MvDamCategory -CategoryPath $ParentCategoryPath 
        if ($null -eq $parentCategory)
            Write-Warning "ParentCategoryPath does not exist. Please create before proceeding."
            return -1

        #TODO:make sure that the destination manifest file does not exist
        $assetManifestFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder, "asset-manifest.csv")
        $categoryManifestFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder, "category-manifest.csv")
        if ((Test-Path $assetManifestFilePath) -or (Test-Path $categoryManifestFilePath))
            Write-Warning "Manifest files already exist. Please specify a different JobFolder or clear the specified JobFolder. Stopping execution."
            return -1
        $sasUri = [System.Uri]$SrcSasUri
        $storageAccountName = $sasUri.Host.Split('.')[0]
        $containerName = $sasUri.LocalPath.Remove(0,1) #remove the leading /
        $containerBaseUri = $sasUri.GetLeftPart(1)
        $sasToken = $sasUri.Query

        $storageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -SasToken $sasToken -Protocol Https 
        $concurrentTasks = [System.Environment]::ProcessorCount 

        if (-not(Test-Path $JobFolder))
            New-Item -Path $JobFolder -ItemType Directory > $null

        $token = $null
        $categories = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
        $runningTotal = 0
        do {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Retrieved $runningTotal blobs."
                $blobs = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $containerName -Context $storageContext -ConcurrentTaskCount $concurrentTasks -MaxCount 10000 -ContinuationToken $token 
                $token = $blobs[$blobs.Count - 1].ContinuationToken
                $uploadRequests = $blobs | Select-Object @{Label='CategoryPath';Expression={$ParentCategoryPath + '\' + [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($_.Name)}}, `
                    @{Label='Filename';Expression={[System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_.Name)}}, @{Label='Filesize';Expression={$_.Length}} , 
                    ContentType, LastModified, `
                $uploadRequests | Export-Csv -Path $assetManifestFilePath -NoTypeInformation -Append -Encoding utf8
                $currentCategories = $uploadRequests | Select-Object CategoryPath -Unique
                if ($null -ne $currentCategories)
                    $incrementalCategories = $currentCategories | Where-Object {$_.CategoryPath -NotIn $categories.CategoryPath}
                    if ($null -ne $incrementalCategories)
                        if ($incrementalCategories.GetType().Name -eq 'PSCustomObject') #single object returned, not an array
                            $categories.Add($incrementalCategories) > $null
                        else {
                            $categories.AddRange($incrementalCategories) > $null
                $runningTotal += $blobs.Count
        } while ($null -ne $token)
        $categories | Sort-Object -Property CategoryPath | Export-Csv -Path $categoryManifestFilePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8
        return 0

function Get-MvDamFileSizeClass {
    param (
        [long] $FileSize
        $sizeInMB = $fileSize/1024/1024
        $fileClass = `
        switch ($sizeInMB) {
            {$_ -le 1} {'A';break;}
            {$_ -le 2} {'B';break;}
            {$_ -le 4} {'C';break;}
            {$_ -le 8} {'D';break;}
            {$_ -le 16} {'E';break;}
            {$_ -le 32} {'F';break;}
            {$_ -le 64} {'G';break;}
            {$_ -le 128} {'H';break;}
            {$_ -le 256} {'I';break;}
            {$_ -le 512} {'J';break;}
            {$_ -le 1024} {'K';break;}
            {$_ -le 2048} {'L';break;}
            {$_ -gt 2048} {'M';break;}
        return $fileClass

function New-MvDamCreateAssetBatchStats {

        $data = @(
        return $data


function Initialize-MvDamUploadJob {
    param (
        [string] $JobFolder,
        [int] $ConcurrencyLevel = 2
            if (!(Test-Path $JobFolder)) 
                New-Item -Path $JobFolder -ItemType Directory > $null

            $pendingJobFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($jobFolder,'PendingBatches')
            if (!(Test-Path $pendingJobFolder)) 
                New-Item -Path $pendingJobFolder -ItemType Directory > $null

            $categoryImportLogPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'Logs','category-import-log.csv')
            if (-not(Test-Path $categoryImportLogPath))
                Write-Warning "Category import log file is missing in the Job Folder. Please make sure that the category import completed."
                return -1

            $stats = New-MvDamCreateAssetBatchStats
            $processorCount = [Math]::Min($ConcurrencyLevel, [System.Environment]::ProcessorCount) #Do not exceed the number of cores

            $assetManifestFile = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'asset-manifest.csv')
            $uploadRequests = Import-Csv -Path $assetManifestFile  | Sort-Object -Property LastModified -Descending
            $reqId = 1
            ForEach($request in $uploadRequests)
                Write-Progress -Activity "Preparing asset upload plan..." -PercentComplete ($reqId/$uploadRequests.Count*100)
                $requestCategory = Get-MvDamCategory -CategoryPath $request.CategoryPath
                $fileclass = Get-MvDamFileSizeClass -FileSize $request.Filesize

                $fileclassStat = $stats | Where {$_.FileClass -eq $fileclass}
                if (($fileclassStat.TotalFileCount % ($processorCount * $fileclassStat.TaskPerCore)) -eq 0)
                $fileclassStat.TotalFileSizeMB += ($request.Filesize/1024/1024)

                $batchId = [Math]::Max($fileclassStat.BatchCount, 1)

                $targetFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($pendingJobFolder, $fileclass + '-' + $fileclassStat.TotalBatchCount.ToString('00000') + ".csv")
                $request | Select-Object @{Label='RefId';Expression={$reqId.ToString("0000000")}}, @{Label='CategoryId';Expression={$requestCategory.Id}}, Filename, Filesize,  @{Label="SourceUrl";Expression={$_.SasUrl}} | Export-Csv -Path $targetFilePath -Append -NoTypeInformation
                #Write-Host $request.filename $request.Filesize $fileclass
                $requestCategory = $null
            $stats | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File  $jobFolder\BatchJobMaster.json -Encoding utf8
            return 0

function Start-MvDamUploadJob {
    param (
        [string] $JobFolder,
        [int] $MaxUploadRate = 200
        $jobResult = 0
        Write-Host "Starting batch asset submission...`n`n`n "
            $logPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'Logs')
            $pendingJobFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'PendingBatches')
            $completedJobFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'CompletedBatches')
            $faultedJobFolder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'FaultedBatches')

            if (!(Test-Path $JobFolder)) 
                New-Item -Path $JobFolder -ItemType Directory > $null

            if (!(Test-Path $pendingJobFolder)) 
                New-Item -Path $pendingJobFolder -ItemType Directory > $null

            if (!(Test-Path $logPath)) 
                New-Item -Path $logPath -ItemType Directory > $null

            if (!(Test-Path $completedJobFolder)) 
                New-Item -Path $completedJobFolder -ItemType Directory > $null

            if (!(Test-Path $faultedJobFolder)) 
                New-Item -Path $faultedJobFolder -ItemType Directory > $null

            $jobMasterFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'BatchJobMaster.json')
            $jobSummaryFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($JobFolder,'BatchJobSummary.csv')

            $jobMaster = (Get-Content -Path $jobMasterFilePath -Encoding UTF8 |  Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json)
            $currentBatchCount = ($jobMaster | Measure-Object -Property 'CurrentBatchCount' -Sum).Sum
            $totalBatchCount = ($jobMaster | Measure-Object -Property 'TotalBatchCount' -Sum).Sum
            $pullFromTop = $true 
            $fileclassCode = $jobMaster | Where-Object {$_.CurrentBatchCount -lt $_.TotalBatchCount} | Sort-Object -Property TargetFrequencySecs | Select-Object FileClass -First 1
            $maxUploadsPerMin = [Math]::Min(200, $MaxUploadRate) #Do not exceed 200 assets per minute
            $uploadLimitCounter = 0
            $uploadLimitDuration = 0

            $maxLinesPerLogFile = 10000
            $linesLogged = 0
            $logFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $logPath -Filter "asset-import-log-*.csv" | Select @{Label="Id";Expression={[int]($_.Name.Substring(7,5))}}, FullName, Name
            $logFileCounter = [Math]::Max(($logFiles | Measure-Object -Property Id -Maximum).Maximum,1)

            if ($logFiles.Count -gt 0)
                $lastLogFilePath = $logFiles | Where Id -eq $logFileCounter | Select FullName
                $linesLogged = (Import-Csv -Path $lastLogFilePath.FullName).Count

            While($currentBatchCount -lt $totalBatchCount)
                Write-Progress -Activity 'Submitting upload batches...' -PercentComplete ($currentBatchCount/$totalBatchCount*100)
                $fileclass = $fileclassCode.FileClass
                $jobClass = $jobMaster | Where {$_.FileClass -eq $fileclass}
                if ($jobClass.CurrentBatchCount -lt $jobClass.TotalBatchCount)

                    #Check if access token still valid
                    if ((Get-Date).AddMinutes(5) -ge $MvDamContext.ClientRunspace.AccessTokenExpiry)
                        Connect-MvDamAccount -Username $MvDamContext.ClientRunspace.Username -Region $region -Password $MvDamContext.ClientRunspace.Password

                    $batchId = $fileclass + '-' + $jobClass.CurrentBatchCount.ToString('00000')
                    $batchFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($pendingJobFolder, $batchId + ".csv")
                    if (!(Test-Path -Path $batchFilePath))
                        Write-Host "$BatchId already processed."

                    $batchStart = Get-Date
                    $batch = Import-Csv -Path $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8
                    #submit batch
                    $jobClass.CurrentBatchFileSizeMB = [Math]::Round(($batch | Measure-Object -Property 'FileSize' -Sum).Sum/1024/1024, 4)
                    Write-Host "Submitting $batchId with $($batch.Count) assets for ingestion - $($jobClass.CurrentBatchFileSizeMB)MB"
                    $ingestionResult = Submit-MvDamIngestionBatch -IngestionRequests $batch

                    #Get stats
                    $batchEnd = Get-Date
                    $elapsedSecs = ($batchEnd - $batchStart).TotalSeconds
                    $uploadLimitCounter += $batch.Count
                    $uploadLimitDuration += $elapsedSecs
                    if ($uploadLimitCounter -ge $maxUploadsPerMin)
                        if ($uploadLimitDuration -lt 60){
                            Write-Host "Throttling upload requests for $(60-$uploadLimitDuration)s...."
                            Start-Sleep -Seconds (60-$uploadLimitDuration)
                        $uploadLimitCounter = 0
                        $uploadLimitDuration = 0    

                    $batchFileSizeMBCopied = [Math]::Round(($ingestionResult | Where {$_.Status.StartsWith('Success')} | Measure-Object -Property 'FileSize' -Sum).Sum/1024/1024, 4)
                    $batchFileSuccessCount = ($ingestionResult | Where {$_.Status.StartsWith('Success')}).Count
                    $batchFileFailCount = ($ingestionResult | Where {$_.Status.StartsWith('Fail')}).Count
                    $jobClass.CurrentBatchFileSizeMB = $batchFileSizeMBCopied
                    $jobClass.CurrentBatchFileCount = $batchFileSuccessCount
                    $batchSummary = [PSCustomObject]@{BatchId=$batchId;TransferredMB=$batchFileSizeMBCopied;SuccessCount=$batchFileSuccessCount;FailCount=$batchFileFailCount;StartTime=$batchStart;EndTime=$batchEnd}
                    $batchSummary | Export-Csv -Path $jobSummaryFilePath -Append -NoTypeInformation

                    #Log the result
                    if (($linesLogged + $ingestionResult.Count) -gt $maxLinesPerLogFile)
                        $linesLogged = 0
                    $logFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($logPath, "asset-import-log-$($logFileCounter.ToString("00000")).csv")
                    $ingestionResult | Select-Object @{Label='BatchId';Expression={$batchId}}, RefId, AssetId, `
                        @{Label='CateoryIds';Expression={$_.CategoryIds -join ','}}, `
                        Filename, Filesize, Status, SrcSasUrl, DestSasUrl, `
                        @{Label='StartedOn';Expression={$_.PerfStats.StartTime}},  `
                        @{Label='CreatedOn';Expression={$_.PerfStats.CreatedTime}},  `
                        @{Label='BlobCopiedOn';Expression={$_.PerfStats.CopiedTime}},  `
                        @{Label='TitledOn';Expression={$_.PerfStats.TitledTime}},  `
                        @{Label='CategorizedOn';Expression={$_.PerfStats.ClassifiedTime}},  `
                        @{Label='EndedOn';Expression={$_.PerfStats.EndTime}}  |`
                        Export-Csv -Path $logFilePath -Append -NoTypeInformation
                    $linesLogged =+ $ingestionResult.Count

                    #update job master
                    $jobmaster | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File  $JobFolder\BatchJobMaster.json -Encoding utf8

                    #move pending file to completed or faulted
                    $destinationPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($completedJobFolder, $batchId + ".csv")
                    if ($batchFileFailCount -gt 0)
                        $destinationPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($faultedJobFolder, $batchId + ".csv")        
                    Move-Item -Path $batchFilePath -Destination $destinationPath

                    Write-Host "$batchId completed in $($elapsedSecs)s. $batchFileSuccessCount successfully submitted. $batchFileFailCount failed. `n"

               $pullFromTop = -not $pullFromTop
               if ($pullFromTop) {
                    $fileclassCode = $jobMaster | Where-Object {$_.CurrentBatchCount -lt $_.TotalBatchCount} | Sort-Object -Property CurrentBatchCount, TargetFrequencySecs | Select-Object FileClass -First 1
               else {
                    $fileclassCode = $jobMaster | Where-Object {$_.CurrentBatchCount -lt $_.TotalBatchCount} | Sort-Object -Property CurrentBatchCount, TargetFrequencySecs | Select-Object FileClass -Last 1       
            } #endwhile

            $jobResult = -1
        return $jobResult

function Test-MvDamManifestImport {
    param (
        [string] $SrcSasUri,
        [string] $ParentCategoryPath = '\Root',
        [string] $JobFolder

        #Valid container SAS url
        $uriResult = $null
        $result = [Uri]::TryCreate($SrcSasUri, [UriKind]::Absolute, [ref] $uriResult)
        if ($result)
            #check if signature is present
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uriResult.Query))
                Write-Warning "Invalid blob container SAS URI specified. Missing SAS Signature."
                $result = $false
            Write-Warning "Invalid blob container SAS URI specified."

        #Validate that the Az.Storage module is installed
        if ($null -eq (Get-Module -Name Az.Storage -ListAvailable))
            Write-Warning "Az.Storage Powershell Module is not installed. Please run 'Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber' as Administrator."
            $result = $false

        #Validate MvDamContext
        if ($null -eq $MvDamContext)
            Write-Warning "You are not connected to a MediaValet DAM Account. Please run 'Connect-MvDamAccount' to connect to an account."
            $result = $false

        if ((Get-MvDamContext).FeatureFlags['FileNameVersioning'] -eq 'Active')
            Write-Warning "Pre-requisite not met: FilenNameVersioning should be inactive when performing a batch upload from a container"   
            $result = $false

        #validate ParentCategoryPath
        $parentCategory = Get-MvDamCategory -CategoryPath $ParentCategoryPath 
        if ($null -eq $parentCategory)
            Write-Warning "ParentCategoryPath does not exist. Please create before proceeding."
            $result = $false

        #ensure that we have a clean jobfolder
        if ((Test-Path $JobFolder) -and ((Get-ChildItem -Path $JobFolder).Count -gt 0))
            Write-Warning "JobFolder $JobFolder is not empty. Please use a clean job folder for every job."
            $result = $false

        return $result;


function Import-MvDamAssetsFromContainer  {
    param (
        [string] $SrcSasUri,
        [string] $ParentCategoryPath = '\Root',
        [string] $JobFolder
        if (Test-MvDamManifestImport -SrcSasUri $SrcSasUri -ParentCategoryPath $ParentCategoryPath -JobFolder $JobFolder)
            $result = Export-MvDamContainerManifest -SrcSasUri $SrcSasUri -ParentCategoryPath $ParentCategoryPath -JobFolder $JobFolder
            if ($result -ne 0)
                Write-Warning "Error encountered exporting container manifest. Stopping job execution."

            $result = Import-MvDamCategoryTreeFromManifest -JobFolder $JobFolder
            if ($result -ne 0)
                Write-Warning "Error encountered creating categories. Stopping job execution."

            $result = Initialize-MvDamUploadJob -JobFolder $JobFolder
            if ($result -ne 0)
                Write-Warning "Error preparing DAM ingestion plan. Stopping job execution."

            $result = Start-MvDamUploadJob -JobFolder $JobFolder
            if ($result -ne 0)
                Write-Warning "Error preparing DAM ingestion plan. Stopping job execution."
            Write-Warning "Import-MvDamAssetsFromContainer pre-flight check failed. Stopping job execution."