
#Requires -Version 6.1
If (-not $IsWindows) {
Throw 'Windows platform required. The script can only be executed in a Windows OS.'
Function Set-MarkdownToHtmlShortcut {
Install the context menu shortcut to convert Markdown files to HTML files.
This function creates a context menu shortcut to convert Markdown files to HTML files by setting up the Windows Registry.
Specifies that the shortcut icon should not be configured.
.PARAMETER HideConsole
Specifies that the PowerShell Core console window should be hidden when clicking the shortcut.

Param (
[switch] $NoIcon,
[switch] $HideConsole
$Arguments = @{
Path = 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Classes\SystemFileAssociations\.md\shell\ConvertToHtml\Command'
Value = $(
If ($HideConsole) {
'wscript.exe //e:jscript "{0}\Convert-MarkdownToHtml.js" /MarkdownFilePath:"%1"'
} Else {
'pwsh.exe -nol -ep Bypass -noni -nop -w Hidden -f "{0}\Convert-MarkdownToHtml.ps1" -MarkdownFilePath "%1"'
) -f $PSScriptRoot
If (Test-Path $Arguments.Path -PathType Container) {
Set-Item @Arguments
$CommandKey = Get-Item $Arguments.Path
} Else {
$CommandKey = New-Item @Arguments -Force
Set-Item -Path $CommandKey.PSParentPath -Value 'Convert to &HTML' -Force
If ($NoIcon) {
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $CommandKey.PSParentPath -Name 'Icon' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-ItemProperty -Path $CommandKey.PSParentPath -Name 'Icon' -Value "$PSScriptRoot\shortcut-icon.ico" -Force
Set-Alias Install-MarkdownToHtmlShortcut Set-MarkdownToHtmlShortcut
Function Remove-MarkdownToHtmlShortcut {
Remove the context menu shortcut to convert Markdown files to HTML files.
This function removes the context menu shortcut to convert Markdown files to HTML files by setting up the Windows Registry.

Param ()
Remove-Item 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Classes\SystemFileAssociations\.md\shell\ConvertToHtml' -Recurse