
RootModule = 'MarkdownToHtmlShortcut.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '0.3.3'
GUID = 'aa021dfd-5cae-4a30-a6fd-325bdc33be82'
Author = 'Fabrice Sanga'
CompanyName = 'sangafabrice'
Copyright = '© 2024 SangaFabrice. All rights reserved.'
Description = 'MarkdownToHtmlShortcut helps configure the Windows context menu shortcut that converts Markdown files to HTML files. The module packages functions to add and remove the shortcut on and from the right-click context menu of .md files.
Note that it does not require administrators'' privileges to run.
→ To support this project, please visit and like:'

PowerShellVersion = '6.1'
PowerShellHostVersion = '6.1'
FunctionsToExport = 'Set-MarkdownToHtmlShortcut','Remove-MarkdownToHtmlShortcut'
CmdletsToExport = @()
AliasesToExport = 'Install-MarkdownToHtmlShortcut'
FileList = 'MarkdownToHtmlShortcut.psd1','Convert-MarkdownToHtml.js','Convert-MarkdownToHtml.ps1','MarkdownToHtmlShortcut.psm1','shortcut-icon.ico'
PrivateData = @{
PSData = @{
Tags = 'context-menu-shortcut','windows-registry'
LicenseUri = ''
ProjectUri = ''
IconUri = ''
ReleaseNotes = 'FEAT: Change Set alias to function and Install function to alias.
FEAT: Remove silent error and handle directory and command errors.
BUILD: Minify JScript code.
BUILD: Replace build dot sourcing by code script in workflow.'
