
#Requires -Version 6.1
Convert a Markdown file to an HTML file.
The script convert the specified Markdown file to an HTML file.
.PARAMETER MarkdownFilePath
Specifies the path of an existing .md Markdown file.
"Here's the link to the [team session](" > .\
PS> .\Convert-MarkdownToHtml .\
PS> Get-Content .\Readme.html
<p>Here's the link to the <a href="">team session</a>.</p>
Convert a simple file to HTML.

Param (
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
[string] $MarkdownFilePath
Function ShowMessageBox($Text, $Type) {
If (Start-Job {
$DefaultType = 'Error'
$Type = $Using:Type ?? $DefaultType
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
'Convert Markdown to HTML',
$Type -eq $DefaultType ? 'OK':'YesNo',
) -in ('No','OK')
} | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob) {
Exit 1
If (Test-Path ($HtmlFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($MarkdownFilePath, 'html'))) {
(Test-Path $HtmlFilePath -PathType Leaf) ? (
ShowMessageBox "The file `"$HtmlFilePath`" already exists.`n`nDo you want to overwrite it?" 'Exclamation'
ShowMessageBox "`"$HtmlFilePath`" cannot be overwritten because it is a directory."
Try {
(ConvertFrom-Markdown $MarkdownFilePath).Html |
Out-File $HtmlFilePath
} Catch {
ShowMessageBox $_.Exception.Message