<# .SYNOPSIS This commandlet output list in markdown syntax .DESCRIPTION This commandlet output list in markdown syntax. Depending if the list is unordered or ordere, the '- ' or '1. ' is added in front of each line .PARAMETER Lines An array of lines to make a list in markdown .PARAMETER Level The level of list .PARAMETER Style The type of list. Ordered or Unordered .PARAMETER NoNewLine Controls if a new line is added at the end of the output .EXAMPLE New-MDList -Lines "Line 1" -Style Unordered "Line 1" | New-MDList -Style Unordered - Line 1 .EXAMPLE New-MDList -Lines @("Line 1","Line 2") -Style Unordered @("Line 1","Line 2") | New-MDList -Style Unordered - Line 1 - Line 2 .EXAMPLE New-MDList -Lines "Line 1" -Style Ordered "Line 1" | New-MDList -Style Ordered 1. Line 1 .EXAMPLE New-MDList -Lines @("Line 1","Line 2") -Style Ordered @("Line 1","Line 2") | New-MDList -Style Ordered 1. Line 1 2. Line 2 .INPUTS An array of lines .OUTPUTS Each line with a '- ' or '1. ' in the front depending on the type of the list. .NOTES Use the -NoNewLine parameter when you don't want the next markdown content to be separated. .LINK New-MDParagraph #> function New-MDList { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [string[]]$Lines, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateNotNull()] [ValidateRange(1,3)] [int]$Level=1, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateSet("Unordered","Ordered")] [string]$Style, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch]$NoNewLine=$false ) Begin { $output="" $counter=1 $prefix="" for($i=2; $i -le $Level; $i++) { switch ($Style) { "Unordered" { $prefix+=" " } "Ordered" { $prefix+=" " } } } } Process { switch ($Style) { "Unordered" { $Lines|ForEach-Object {$output+="$prefix- "+$_+[System.Environment]::NewLine} } "Ordered" { $Lines|ForEach-Object { $output+="$prefix$counter. "+$_+[System.Environment]::NewLine $counter++ } } } } End { if(-not $NoNewLine) { $output+=[System.Environment]::NewLine } $output } } |