$NewMsOfficeDeploymentToolShareMessageTable = Data { ConvertFrom-StringData @' WarnExitCodeByInvokeApplication = The return value of the executed application was non-zero. Execution may have failed. WarnByInvokeApplication = Failed to run the application. WarnByInvokeDownloadToTemporaryDirectory = Failed to download the file. NotFoundConfigPath = Could not find ConfigPath NotFoundDestinationDirectory = Could not find DestinationDirectory NotFoundLocalOfficeDeploymentToolPath = Could not find LocalOfficeDeploymentToolPath ExistsFromShares = File shares already exists ExistsFromTaskSchedule = Task schedule already exists InvalidDigitalSignature = Execution was canceled because the digital signature is invalid. Please download again or make sure your PC's digital signature is updated. NotFoundTemporaryMsOdtPath = Could not find TemporaryMsOdtPath AgreeLable = &Agree ExitLable = E&xit MsOdtEulaLabel = MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS, MICROSOFT OFFICE DEPLOYMENT TOOL MsOdtEulaMessage = Check the contents by executing officedeploymenttool_*.exe SharedFolderDescription = Using upates for Office application TaskDescription = Microsoft Office application updates and removal of older versions of the cache '@ } |