.VERSION 2.3 .GUID 0fc48522-2362-4cc0-b46d-e1d88d87b4e2 .AUTHOR .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT Microsoft .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES May 23, 2019 - version 2.3 * Added BlueprintTarget to the parameters to allow for supporting subscription for Blueprint Location on import and export. Thank you (Paul Towler) for your inputs to add this option! * Added new API version (thank you Michael Rueefli!) * Added enhanced error output (thank you Jan Oehen!) * Updated -ModuleMode to be Az by default (time to move on :)). * Added option to bypass subscription requirement and provide TenantID ( Thank you (Guillaume Pugnet) your your feedback on bypassing the SubId requirement #> <# .SYNOPSIS Import, Export, or Report for an Azure Blueprint and related artifacts into or out of an Azure AD Management Group. .DESCRIPTION To learn how to use this script, please watch this video: This script takes a SubscriptionID, ManagementGroupID, BlueprintName, Mode switch, and an optional NewBluePrintName as a parameter. This script is meant to provide the ability to export an Azure ARM Blueprint for backup or import into an other Management Group. You can also report on what artifacts are configured for a specific blueprint using the report mode. Use of "-Force" provides the ability to launch this script without prompting, if all required parameters are provided. NOTE: This version currently only supports exporting a latest full published version or current draft of a blueprint and related artifacts. ADDITIONAL NOTE: This script currently also does not export custom policies. .PARAMETER ModuleMode The module (AzureRM or Az) used to authenticate to Azure to be leveraged with the script execution .PARAMETER SubscriptionId The subscriptionID of the Azure Subscription that is within the Azure AD tenant with your Blueprint or where you will be targeting for import of your Blueprint .PARAMETER ManagementGroupID Use this to reference a Management Group to export a named Blueprint and artifacts .PARAMETER NewBluePrintName Use this to update the Blueprint name on a selected Blueprint to a new name on import / export. .PARAMETER BlueprintName Use this to bypass searching for a Blueprint during the script on export .PARAMETER Mode Indicates mode of operation (Import/Export/Report) for a Blueprint .PARAMETER ExportDir This is the base folder for exporting the Azure Blueprint data. Example "Exports" or .\Exports or "c:\exports" .PARAMETER ImportDir This is the base folder for importing a Blueprint and artifacts into an Azure AD Management Group. The folder would look something like ".\Exports\MG-Root\MyBlueprint" or "c:\exports\MG-Root\MyBlueprint" .PARAMETER Force Use Force to run silently [providing all parameters needed for silent mode] see get-help <scriptfile> -examples .PARAMETER ReportDir Use ReportDir in conjunction with report to export report results to a report directory .PARAMETER TenantId Use the -TenantId parameter with a proper guid formatted ID to bypass the subscriptionID requirement Note: Cannot use in conjunction with -SubscriptionID .PARAMETER BlueprintMode Use the -BlueprintMode parameter to specify you want to import/export/report from either a subscriptionID or ManagementGroupID Note: ManagementGroup is the default mode .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -ModuleMode Az -Mode import -ImportDir .\BPExports\MG-root\MyBlueprint Uses Az Module to authenticate to Azure and Imports a blueprint from the relative path. Will prompt for Azure Subscription to set context on AD Tenant. See: to migrate to Az Module .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -ModuleMode AzureRM -Mode import -ImportDir .\BPExports\MG-root\MyBlueprint Uses AzureRM Module to authenticate to Azure and Imports a blueprint from the relative path. Will prompt for Azure Subscription to set context on AD Tenant. Note: Az is currently the default .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -Mode import -ImportDir .\BPExports\MG-root\MyBlueprint -TenantId "<guid>" Imports a blueprint from the relative path. Will prompt for Management Group to import into .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -Mode import -ImportDir .\BPExports\MG-root\MyBlueprint -BlueprintMode Subscription Imports a blueprint from the relative path. Will prompt for Azure Subscription to import blueprint into .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -Mode export -exportDir .\BPExports\ -BlueprintMode Subscription Exports a blueprint to the relative path. Will prompt for Azure Subscription to export blueprint from .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -Mode import -ImportDir .\BPExports\MG-root\MyBlueprint Imports a blueprint from the relative path. Will prompt for Azure Subscription to set context on AD Tenant .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -mode export -ManagementGroupID "<ManagementGroup where Blueprint is located>" -BlueprintName "<MyBlueprint>" -ExportDir "<Target Folder Name>" Take in parameters and exports a named blueprint and related artifacts to a sub directory named after the MG .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -mode export -ManagementGroupID "<ManagementGroup where Blueprint is located>" -BlueprintName "<MyBlueprint>" -ExportDir "Blueprints" Take in parameters and exports a named blueprint and related artifacts to a sub directory named after the new MG name This example allows you to export the named Managment Group in the blueprint and artifacts to a new one allowing you to import into another Azure AD tenant with a different naming / management group structure. .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -mode import -ImportDir ".\exports\MG-Root\MyBlueprint" -ManagementGroupID "<Target ManagementGroup for Blueprint>" -NewBlueprintName "<New Blueprint Name>" This will import a blueprint and artifacts from a source directory and targets a management group and new blueprint name on import .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -Mode Import -ImportDir ".\exports\MG-Root\MyBlueprint" -SubscriptionId "e69041bc-8e27-4272-9089-60ac8f508937" -force This will import a blueprint and artifacts from a source directory without prompting. .EXAMPLE .\Manage-AzureRMBlueprint.ps1 -mode report -ManagementGroupID "<ManagementGroup where Blueprint is located>" -BlueprintName "<MyBlueprint>" -ReportDir "<Target Folder Name>" -SubscriptionID "<a SubscriptionID within the tenant you want to report from>" Take in parameters and exports a named blueprint and related artifacts to a sub directory named after the MG .NOTES AUTHOR: Jim Britt Senior Program Manager - Azure CAT LAST EDIT: May 23, 2019 - version 2.3 * Added BlueprintTarget to the parameters to allow for supporting subscription for Blueprint Location on import and export. Thank you (Paul Towler) for your inputs to add this option! * Added new API version (thank you Michael Rueefli!) * Added enhanced error output (thank you Jan Oehen!) * Updated -ModuleMode to be Az by default (time to move on :)). * Added option to bypass subscription requirement and provide TenantID ( Thank you (Guillaume Pugnet) your your feedback on bypassing the SubId requirement January 04, 2019 - version 2.2 * Added ModuleMode to the parameters to allow for supporting AzureRM and Az module sets Thank you Florent APPOINTAIRE (@florent_app) for the feedback and additional inputs for supporting Az modules * Added validation that all blueprint and artifact names are less than or equal to the maximum of 48 characters Thank you for your great inputs on these updates Guillaume Pugnet (@PugnetGuillaume)! November 30, 2018 - version 2.1 * Updated REST Token code * Added exit 1 to terminating errors * Thank you for your great inputs on these updates Guillaume Pugnet (@PugnetGuillaume)! November 20, 2018 - version 2.0 * Added function for standard error * Added function for building REST PUT payload * Updated error to indicate clear-AzureRMContext (to replace Logout-AzureRMAccount) to resolve 401 Thanks (Jonas Feller) for the recommendation at this site: * Removed "ID" and "Name" fields from the export * Building "Name" and "ID" for imports dynamically based on folder and file name for blueprint and artifacts * Added proper order handling for import of blueprint first, then all artifacts * Added APIVersion variable * Thanks Alexander Frankel[MSFT] for your thoughts and feedback here across this release! November 13, 2018 ver 1.42 * Added try/catch logic on json conversion to catch improper json files * Fixed an example in my get-help output * Thank you Jorge Cotillo (MSFT) AzureCAT for your inputs on improved logic for json validation! October 31, 2018 ver 1.41 * Added more debug information to help in troubleshooting issues * Removed NewManagementGroupID and required ManagementGroupID as a parameter for import/report/export * Thank you Javier Soriano (MSFT) for the feedback and recommendations for a cleaner import experience! * Thank you Tao Yang (MVP) for your input around additional debug options * And special thanks to Aleksandar Nikolic (MVP) for your initial review and great feedback! October 24, 2018 * Renamed ManagementGroup parameter to ManagementGroupID to make it clearer * Added ReportDir parameter to target a report directory * No longer navigating to script directory during execution * Updated Parameters / Sets in general - clean up .LINK This script posted to and discussed at the following locations: #> <# REST API Documentation here: Blueprints are available via the following rest endpoint within your Azure AD tenant.<MG-NAME>/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/<BLUEPRINT-NAME>?api-version=2017-11-11-preview And to get the artifacts the following REST API endpoint is available:<MG-NAME>/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/<BLUEPRINT-NAME>/artifacts?api-version=2017-11-11-preview #> [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName='Default' )] param ( # Mode (Export/Import/Report) [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Default',Mandatory = $True)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Import')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Export')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Report')] [ValidateSet("Export","Import","Report")] [String]$Mode, # Module Mode (Az or AzureRM) [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [ValidateSet("Az","AzureRM")] [String]$ModuleMode="Az", # The Management Group ID (***not the friendly name***) [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Import')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Export')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Report')] [string]$ManagementGroupID, # Use ReportDir to export a report of the selected Blueprint and related artifacts # Used with the report mode [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Report')] [string]$ReportDir, # The Blueprint Name [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Export')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Report')] [string]$BlueprintName, # Provide SubscriptionID to bypass subscription listing [Parameter(ParameterSetName='force')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Export')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Import')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Report')] [guid]$SubscriptionId, # New Blueprint Name [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Export')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Import')] [string]$NewBlueprintName, <# # Draft or Published **** future use **** [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName='Export')] [ValidateSet("Draft","Published")] [string]$State, # Published Blueprint Version **** future use **** [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ParameterSetName='Export')] [string]$Version, #> # Base folder for export [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Export')] [string]$ExportDir, # Base folder for import [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Import')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='force')] [string]$ImportDir, # Blueprint Mode (Subscription or ManagementGroup) [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Export')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Import')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Report')] [ValidateSet("ManagementGroup","Subscription")] [string]$BlueprintMode="ManagementGroup", # Use Force to run in silent mode (requires certain parameters to be provided) [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Import')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName='force')] [switch]$Force, # TenantId to bypass subscription requirement [guid]$TenantId ) # Function used to build numbers in selection tables for menus function Add-IndexNumberToArray ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [array]$array ) { for($i=0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++) { Add-Member -InputObject $array[$i] -Name "#" -Value ($i+1) -MemberType NoteProperty } $array } function StandardError { param ($Exception) write-host "An error occurred - please check rights or parameters for proper configuration and try again" write-host "If you received " -NoNewline write-host "The access token is invalid " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red write-host "or an error " -NoNewline write-host "(401)" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red write-host ", then please type" write-host "Clear-AzureRmContext " -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host "from within your PowerShell prompt and try running the script again" write-host "Error 401 could indicate cached authentication tokens have expired" write-host "Error 403 could indicate target Management Group does not exist" write-host "Error 404 could indicate source blueprint not found" write-host "=======================================================================" write-host "Specific Error is: " -NoNewline write-host "$Exception" -ForegroundColor Yellow } function build-PutContent { param ( $URI, $BodyContent ) $PutContent = @{ URI = $URI Headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)" 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } Method = 'Put' UseBasicParsing = $true Body = $BodyContent } return $PutContent } # MAIN SCRIPT Write-Host "Using " -NoNewline write-host "$ModuleMode " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host "module mode" # Limitations to the script write-host "Please note this script is using a preview API for Azure Blueprint and is subject to change." -ForegroundColor Green write-host "This script currently only supports Draft Blueprints or most recently published and related artifacts." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow write-host "This script currently does not support custom policies - only built-ins are supported." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow # Determine where the script is running - build export dir if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -ne $null) { $CurrentDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path } else { # Sometimes $myinvocation is null, it depends on the PS console host $CurrentDir = "." } $APIVersion = "?api-version=2018-11-01-preview" #cd $CurrentDir # Determine what we are doing - export/import/report if($Mode -eq "Export" -and !$ExportDir) { Write-Host "Please " -NoNewline write-host "provide a directory " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "to EXPORT using the `$ExportDir parameter for your blueprint and artifacts" exit 1 } if($Mode -eq "Import" -AND !$ImportDir) { Write-Host "Please " -NoNewline write-host "provide a directory " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host "to IMPORT using the `$ImportDir parameter for your blueprint and artifacts" exit 1 } If($Mode -eq "Report" -AND $ReportDir) { IF(!$(Test-Path -Path "$ReportDir")) { write-host "Directory " -NoNewline Write-Host "$ReportDir " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host "does not exist - please create and retry the operation" exit 1 } } # Login to Azure - if already logged in, use existing credentials. Write-Host "Authenticating to Azure..." -ForegroundColor Cyan try { If($ModuleMode -eq "AzureRM"){$AzureLogin = Get-AzureRMSubscription} If($ModuleMode -eq "Az"){$AzureLogin = Get-AzSubscription} } catch { If($ModuleMode -eq "AzureRM") { $null = Login-AzureRmAccount $AzureLogin = Get-AzureRmSubscription } If($ModuleMode -eq "Az") { $null = Login-AzAccount $AzureLogin = Get-AzSubscription } } # Authenticate to Azure if not already authenticated # Ensure this is the subscription where your Management Groups are that house Blueprints for import/export operations If($AzureLogin -and !($SubscriptionID) -and !($TenantId)) { If($ModuleMode -eq "AzureRM"){[array]$SubscriptionArray = Add-IndexNumberToArray (Get-AzureRmSubscription)} If($ModuleMode -eq "Az"){[array]$SubscriptionArray = Add-IndexNumberToArray (Get-AzSubscription)} [int]$SelectedSub = 0 # use the current subscription if there is only one subscription available if ($SubscriptionArray.Count -eq 1) { $SelectedSub = 1 } # Get SubscriptionID if one isn't provided while($SelectedSub -gt $SubscriptionArray.Count -or $SelectedSub -lt 1) { Write-host "Please select a subscription from the list below for the " -NoNewline write-host $Mode -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline write-host " Operation" $SubscriptionArray | select "#", Name, ID | ft try { $SelectedSub = Read-Host "Please enter a selection from 1 to $($SubscriptionArray.count) for the $Mode Operation" } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Invalid option, please try again.' } } if($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].Name)) { $SubscriptionName = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].Name) } elseif($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionName)) { $SubscriptionName = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionName) } write-verbose "You Selected Azure Subscription: $SubscriptionName" if($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionID)) { [guid]$SubscriptionID = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].SubscriptionID) } if($($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].ID)) { [guid]$SubscriptionID = $($SubscriptionArray[$SelectedSub - 1].ID) } } if($SubscriptionId -and !($TenantId)) { Write-Host "Selecting Azure Subscription: $($SubscriptionID.Guid) ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan If($ModuleMode -eq "AzureRM"){$Null = Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID.Guid} If($ModuleMode -eq "Az"){$Null = Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID.Guid} } If(!($ManagementGroupID) -and $BlueprintMode -eq "ManagementGroup") { If($ModuleMode -eq "AzureRM"){[array]$MgtGroupArray = Add-IndexNumberToArray (Get-AzureRmManagementGroup)} If($ModuleMode -eq "Az"){[array]$MgtGroupArray = Add-IndexNumberToArray (Get-AzManagementGroup)} if(!$MgtGroupArray) { Write-host "Please make sure you have Management Groups that are accessible" exit 1 } [int]$SelectedMG = 0 # use the current Managment Group if there is only one MG available if ($MgtGroupArray.Count -eq 1) { $SelectedMG = 1 } # Get Management Group if one isn't provided while($SelectedMG -gt $MgtGroupArray.Count -or $SelectedMG -lt 1) { Write-host "Please select a Management Group from the list below" $MgtGroupArray | select "#", Name, DisplayName, Id | ft try { write-host "If you don't see your ManagementGroupID try using the parameter -ManagementGroupID" -ForegroundColor Cyan $SelectedMG = Read-Host "Please enter a selection from 1 to $($MgtGroupArray.count)" } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Invalid option, please try again.' } } if($($MgtGroupArray[$SelectedMG - 1].Name)) { $ManagementGroupID = $($MgtGroupArray[$SelectedMG - 1].Name) } write-verbose "You Selected Management Group: $ManagementGroupID" Write-Host "Selecting Management Group: $ManagementGroupID ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan } # Set context for REST Auth Token If($ModuleMode -eq "AzureRM"){$currentContext = Get-AzureRmContext} If($ModuleMode -eq "Az"){$currentContext = Get-AzContext} # Get token from current context to auth $azureRmProfile = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile $profileClient = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Common.RMProfileClient($azureRmProfile) if($TenantId) { $token = $profileClient.AcquireAccessToken($currentContext.Tenant.TenantId) } else { $token = $profileClient.AcquireAccessToken($currentContext.Subscription.TenantId) } # If export or report mode is used If($Mode -eq "Export" -or $Mode -eq "Report") { # REST Header for REST call to get Blueprints and Artifacts $GetBlueprint = @{ Headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)" 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } Method = 'Get' UseBasicParsing = $true } # Let's go get all blueprints available within a selected management group If(!$BlueprintName) { # Get all Blueprints if ($BlueprintMode -eq "Subscription" -and !($TenantId)) { $BlueprintsURI = "$($SubscriptionID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints$($APIVersion)" } else { $BlueprintsURI = "$ManagementGroupID/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints$($APIVersion)" } Try { $BPs = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $BlueprintsURI @GetBlueprint } catch { StandardError -Exception $($_.Exception.Message) exit 1 } $BPValues = $($BPs|convertfrom-json).value if(!$BPValues) { write-host "No Blueprints found in $ManagementGroupID" exit 1 } [array]$BPsArray = Add-IndexNumberToArray $BPValues [int]$SelectedBP = 0 # use the only BP if there is only one BP available if ($BPsArray.Count -eq 1) { $SelectedBP = 1 } # Get Blueprint if one isn't provided while($SelectedBP -gt $BPsArray.Count -or $SelectedBP -lt 1) { Write-host "Please select a Blueprint from the list below to export" if ($BlueprintMode -eq "Subscription" -and !($TenantId)) { $BPsArray | Select-Object "#", @{Label = "Blueprint Name";Expression={$}}, @{Label = "Subscription"; Expression = {$($BPsArray.ID).split("/")[2]}}, @{Label = "Blueprint Description";Expression={$}} | Format-Table } else { $BPsArray | Select-Object "#", @{Label = "Blueprint Name";Expression={$}}, @{Label = "ManagementGroup"; Expression = {$($BPsArray.ID).split("/")[4]}}, @{Label = "Blueprint Description";Expression={$}} | Format-Table } try { $SelectedBP = Read-Host "Please enter a selection from 1 to $($BPsArray.count)" } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Invalid option, please try again.' } } if($($BPsArray[$SelectedBP - 1].Name)) { $BlueprintName = $($BPsArray[$SelectedBP - 1].Name) } write-verbose "You Selected Blueprint: $BlueprintName" } Write-Host "Selecting Blueprint: $BlueprintName ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan <# # FUTURE USE # Get all possible published versions of a selected Blueprint (if they exist) to choose from $BluePrintVersionsURI = "$ManagementGroupID/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$BluePrintName/versions" + "?api-version=2017-11-11-preview" $BPVersions = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $BluePrintVersionsURI @GetBlueprint $BPVersions = $($BPVersions|convertfrom-json).content if($BPVersions) { [array]$BPVersionArray = Add-IndexNumberToArray ($BPVersions) [int]$SelectedBPVer = 0 # If there is only one Blueprint version available - select it if ($BPVersionArray.Count -eq 1) { $SelectedBPVer = 1 } # Get all blueprint versions while($SelectedBPVer -gt $BPVersionArray.Count -or $SelectedBPVer -lt 1) { Write-host "Please select a Blueprint Version from the list below to export" $BPVersionArray|select "#", @{Label = "Version";Expression={$}}, @{Label = "Blueprint Name";Expression={$BlueprintName}}|ft try { $SelectedBPVer = Read-Host "Please enter a selection from 1 to $($BPVersionArray.count)" } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Invalid option, please try again.' } } if($($BPVersionArray[$SelectedBPVer - 1].Name)) { $Version = $($BPVersionArray[$SelectedBPVer - 1].Name) } write-verbose "You Selected Blueprint Version: $Version" Write-Host "Selecting Blueprint: $Version for Blueprint $BlueprintName..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $BluePrintURI = "$ManagementGroupID/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$BlueprintName/versions/$Version" + "?api-version=2017-11-11-preview" $ArtifactsURI = "$ManagementGroupID/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$BlueprintName/versions/$Version/artifacts" + "?api-version=2017-11-11-preview" } Else { Write-host "No published versions present to export - defaulting to draft"#> #Blueprints and Artifacts URIs if ($BlueprintMode -eq "Subscription" -and !($TenantId)) { $BluePrintURI = "$($SubscriptionID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)$($APIVersion)" $ArtifactsURI = "$($SubscriptionID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)/artifacts$($APIVersion)" } else { $BluePrintURI = "$($ManagementGroupID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)$($APIVersion)" $ArtifactsURI = "$($ManagementGroupID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)/artifacts$($APIVersion)" } #} try { $BP = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $BluePrintURI @GetBlueprint } catch { StandardError -Exception $($_.Exception.Message) exit 1 } $BlueprintContent = $BP.content | ConvertFrom-Json If($NewBluePrintName) { $TargetBPName = $NewBluePrintName } Else { $TargetBPName = $BlueprintName } if($Mode -eq "Export") { # Create export directory if one doesn't exist IF(!$(Test-Path -Path "$ExportDir\$TargetBPName")) { $NewFolder = New-Item -Type Directory "$ExportDir\$TargetBPName" } # Exporting main Blueprint write-host "Export Folder for export: $ExportDir\$TargetBPName" Write-Host "Exporting Blueprint: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline write-host "$BlueprintName " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline write-host "to target Blueprint Name $TargetBPName" -ForegroundColor White # Remove ID to generalize JSON $BlueprintContent = $BlueprintContent | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty id # Remove Name to generalize JSON $BlueprintContent = $BlueprintContent | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty name $BlueprintContent|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 50|Out-File "$ExportDir\$TargetBPName\$TargetBPName.json" } # Build details for Blueprint basic report if($Mode -eq "Report") { $Report =@() $MyObj = New-Object System.Object Add-Member -InputObject $MyObj -Name "Type" -Value ("AzureBlueprint") -MemberType NoteProperty Add-Member -InputObject $MyObj -Name "Display Name" -Value ($BlueprintName) -MemberType NoteProperty Add-Member -InputObject $MyObj -Name "ID" -value ($ NoteProperty $Report = $Report + $Myobj } # Get All Artifacts try { try { $BPArtifacts = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ArtifactsURI @GetBlueprint } catch { StandardError -Exception $($_.Exception.Message) exit 1 } $Artifacts = $BPArtifacts.Content | ConvertFrom-Json # Logic for exporting artifacts from a selected Blueprint if($Mode -eq "Export") { Write-Host "Starting the export of Blueprint Artifacts" -ForegroundColor Cyan foreach($Artifact in $Artifacts.value) { # Exporting all artifacts by kind and name $Kind = $Artifact.kind $Name = $Artifact.Name # Remove ID to generalize json $Artifact = $Artifact | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty id # Removing name to generalize artifact $Artifact = $Artifact | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty name Write-Host "Exporting Artifact($Kind): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan write-host "$Name.json" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Artifact|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 50|Out-File "$ExportDir\$TargetBPName\$Name.json" } } # Report logic for exporting a basic report of a Blueprint and Artifacts if($Mode -eq "Report") { foreach($Artifact in $Artifacts.value) { # Display Details $MyObj = New-Object System.Object Add-Member -InputObject $MyObj -Name "Type" -Value ($Artifact.kind) -MemberType NoteProperty Add-Member -InputObject $MyObj -Name "Display Name" -Value ($Artifact.Properties.DisplayName) -MemberType NoteProperty Add-Member -InputObject $MyObj -Name "ID" -Value ($Artifact.Name) -MemberType NoteProperty $Report = $Report + $Myobj } IF(!$ReportDir) { Write-Host "No Report Directory parameter " -NoNewline write-host "(`$ReportDir) " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host " provided. Writing to console!" $Report|ft } If($ReportDir) { $Time = $(Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm") Write-host "Writing Report to " -NoNewline write-host "$ReportDir\Report-$BlueprintName-$Time.csv" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Report | Export-Csv "$ReportDir\Report-$BlueprintName-$Time.csv" -NoTypeInformation } } } catch {} Write-host "Complete" } # Import logic for Azure Blueprints If($Mode -eq "Import") { # Array for JSONs processing $JSONArray =@() if($BlueprintMode -eq "Subscription" -and !($TenantId)) { $TargetStr = "$SubscriptionId subscription" } else { $TargetStr = "$ManagementGroupID Management Group" } # Validate customer wants to continue to import Blueprint and artifacts # If Force used, will update without prompting if ($Force -OR $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("This operation will attempt to import the Blueprint from $ImportDir into your $TargetStr. Continue?",$ImportDir) ) { $filesToImport = Get-ChildItem $ImportDir\*.json -rec Write-Host "Starting the import of a Blueprint and Artifacts" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Importing Blueprint from: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline write-host "$ImportDir" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Getting BlueprintName from base folder $BlueprintName = $filesToImport[0].directory.Name # Get each file foreach ($file in $filesToImport) { try { $FileContent = Get-Content -Path $File.pspath|ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction stop } catch { # Throw an error to screen and exit script on invalid json write-host "ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Check to ensure " -NoNewline write-host "$($File.Name) " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline write-host "is a valid JSON" exit 1 } # Add ID to the PSObject to allow for importing to proper path If($FileContent.ID) { $FileContent.ID = $null } else { $FileContent | Add-Member -Name 'id' -Type NoteProperty -Value $Null } if($FileContent.type -eq "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints") { # Add Name to the PSObject to allow for importing to proper path If(!($FileContent.Name)) { $FileContent | Add-Member -Name 'Name' -Type NoteProperty -Value $File.Directory.Name } if($NewBluePrintName) { # Only supported on draft (non versioned blueprint exports) $FileContent.Name = $NewBluePrintName $BlueprintName = $NewBluePrintName } #Ensure we update the Management Group / subscriptionId and BlueprintName for the target ID if ($BlueprintMode -eq "Subscription" -and !($TenantId)) { $FileContent.ID = "/subscriptions/$($SubscriptionID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)" } else { $FileContent.ID = "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/$($ManagementGroupID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)" } } if($FileContent.type -eq "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/artifacts") { # Add Name to the PSObject to allow for importing to proper path If(!($FileContent.Name)) { $FileContent | Add-Member -Name 'Name' -Type NoteProperty -Value $File.BaseName } if($NewBluePrintName) { $BlueprintName = $NewBluePrintName } #Ensure we update the Management Group /subscriptionId and BlueprintName for the target ID if ($BlueprintMode -eq "Subscription" -and !($TenantId)) { $FileContent.ID = "/subscriptions/$($SubscriptionID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)/artifacts/$($FileContent.Name)" } else { $FileContent.ID = "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/$($ManagementGroupID)/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/$($BluePrintName)/artifacts/$($FileContent.Name)" } } $JSONArray = $JSONArray + $FileContent } # Let's publish the Blueprint First foreach($JSON in $JSONArray) { # Ensuring we are 48 or less chars - limit imposed for maximum naming for a blueprint or artifact If($JSON.Name.Length -gt 48) { Write-Host "Blueprint and artifact names must be 48 characters or less" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Blueprint or artifact named $($JSON.Name) is " -ForegroundColor red -NoNewline write-host "$($JSON.Name.Length) " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-host "chars long - please fix before import" -ForegroundColor Red exit 1 } if($JSON.type -EQ "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints") { Write-Host "Importing main Blueprint first " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline write-host "$($JSON.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ImportURI = "$($JSON.ID)$($APIVersion)" $Body = $JSON|ConvertTo-Json -depth 50 -Compress -ErrorAction Stop # Put call $Putconfig = build-PutContent -URI $ImportURI -BodyContent $Body try { $PutEvent = Invoke-WebRequest @Putconfig } catch { StandardError -Exception $($_.ErrorDetails.Message) exit 1 } } } foreach($JSON in $JSONArray) { if($JSON.type -EQ "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/artifacts") { Write-Host "Importing $($JSON.Kind) artifact " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline write-host "$($JSON.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ImportURI = "$($JSON.ID)$($APIVersion)" $Body = $JSON|ConvertTo-Json -depth 50 -Compress -ErrorAction Stop # Put call $Putconfig = build-PutContent -URI $ImportURI -BodyContent $Body try { $PutEvent = Invoke-WebRequest @Putconfig } catch { StandardError -Exception $($_.ErrorDetails.Message) exit 1 } } } write-host "Complete!" } else { Write-Host "You selected No - exiting" Write-Host "Complete" -ForegroundColor Cyan exit } } |