<# .SYNOPSIS This command will use a variety of probing methods to determine what the current powershell profile is. .NOTES THis is an imperfect process, a better method would be to correlate the WT_SESSION to the profile, if an API ever exists for this. #> function DetectCurrentTerminalProfile { if (-not $env:WT_SESSION) { throw "This only works in Windows Terminal currently. Please try running this command again inside a Windows Terminal powershell session." } #Detection Method 1: Profile Environment Variable if ($env:WT_PROFILE) { $profileName = $env:WT_PROFILE write-verbose "Detected WT_PROFILE is set to $profileName, fetching if profile exists" if ($profileName -as [Guid]) { return Get-MSTerminalProfile -Guid $profileName -ErrorAction Stop } else { return Get-MSTerminalProfile -Name $profileName -ErrorAction Stop } } #Detection Method 2: Check the powershell executable type and if only one profile that doesn't have WT_PROFILE already defined matches, return that. $psExe = Get-Process -PID $pid $psExePath = $psExe.Path $psExeName = $psExe.ProcessName $profiles = Get-MSTerminalProfile if ($psExeName -eq 'pwsh') { $candidateProfiles = $profiles.where{ $PSItem.source -eq 'Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore' -or $PSItem.commandline -match [regex]::Escape($psExeName) } } else { $candidateProfiles = $profiles.where{$PSItem.commandline -match [regex]::Escape($psExeName)} } #The PSCustomObject array cast is to enable count to work properly in PS5.1 (it returns nothing on a non-array). Unnecessary in PS6+ [PSCustomObject[]]$candidateProfiles = $candidateProfiles | Where-Object commandline -notmatch 'WT_PROFILE' #If there were no matches, bail out gracefully if (-not $candidateprofiles) { write-debug "Terminal Detection: No profiles found that match $psExeName" throw "Unable to detect your currently running profile. Please specify the -Name parameter, or set the WT_PROFILE environment variable" } #If there was only one result, return it if ($candidateProfiles.count -eq 1) { write-debug ("Terminal Detection: Found single profile that matches $psExeName, returning {0} {1}." -f $candidateProfiles[0].Name,$candidateProfiles[0].Guid) return $candidateProfiles[0] } #If there were multiple results, try matching by absolute path, otherwise fail with ambiguous if ($candidateProfiles.count -gt 1) { $absolutePathProfile = $candidateProfiles | Where-Object commandline -eq $PSExePath if ($absolutePathProfile.count -eq 1) {return $absolutePathProfile} #Fail if multiple profiles were found but could not be determined which was ours throw "Multiple ambiguous profiles for $psExe were found: {0}. Please specify a profile with the -Name parameter or set the WT_PROFILE environment variable within your session" -f $candidateProfiles.Name -join ', ' } #Failsafe code path throw "A profile could not be located. This is a bug, this exception shouldn't be reached" } |