function Get-MSCatalogUpdate { <# .SYNOPSIS Query for available updates. .DESCRIPTION Given that there is currently no public API available for the site, this command makes HTTP requests to the site and parses the returned HTML for the required data. .PARAMETER Search Specify a string to search for. .PARAMETER Strict Force a Search paramater with multiple words to be treated as a single string. .PARAMETER AllPages By default this command returns the first page of results from, which is the latest 25 updates matching the search term. If you specify this switch the command will instead return all pages of results. This can result in a significant increase in the number of HTTP requests to the endpoint. .EXAMPLE Get-MSCatalogUpdate -Search "Cumulative for Windows Server, version 1903" .EXAMPLE Get-MSCatalogUpdate -Search "Cumulative for Windows Server, version 1903" -AllPages #> [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0 )] [String] $Search, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )] [Switch] $Strict, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )] [Switch] $AllPages, [Parameter(DontShow)] [String] $Method = "Get", [Parameter(DontShow)] [String] $EventArgument, [Parameter(DontShow)] [String] $EventTarget, [Parameter(DontShow)] [String] $EventValidation, [Parameter(DontShow)] [String] $ViewState, [Parameter(DontShow)] [String] $ViewStateGenerator ) try { if ($Method -eq "Post") { $ReqBody = @{ "__EVENTARGUMENT" = $EventArgument "__EVENTTARGET" = $EventTarget "__EVENTVALIDATION" = $EventValidation "__VIEWSTATE" = $ViewState "__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" = $ViewStateGenerator } } $UriSearch = [Uri]::EscapeUriString($Search) $Params = @{ Uri = "$UriSearch" Method = $Method Body = $ReqBody ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" UseBasicParsing = $true } $Results = Invoke-WebRequest @Params $HtmlDoc = [HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument]::new() $HtmlDoc.LoadHtml($Results.RawContent.ToString()) $NextPage = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("ctl00_catalogBody_nextPage") $EventArgument = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__EVENTARGUMENT")[0].Attributes["value"].Value $EventValidation = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__EVENTVALIDATION")[0].Attributes["value"].Value $ViewState = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__VIEWSTATE")[0].Attributes["value"].Value $ViewStateGenerator = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR")[0].Attributes["value"].Value $Table = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("ctl00_catalogBody_updateMatches") $Rows = $Table.SelectNodes("tr") $Output = foreach ($Row in $Rows[1..($Rows.Count - 1)]) { $Cells = $Row.SelectNodes("td") $Title = $Cells[1].innerText.Trim() if ($Strict) { if ($Title -like "*$Search*") { [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = "MSCatalogUpdate" Title = $Title Products = $Cells[2].innerText.Trim() Classification = $Cells[3].innerText.Trim() LastUpdated = (Invoke-ParseDate -DateString $Cells[4].innerText.Trim()) Version = $Cells[5].innerText.Trim() Size = $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[0].InnerText SizeInBytes = [Int] $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[1].InnerText Guid = $Cells[7].SelectNodes("input")[0].Id } } } else { [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = "MSCatalogUpdate" Title = $Title Products = $Cells[2].innerText.Trim() Classification = $Cells[3].innerText.Trim() LastUpdated = (Invoke-ParseDate -DateString $Cells[4].innerText.Trim()) Version = $Cells[5].innerText.Trim() Size = $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[0].InnerText SizeInBytes = [Int] $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[1].InnerText Guid = $Cells[7].SelectNodes("input")[0].Id } } } $Output | Sort-Object -Property LastUpdated -Descending # If $NextPage is $null then there are more pages to collect. if ($null -eq $NextPage) { if ($AllPages) { $NextParams = @{ Search = $Search AllPages = $true EventArgument = $EventArgument EventTarget = 'ctl00$catalogBody$nextPageLinkText' EventValidation = $EventValidation ViewState = $ViewState ViewStateGenerator = $ViewStateGenerator Method = "Post" } Get-MSCatalogUpdate @NextParams } } } catch { $NoResults = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("ctl00_catalogBody_noResultText") if (-not ($null -eq $NoResults)) { Write-Warning "$($NoResults.InnerText)'$Search'" } else { throw $_ } } } |