.SYNOPSIS Filters a hashtable or PSBoundParameters containing PowerShell command parameters to only those valid for specified command. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Select-PsBoundParameters @{Name='Valid'; Verbose=$true; NotAParameter='Remove'} -CommandName Get-Process -ExcludeParameters 'Verbose' Filters the parameter hashtable to only include valid parameters for the Get-Process command and exclude the Verbose parameter. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Select-PsBoundParameters @{Name='Valid'; Verbose=$true; NotAParameter='Remove'} -CommandName Get-Process -CommandParameterSet NameWithUserName Filters the parameter hashtable to only include valid parameters for the Get-Process command in the "NameWithUserName" ParameterSet. .INPUTS System.String #> function Select-PsBoundParameters { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param ( # Specifies the parameter key pairs to be filtered. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [hashtable] $NamedParameters, # Specifies the parameter names to remove from the output. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ArgumentCompleter({ param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters ) if ($fakeBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NamedParameters')) { [string[]]$fakeBoundParameters.NamedParameters.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -Like "$wordToComplete*" } } })] [string[]] $ExcludeParameters, # Specifies the name of a PowerShell command to further filter valid parameters. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters ) [array] $CommandInfo = Get-Command "$wordToComplete*" if ($CommandInfo) { $CommandInfo.Name #| ForEach-Object {$_} } })] [Alias('Name')] [string] $CommandName, # Specifies a parameter set of the PowerShell command to further filter valid parameters. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ArgumentCompleter({ param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters ) if ($fakeBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CommandName')) { [array] $CommandInfo = Get-Command $fakeBoundParameters.CommandName if ($CommandInfo) { $CommandInfo[0].ParameterSets.Name | Where-Object { $_ -Like "$wordToComplete*" } } } })] [string[]] $CommandParameterSets ) process { [hashtable] $SelectedParameters = $NamedParameters.Clone() [string[]] $CommandParameters = $null if ($CommandName) { $CommandInfo = Get-Command $CommandName if ($CommandParameterSets) { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]] $listCommandParameters = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] foreach ($CommandParameterSet in $CommandParameterSets) { $listCommandParameters.AddRange([string[]]($CommandInfo.ParameterSets | Where-Object Name -eq $CommandParameterSet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) } $CommandParameters = $listCommandParameters | Select-Object -Unique } else { $CommandParameters = $CommandInfo.Parameters.Keys } } [string[]] $ParameterKeys = $SelectedParameters.Keys foreach ($ParameterKey in $ParameterKeys) { if ($ExcludeParameters -contains $ParameterKey -or ($CommandParameters -and $CommandParameters -notcontains $ParameterKey)) { $SelectedParameters.Remove($ParameterKey) } } return $SelectedParameters } } |