function Invoke-MCASRestMethod { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specifies the credential object containing tenant as username (e.g. '') and the 64-character hexadecimal Oauth token as the password. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ ($_.GetNetworkCredential().username).EndsWith('') })] [ValidateScript({ $_.GetNetworkCredential().Password.ToLower() -match ('^[0-9a-f]{64}$') })] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, # Specifies the relative path of the full uri being invoked (e.g. - '/api/v1/alerts/') [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ $_.StartsWith('/') })] [string]$Path, # Specifies the HTTP method to be used for the request [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Get','Post','Put','Delete')] [string]$Method, # Specifies the body of the request, not including MCAS query filters, which should be specified separately in the -FilterSet parameter [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Body, # Specifies the content type to be used for the request [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ContentType = 'application/json', # Specifies the MCAS query filters to be used, which will be added to the body of the message [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNull()] $FilterSet, # Specifies the retry interval, in seconds, if a call to the MCAS web API is throttled. Default = 5 (seconds) [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [int]$RetryInterval = 5, # Specifies that a single item is to be fetched, skipping any processing for lists, such as checking result count totals #[switch]$Fetch, # Specifies use Invoke-WebRequest instead of Invoke-RestMethod, enabling the caller to get the raw response from the MCAS API without any JSON conversion [switch]$Raw ) if ($Raw) { $cmd = 'Invoke-WebRequest' Write-Verbose "-Raw parameter was specified" } else { $cmd = 'Invoke-RestMethod' Write-Verbose "-Raw parameter was not specified" } Write-Verbose "$cmd will be used" $tenant = ($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().username) Write-Verbose "Tenant name is $tenant" Write-Verbose "Relative path is $Path" Write-Verbose "Method is $Method" $token = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password.ToLower() Write-Verbose "OAuth token is $token" $headers = 'Authorization = "Token {0}"' -f $token | ForEach-Object { "@{$_}" } Write-Verbose "Request headers are $headers" # Construct base MCAS call before processing -Body and -FilterSet $mcasCall = '{0} -Uri ''https://{1}{2}'' -Method {3} -Headers {4} -ContentType {5} -UseBasicParsing' -f $cmd, $tenant, $Path, $Method, $headers, $ContentType if ($Method -eq 'Get') { Write-Verbose "A request using the Get HTTP method cannot have a message body." } else { $jsonBody = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 2 Write-Verbose "Base request body is $jsonBody" if ($FilterSet) { Write-Verbose "Request body before query filters is $jsonBody" $jsonBody = $jsonBody.TrimEnd('}') + ',' + '"filters":{' + ((ConvertTo-MCASJsonFilterString $FilterSet).TrimStart('{')) + '}' Write-Verbose "Request body after query filters is $jsonBody" } else { Write-Verbose "No filters were added to the request body" } Write-Verbose "Final request body is $jsonBody" # Add -Body to the constructed MCAS call, when the http method is not 'Get' $mcasCall = '{0} -Body ''{1}''' -f $mcasCall, $jsonBody } Write-Verbose "Constructed call to MCAS is to follow:" Write-Verbose $mcasCall Write-Verbose "Retry interval if MCAS call is throttled is $RetryInterval seconds" # This loop is the actual call to MCAS. It includes automatic retry if the API call is throttled do { $retryCall = $false try { Write-Verbose "Attempting call to MCAS..." $response = Invoke-Expression -Command $mcasCall } catch { if ($_ -like 'The remote server returned an error: (429) TOO MANY REQUESTS.') { $retryCall = $true Write-Warning "429 - Too many requests. The MCAS API throttling limit has been hit, the call will be retried in $RetryInterval second(s)..." Write-Verbose "Sleeping for $RetryInterval seconds" Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetryInterval } else { throw $_ } } # Uncomment following two lines if you want to see raw responses in -Verbose output #Write-Verbose 'MCAS response to follow:' #Write-Verbose $response } while ($retryCall) # Provide the total record count in -Verbose output and as InformationVariable, if appropriate if (@('Get','Post') -contains $Method) { if ($ { Write-Verbose 'Checking total matching record count via the response properties...' $recordTotal = $ } elseif ($response.Content) { try { Write-Verbose 'Checking total matching record count via raw JSON response...' $recordTotal = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).total } catch { Write-Verbose 'JSON conversion failed. Checking total matching record count via raw response string extraction...' $recordTotal = ($response.Content.Split(',',3) | Where-Object {$_.StartsWith('"total"')} | Select-Object -First 1).Split(':')[1] } } else { Write-Verbose 'Could not check total matching record count, perhaps because zero or one records were returned. Zero will be returned as the matching record count.' $recordTotal = 0 } Write-Verbose ('The total number of matching records was {0}' -f $recordTotal) Write-Information $recordTotal } $response } |