.Synopsis Gets a credential to be used by other Cloud App Security module cmdlets. .DESCRIPTION Get-MCASCredential imports a set of credentials into your session (or, optionally, a variable) to be used by other Cloud App Security module cmdlets. When using Get-MCASCredential you will need to provide your Cloud App Security tenant URL as well as an OAuth Token that must be created manually in the console. Get-MCASCredential takes the tenant URL and OAuth token and stores them in a special global session variable called $CASCredential and converts the OAuth token to a 64-bit secure string while in memory. All CAS Module cmdlets reference that special global variable to pass requests to your Cloud App Security tenant. See the examples section for ways to automate setting your CAS credentials for the session. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-MCASCredential This prompts the user to enter both their tenant URL as well as their OAuth token. Username = Tenant URL without https:// (Example: Password = Tenant OAuth Token (Example: 432c1750f80d66a1cf2849afb6b10a7fcdf6738f5f554e32c9915fb006bd799a) PS C:\> $CASCredential To verify your credentials are set in the current session, run the above command. UserName Password -------- -------- System.Security.SecureString .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-MCASCredential -PassThru | Export-CliXml C:\Users\Alice\MyCASCred.credential -Force By specifying the -PassThru switch parameter, this will put the $CASCredential into the pipeline which can be exported to a .credential file that will store the tenant URL and encrypted version of the token in a file. We can use this newly created .credential file to automate setting our CAS credentials in the session by adding an import command to our profile. PS C:\> notepad $profile The above command will open our PowerShell profile, which is a set of commands that will run when we start a new session. By default it is empty. $CASCredential = Import-Clixml "C:\Users\Alice\MyCASCred.credential" By adding the above line to our profile and save, the next time we open a new PowerShell session, the credential file will automatically be imported into the $CASCredential which allows us to use other CAS cmdlets without running Get-MCASCredential at the start of the session. .FUNCTIONALITY Get-MCASCredential is intended to import the CAS tenant URL and OAuth Token into a global session variable to allow other CAS cmdlets to authenticate when passing requests. #> function Get-MCASCredential { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential])] param ( # Specifies the portal URL of your CAS tenant, for example ''. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$TenantUri, # Specifies that the credential should be returned into the pipeline for further processing. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$PassThru ) process { # If tenant URI is specified, prompt for OAuth token and get it all into a global variable if ($TenantUri) { [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Global:CASCredential = Get-Credential -UserName $TenantUri -Message "Enter the OAuth token for $TenantUri" } # Else, prompt for both the tenant and OAuth token and get it all into a global variable else { [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Global:CASCredential = Get-Credential -Message "Enter the MCAS portal URL and OAuth token" } # Validate the tenant URI provided if (!($CASCredential.GetNetworkCredential().username.EndsWith(''))) { throw "Invalid tenant uri specified as the username of the credential. Format should be <tenantname>.<tenantregion> For example, or" } # Validate the token string format (does not validate the token is valid for authN/authZ) if (!($CASCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -match '\b[0-9a-f]{64}\b')) { throw "Invalid oauth token specified as the password of the credential. It should be 64 hexadecimal characters." } # If -PassThru is specified, write the credential object to the pipeline (the global variable will also be exported to the calling session with Export-ModuleMember) if ($PassThru) { $CASCredential } } } |