
   Exports a proxy or firewall block script for the unsanctioned apps in your Cloud App Security tenant.
   Exports a block script, in the specified firewall or proxy device type format, for the unsanctioned apps.
   'Export-MCASBlockScript -DeviceType <device format>' returns the text to be used in a Websense block script. Methods available are only those available to custom objects by default.
    PS C:\> Export-MCASBlockScript -DeviceType WEBSENSE action=deny action=deny action=deny action=deny action=deny action=deny action=deny action=deny action=deny
    This pulls back string to be used as a block script in Websense format.
    PS C:\> Export-MCASBlockScript -DeviceType BLUECOAT_PROXYSG deny deny deny deny deny deny deny deny deny
    This pulls back string to be used as a block script in BlueCoat format.
    PS C:\> Export-MCASBlockScript -DeviceType WEBSENSE | Set-Content MyWebsenseBlockScript.txt -Encoding UTF8
    This pulls back a Websense block script in text string format and creates a new UTF-8 encoded text file out of it.
   Export-MCASBlockScript is intended to function as an export mechanism for obtaining block scripts from Cloud App Security.

function Export-MCASBlockScript {
        # Specifies the credential object containing tenant as username (e.g. '') and the 64-character hexadecimal Oauth token as the password.
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = $CASCredential,

        # Specifies the device type to use for the format of the block script. Possible Values: BLUECOAT_PROXYSG,CISCO_ASA,FORTINET_FORTIGATE,PALO_ALTO,JUNIPER_SRX,WEBSENSE,ZSCALER

    try {
        $response = Invoke-MCASRestMethod -Credential $Credential -Path ("/api/discovery_block_scripts/?format="+($DeviceType -as [int])) -Method Get
    catch {
        throw $_  #Exception handling is in Invoke-MCASRestMethod, so here we just want to throw it back up the call stack, with no additional logic
