

#----------------------------Enum Types----------------------------
enum mcas_app {
    Amazon_Web_Services = 11599
    Box = 10489
    Dropbox = 11627
    Google_Apps = 11770
    Microsoft_OneDrive_for_Business = 15600
    Microsoft_Cloud_App_Security = 20595
    Microsoft_Sharepoint_Online = 20892
    Microsoft_Skype_for_Business = 25275
    Microsoft_Exchange_Online = 20893
    Microsoft_Teams = 28375
    Microsoft_Yammer = 11522
    Microsoft_Power_BI = 26324
    Office_365 = 11161
    Okta = 10980
    Salesforce = 11114
    ServiceNow = 14509

enum device_type {
    BARRACUDA = 101                     # Barracuda - Web App Firewall (W3C)
    BARRACUDA_NEXT_GEN_FW = 191         # Barracude - F-Series Firewall
    BARRACUDA_NEXT_GEN_FW_WEBLOG = 193  # Barracude - F-Series Firewall Web Log Streaming
    BLUECOAT = 102                      # Blue Coat ProxySG - Access log (W3C)
    CHECKPOINT = 103                    # Check Point (CSV)
    CHECKPOINT_SMART_VIEW_TRACKER = 189 # Check Point - SmartView Tracker
    CHECKPOINT_XML = 187                # Check Point (XML)
    CISCO_ASA = 104                     # Cisco ASA Firewall
    CISCO_ASA_FIREPOWER = 177           # Cisco ASA FirePOWER
    CISCO_FWSM = 157                    # Cisco FWSM
    CISCO_IRONPORT_PROXY = 106          # CiscoIronPort WSA
    CISCO_SCAN_SAFE = 124               # Cisco ScanSafe
    CLAVISTER = 164                     # Clavister NGFW (Syslog)
    FORTIGATE = 108                     # Fortinet Fortigate
    GENERIC_CEF = 179                   # Generic CEF log
    GENERIC_LEEF = 181                  # Generic LEEF log
    GENERIC_W3C = 183                   # Generic W3C log
    I_FILTER = 185                      # Digital Arts i-FILTER
    JUNIPER_SRX = 129                   # Juniper SRX
    JUNIPER_SRX_SD = 172                # Juniper SRX SD
    JUNIPER_SRX_WELF = 174              # Juniper SRX Welf
    JUNIPER_SSG = 168                   # Juniper SSG
    MACHINE_ZONE_MERAKI = 153           # Meraki - URLs log
    MCAFEE_SWG = 121                    # McAfee Web Gateway
    MICROSOFT_ISA_W3C = 159             # Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (W3C)
    PALO_ALTO = 112                     # PA Series Firewall
    # PALO_ALTO_SYSLOG not available here
    SONICWALL_SYSLOG = 160              # (Dell) SonicWALL
    SOPHOS_CYBEROAM = 162               # Sophos Cyberoam Web Filter and Firewall log
    SOPHOS_SG = 130                     # Sophos SG
    SQUID = 114                         # Squid (Common)
    SQUID_NATIVE = 155                  # Squid (Native)
    WEBSENSE_SIEM_CEF = 138             # (WebSense) Web Security solutions - Internet Activity log (CEF)
    WEBSENSE_V7_5 = 135                 # (WebSense) Web Security solutions - Investigative detail report (CSV)
    ZSCALER = 120                       # Zscaler - Default CSV
    ZSCALER_QRADAR = 170                # Zscaler - QRadar LEEF

enum ip_category {
    None = 0
    Corporate = 1
    Administrative = 2
    Risky = 3
    VPN = 4
    Cloud_Provider = 5
    Other = 6

enum severity_level {
    High = 2
    Medium = 1
    Low = 0

enum resolution_status {
    Resolved = 2
    Dismissed = 1
    Open = 0

enum file_type {
    Other = 0
    Document = 1
    Spreadsheet = 2
    Presentation = 3
    Text = 4
    Image = 5
    Folder = 6

enum file_access_level {
    Private = 0
    Internal = 1
    External = 2
    Public = 3
    PublicInternet = 4

enum app_category {

enum permission_type {

#----------------------------Hash Tables---------------------------
$IPTagsList = [ordered]@{
    Akamai_Technologies                   = '0000002d0000000000000000'
    Amazon_Web_Services                   = '000000290000000000000000'
    Anonymous_proxy                       = '000000030000000000000000'
    Ascenty_Data_Centers                  = '0000002f0000000000000000'
    Botnet                                = '0000000c0000000000000000'
    Brute_force_attacker                  = '000000380000000000000000'
    Cisco_CWS                             = '000000270000000000000000'
    Cloud_App_Security_network            = '000000050000000000000000'
    Darknet_scanning_IP                   = '0000001f0000000000000000'
    Exchange_Online                       = '0000000e0000000000000000'
    Exchange_Online_Protection            = '000000150000000000000000'
    Google_Cloud_Platform                 = '000000280000000000000000'
    Internal_Network_IP                   = '000000310000000000000000'
    Malware_CnC_server                    = '0000000d0000000000000000'
    Masergy_Communications                = '0000002e0000000000000000'
    McAfee_Web_Gateway                    = '0000002c0000000000000000'
    Microsoft_Azure                       = '0000002a0000000000000000'
    Microsoft_Cloud                       = '0000001e0000000000000000'
    Microsoft_Hosting                     = '0000003a0000000000000000'
    Microsoft_authentication_and_identity = '000000100000000000000000'
    Office_365                            = '000000170000000000000000'
    Office_365_Planner                    = '000000190000000000000000'
    Office_365_ProPlus                    = '000000120000000000000000'
    Office_Online                         = '000000140000000000000000'
    Office_Sway                           = '0000001d0000000000000000'
    Office_Web_Access_Companion           = '0000001a0000000000000000'
    OneNote                               = '000000130000000000000000'
    Remote_Connectivity_Analyzer          = '0000001c0000000000000000'
    Salesforce_Cloud                      = '000000390000000000000000'
    Satellite_provider                    = '000000040000000000000000'
    ScanSafe                              = '000000300000000000000000'
    SharePoint_Online                     = '0000000f0000000000000000'
    Skype_for_Business_Online             = '000000180000000000000000'
    Symantec_Cloud                        = '000000330000000000000000'
    Tor                                   = '2dfa95cd7922d979d66fcff5'
    Yammer                                = '0000001b0000000000000000'
    Zscaler                               = '000000160000000000000000'

$UserAgentTagsList = [ordered]@{
    Native_client             = '000000000000000000000000'
    Outdated_browser          = '000000010000000000000000'
    Outdated_operating_system = '000000020000000000000000'
    Robot                     = '0000002b0000000000000000'

$ReportsList = @{
    'Activity by Location'                   = 'geolocation_summary'
    'Browser Use'                            = 'browser_usage'
    'IP Addresses'                           = 'ip_usage'
    'IP Addresses for Admins'                = 'ip_admin_usage'
    'OS Use'                                 = 'os_usage'
    'Strictly Remote Users'                  = 'standalone_users'
    'Cloud App Overview'                     = 'app_summary'
    'Inactive Accounts'                      = 'zombie_users'
    'Privileged Users'                       = 'admins'
    'Salesforce Special Privileged Accounts' = 'sf_permissions'
    'User Logon'                             = 'logins_rate'
    'Data Sharing Overview'                  = 'files_summary'
    'File Extensions'                        = 'file_extensions'
    'Orphan Files'                           = 'orphan_files'
    'Outbound Sharing by Domain'             = 'external_domains'
    'Owners of Shared Files'                 = 'shared_files_owners'
    'Personal User Accounts'                 = 'personal_users'
    'Sensitive File Names'                   = 'file_name_dlp'

# Create reversed copy of the reports list hash table (keys become values and values become keys)
$ReportsListReverse = @{}
$ReportsList.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {

$GovernanceStatus = @{
    'Failed' = $false
    'Pending' = $null
    'Successful' = $true

#----------------------------Include functions---------------------------
# KUDOS to the chocolatey project for the basis of this code

# get the path of where the module is saved (if module is at c:\myscripts\module.psm1, then c:\myscripts\)
$mypath = (Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)

# find and load all the ps1 files in the Functions subfolder
Resolve-Path -Path $mypath\Functions\*.ps1 | ForEach-Object -Process {
    . $_.ProviderPath

# Cmdlets to export (must be exported as functions, not cmdlets) - This array format can be copied directly to the module manifest as the 'FunctionsToExport' value
$ExportedCommands = @(

    $ExportedCommands | ForEach-Object {
    Export-ModuleMember -Function $_

#Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-MCASRestMethod2

# Vars to export (must be exported here, even if also included in the module manifest in 'VariablesToExport'
Export-ModuleMember -Variable CASCredential

# Aliases to export
Export-ModuleMember -Alias *

# Implement your module commands in this script.
# Export only the functions using PowerShell standard verb-noun naming.
# Be sure to list each exported functions in the FunctionsToExport field of the module manifest file.
# This improves performance of command discovery in PowerShell.
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MCASUserGroup