function M365cdeMIDgraph(){ Clear-Host switch(Read-Host "Please select an option ` -------------------------------------------------- s Select Automation Account m Manually set Managed Identity Object ID -------------------------------------------------- 1 Add Scope 'User.Read.All' 2 Add Scope 'User.ReadWrite.All' 3 Add Scope 'Group.Read.All' 4 Add Scope 'Group.ReadWrite.All' 5 Add Scope 'UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All' 6 Add Scope 'AuditLog.Read.All' 7 Add Scope 'Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess' 8 Add Scope 'Mail.Send' -------------------------------------------------- c Custom scope -------------------------------------------------- e Exchange Online configurations -------------------------------------------------- b ...back to main menu Select"){ s {az_automation_set -breadcrumb M365cdeMIDgraph} m {managedid_define} 1 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'User.Read.All'} 2 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'User.ReadWrite.All'} 3 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'Group.Read.All'} 4 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'Group.ReadWrite.All'} 5 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All'} 6 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'AuditLog.Read.All'} 7 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess'} 8 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope 'Mail.Send'} c {managedid_custom} e {M365cdeMIDexo} b {M365cdeAAASetup} default {M365cdeMIDgraph} } } function M365cdeMIDexo(){ Clear-Host switch(Read-Host "Please select an option ` -------------------------------------------------- 1 Add Scope 'Exchange.ManageAsApp' 2 Add Scope 'MailboxSettings.Read' 3 Add Scope 'MailboxSettings.ReadWrite' 4 Add Scope 'Mail.Read' 5 Add Scope 'Mail.ReadBasic' 6 Add Scope 'Mail.ReadWrite' 7 Add Scope 'Mail.Send' 8 Add Scope 'Calenders.Read' 9 Add Scope 'Calenders.ReadWrite' 10 Add Scope 'Contacts.Read' 11 Add Scope 'Contacts.ReadWrite' c Add custom Exchange Scope -------------------------------------------------- r1 Add Role 'Exchange Recipient Administrator' r2 Add Role 'Exchange Administrator' rc Add custom Exchange Role -------------------------------------------------- b ...back to previous menu Select"){ 1 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Exchange.ManageAsApp'} 2 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'MailboxSettings.Read'} 3 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'MailboxSettings.ReadWrite'} 4 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Mail.Read'} 5 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Mail.ReadBasic'} 6 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Mail.ReadWrite'} 7 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Mail.Send'} 8 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Calenders.Read'} 9 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Calenders.ReadWrite'} 10 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Contacts.Read'} 11 {funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope 'Contacts.ReadWrite'} c {managedid_customexchangescope} r1 {funcEntraRoleAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -EntraRole 'Exchange Recipient Administrator'} r2 {funcEntraRoleAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -EntraRole 'Exchange Administrator'} rc {managedid_customexchangerole} b {M365cdeMIDgraph} default {M365cdeMIDexo} } } #Function for Scope assignment function funcScopeAssignment() { param ( $ManagedIdentityID, $Scope, $target ) $appIds = @{ "graph" = '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000' "exo" = '00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000' } $appId = $appIds[$target] If($AutomationAccountMId) { $AppGraph = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "AppId eq '$appId'" $AppRole = $AppGraph.AppRoles | Where-Object {$_.Value -eq $Scope} if ($appRole) { $existingAppRole = Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $ManagedIdentityID | Where-Object { $_.ResourceId -eq $AppGraph.Id -and $_.AppRoleId -eq $AppRole.Id } if ($existingAppRole) { Write-Warning "The scope '$Scope' is already assigned" } else{ New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -PrincipalId $ManagedIdentityID -ServicePrincipalId $ManagedIdentityID -ResourceId $AppGraph.Id -AppRoleId $AppRole.Id > $null $existingAppRole = Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $ManagedIdentityID | Where-Object { $_.ResourceId -eq $AppGraph.Id -and $_.AppRoleId -eq $AppRole.Id } if ($existingAppRole) { Write-Output "The scope '$Scope' has been assigned" } else { Write-Warning "The scope '$Scope' could not be assigned" } } } else { Write-Warning "No App Role found for scope '$Scope'"} } else { Write-Warning "`nManaged Identity Object ID is not defined!`n`nDefine it via the options s (from a existing Automation Account) or m (manually) and try it again!" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 M365cdeMIDgraph } Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 if ($target -eq "graph") {M365cdeMIDgraph} elseif ($target -eq "exo") {M365cdeMIDexo} } #Function for Managed Identity Object ID definition function managedid_define(){ $AutomationAccountMId = Read-Host "Enter the Object ID of your Managed Identity" Write-Output "Managed Identity ID is set to: $AutomationAccountMId" (Read-Host ' Press Enter to continue…') M365cdeMIDgraph } #Function for Custom Scope assignment function managedid_custom(){ $ScopeCustom = Read-Host "Enter the Scope-Name (e.g. 'User.Read.All')" funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'graph' -Scope $ScopeCustom (Read-Host ' Press Enter to continue…') M365cdeMIDgraph } #Function for Role assignment function funcEntraRoleAssignment() { param ( $ManagedIdentityID, $EntraRole ) If($AutomationAccountMId) { $EntraRoleID = (Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition -Filter "DisplayName eq '$EntraRole'").Id if ($EntraRoleID) { $existingEntraRole = Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment -Filter "(PrincipalID eq '$ManagedIdentityID') and (RoleDefinitionID eq '$EntraRoleID')" if ($existingEntraRole) { Write-Warning "The role '$EntraRole' is already assigned" } else{New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment -PrincipalId $ManagedIdentityID -RoleDefinitionId $EntraRoleID -DirectoryScopeId "/" ; Write-Output "The role '$EntraRole' has been assigned" } } else { Write-Warning "No Entra Role found for '$ExchangeScope'"} } else { Write-Warning "`nManaged Identity Object ID is not defined!`n`nDefine it via the options s (from a existing Automation Account) or m (manually) and try it again!" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 M365cdeMIDgraph } Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 M365cdeMIDexo } #Function for Custom Role assignment EXO function managedid_customexchangescope(){ $ExchangeScopeCustom = Read-Host "Enter the Scope-Name (e.g. 'MailboxSettings.ReadWrite')" funcScopeAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -target 'exo' -Scope $ExchangeScopeCustom Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 M365cdeMIDexo } #Function for Custom Role assignment EXO function managedid_customexchangerole(){ $ExchangeRoleCustom = Read-Host "Enter the Role-Name (e.g. 'Exchange Recipient Administrator')" funcEntraRoleAssignment -ManagedIdentityID $AutomationAccountMId -EntraRole $ExchangeRoleCustom Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 M365cdeMIDexo } |