
Function connect-M365{
        Author = "Jos Lieben ("
        CompanyName = "Lieben Consultancy"
        Copyright = ""

    $connected = $True

    #choose auth mode, env var trumps passed in param, trumps default / persisted from set-M365PermissionsConfig
        $global:octo.authMode = $Env:LCAUTHMODE
        $global:octo.authMode = "ServicePrincipal"
        $global:octo.authMode = "Delegated"

    #if we're doing delegated auth, use my multi-tenant app id
    if($global:octo.authMode -eq "Delegated"){
        Write-Host "Using default $($global:octo.authMode) authentication..."
        $global:octo.LCClientId = "0ee7aa45-310d-4b82-9cb5-11cc01ad38e4"

    #SPN auth requires a clientid and tenantid by the customer either through env vars or set-M365PermissionsConfig
    if($global:octo.authMode -eq "ServicePrincipal"){
        Write-Host "Using $($global:octo.authMode) authentication..."
            $global:octo.LCClientId = $Env:LCCLIENTID
            $global:octo.LCTenantId = $Env:LCTENANTID
        if(!$global:octo.LCClientId -or !$global:octo.LCTenantId){
            $connected = $False
            Write-Error "Service Principal authentication requires a ClientId and TenantId to be set, please run set-M365PermissionsConfig -LCClientId <clientid> -LCTenantId <tenantid> before connecting or configure LCCLIENTID and LCTENANTID as env variables" -ErrorAction Continue
        Write-Host ""
        $global:octo.currentUser = Get-CurrentUser
        $global:octo.OnMicrosoft = (New-GraphQuery -Method GET -Uri '$top=999' | Where-Object -Property isInitial -EQ $true).id 
        $global:octo.tenantName = $($global:octo.OnMicrosoft).Split(".")[0]
        Write-Host "Authenticated successfully! Here are some examples using this module:"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host ">> Get-AllM365Permissions -expandGroups" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host ">> Get-AllExOPermissions -includeFolderLevelPermissions" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host ">> Get-ExOPermissions -recipientIdentity `$mailbox.Identity -includeFolderLevelPermissions" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host ">> Get-SpOPermissions -siteUrl `"`" -ExpandGroups" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host ">> Get-SpOPermissions -teamName `"INT-Finance Department`"" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host ">> get-AllSPOPermissions -ExpandGroups -IncludeOneDriveSites -ExcludeOtherSites" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        Write-Host ">> get-AllEntraPermissions -excludeGroupsAndUsers" -ForegroundColor Magenta    

        Write-Host ">> get-AllPBIPermissions" -ForegroundColor Magenta 
        Write-Host ">> Get-ChangedPermissions" -ForegroundColor Magenta   

        Write-Host ""