Function get-SpOPermissions{ <# Author = "Jos Lieben (" CompanyName = "Lieben Consultancy" Copyright = "" Parameters: -teamName: the name of the Team to scan -siteUrl: the URL of the Team (or any sharepoint location) to scan (e.g. if name is not unique) -expandGroups: if set, group memberships will be expanded to individual users #> Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ByName")] [String] $teamName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="BySite")] [String] $siteUrl, [Switch]$expandGroups, [Boolean]$isParallel=$False ) Write-Host "Starting SpO Scan of $($teamName)$($siteUrl)" $spoBaseAdmUrl = "https://$($global:octo.tenantName)" Write-Verbose "Using Sharepoint base URL: $spoBaseAdmUrl" $ignoredSiteTypes = @("REDIRECTSITE#0","SRCHCEN#0", "SPSMSITEHOST#0", "APPCATALOG#0", "POINTPUBLISHINGHUB#0", "EDISC#0", "STS#-1","EHS#1","POINTPUBLISHINGTOPIC#0") if($siteUrl){ $sites = @(Get-PnPTenantSite -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type Admin -Url $spoBaseAdmUrl) -Identity $siteUrl) } if(!$sites){ $sites = @(Get-PnPTenantSite -IncludeOneDriveSites -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type Admin -Url $spoBaseAdmUrl) | Where-Object {` $_.Template -NotIn $ignoredSiteTypes -and ($Null -ne $teamName -and $_.Title -eq $teamName -and $_.Template -notlike "*CHANNEL*") -or ($Null -ne $siteUrl -and $_.Url -eq $siteUrl) }) } if($sites.Count -gt 1){ Throw "Failed to find a single Team using $teamName. Found: $($sites.Url -join ","). Please use the Url to specify the correct Team" }elseif($sites.Count -eq 0 -or $Null -eq $sites){ Throw "Failed to find a Team using $teamName $siteUrl. Please check the name and try again" } if($sites[0].IsTeamsConnected){ try{ Write-Host "Retrieving channels for this site/team..." $channels = New-GraphQuery -Uri "$($sites[0].GroupId.Guid)/channels" -Method GET -NoRetry Write-Host "Found $($channels.Count) channels" }catch{ Write-Warning "Failed to retrieve channels for this site/team, assuming no additional sub sites to scan" $channels = @() } foreach($channel in $channels){ if($channel.filesFolderWebUrl){ $targetUrl = $Null; $targetUrl ="https://$($global:octo.tenantName)$($channel.filesFolderWebUrl.Split("/")[3])/$($channel.filesFolderWebUrl.Split("/")[4])" } if($targetUrl -and $sites.Url -notcontains $targetUrl){ try{ Write-Host "Adding Channel $($channel.displayName) with URL $targetUrl to scan list as it has its own site" $extraSite = $Null; $extraSite = Get-PnPTenantSite -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type Admin -Url $spoBaseAdmUrl) -Identity $targetUrl if($extraSite -and $extraSite.Template -NotIn $ignoredSiteTypes){ $sites += $extraSite } }catch{ Write-Error "Failed to add Channel $($channel.displayName) with URL $targetUrl to scan list. It may have been deleted, because Get-PnPTenantSite failed with $_" -ErrorAction Continue } } } } foreach($site in $sites){ $global:SPOPermissions = @{} $siteCategory = "SharePoint" if($site.GroupId.Guid -and $site.GroupId.Guid -ne "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"){ $siteCategory = "O365Group" } if($site.IsTeamsConnected -or $site.IsTeamsChannelConnected){ $siteCategory = "Teams" Write-Host "Site is connected to a Team will be categorized as Teams site" } if($site.Url -like "**"){ $siteCategory = "OneDrive" Write-Host "Site is a OneDrive site" } New-StatisticsObject -Category $siteCategory -Subject $site.Url $wasOwner = $False try{ if($site.Owners -notcontains $global:octo.currentUser.userPrincipalName -and $global:octo.authMode -eq "Delegated"){ Write-Host "Adding you as site collection owner to ensure all permissions can be read from $($site.Url)..." Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $site.Url -Owners $global:octo.currentUser.userPrincipalName -Connection (Get-SpOConnection -Type Admin -Url $spoBaseAdmUrl) -WarningAction Stop -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Owner added and marked for removal upon scan completion" }else{ $wasOwner = $True Write-Host "Site collection ownership verified for $($site.Url) :)" } $spoWeb = (New-RetryCommand -Command 'Get-PnPWeb' -Arguments @{Connection = (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url); ErrorAction = "Stop"}) }catch{ if($sites.Count -le 1){ Throw $_ }else{ Write-Error "Failed to parse site $($site.Url) because $_" -ErrorAction Continue } continue } Write-Host "Scanning root $($spoWeb.Url)..." $spoSiteAdmins = (New-RetryCommand -Command 'Get-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin' -Arguments @{Connection = (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url)}) $global:SPOPermissions.$($spoWeb.Url) = @() foreach($spoSiteAdmin in $spoSiteAdmins){ if($spoSiteAdmin.PrincipalType -ne "User" -and $expandGroups){ $members = $Null; $members = Get-PnPGroupMembers -group $spoSiteAdmin -parentId $spoSiteAdmin.Id -siteConn (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url) | Where-Object {$_} foreach($member in $members){ Update-StatisticsObject -Category $siteCategory -Subject $site.Url New-SpOPermissionEntry -Path $spoWeb.Url -Permission (get-spopermissionEntry -entity $member -object $spoWeb -permission "Owner" -Through "GroupMembership" -parent $spoSiteAdmin.Title) } }else{ Update-StatisticsObject -Category $siteCategory -Subject $site.Url New-SpOPermissionEntry -Path $spoWeb.Url -Permission (get-spopermissionEntry -entity $spoSiteAdmin -object $spoWeb -permission "Owner" -Through "DirectAssignment") } } get-PnPObjectPermissions -Object $spoWeb -Category $siteCategory Stop-StatisticsObject -Category $siteCategory -Subject $site.Url if(!$wasOwner){ Write-Host "Cleanup: Removing you as site collection owner of $($site.Url)..." try{ (New-RetryCommand -Command 'Remove-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin' -Arguments @{Owners = $global:octo.currentUser.userPrincipalName; Connection = (Get-SpOConnection -Type User -Url $site.Url)}) Write-Host "Cleanup: Owner removed" }catch{ Write-Error "Cleanup: Failed to remove you as site collection owner of $($site.Url) because $_" -ErrorAction Continue } } Write-Host "Finalizing data and adding to report queue..." $permissionRows = foreach($row in $global:SPOPermissions.Keys){ foreach($permission in $global:SPOPermissions.$row){ [PSCustomObject]@{ "Path" = $row "Object" = $permission.Object "Name" = $permission.Name "Identity" = $permission.Identity "Email" = $permission.Email "Type" = $permission.Type "Permission" = $permission.Permission "Through" = $permission.Through "Parent" = $permission.Parent "LinkCreationDate" = $permission.LinkCreationDate "LinkExpirationDate" = $permission.LinkExpirationDate } } } Add-ToReportQueue -permissions $permissionRows -category $siteCategory -statistics @($global:unifiedStatistics.$($siteCategory).$($site.Url)) Remove-Variable -Name permissionRows -Force -Confirm:$False if(!$isParallel){ Reset-ReportQueue }else{ [System.GC]::Collect() } Write-Host "Done" } } |