
Function get-AllExOPermissions{
        Author = "Jos Lieben ("
        CompanyName = "Lieben Consultancy"
        Copyright = ""
        -expandGroups: if set, group memberships will be expanded to individual users
        -includeFolderLevelPermissions: if set, folder level permissions for each mailbox will be retrieved. This can be (very) slow
            Default (output to Out-GridView)
            Any combination of above is possible
        -includeCurrentUser: add entries for the user performing the audit (as this user will have all access, it'll clutter the report)

    $global:includeCurrentUser = $includeCurrentUser.IsPresent

        Write-Host "Including folder level permissions, this can take a VERY long time to complete." -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Write-Progress -Id 1 -PercentComplete 1 -Activity "Scanning Exchange Online" -Status "Scanning roles..."
    get-ExORoles -outputFormat $outputFormat -expandGroups:$expandGroups.IsPresent
    Write-Progress -Id 1 -PercentComplete 1 -Activity "Scanning Exchange Online" -Status "Retrieving all recipients..."
    $global:recipients = (New-ExOQuery -cmdlet "Get-Recipient" -cmdParams @{"ResultSize" = "Unlimited"}) | Where-Object{$_ -and !$_.Identity.StartsWith("DiscoverySearchMailbox")}
    $count = 0
    foreach($recipient in $recipients){
        Write-Progress -Id 1 -PercentComplete (($count/$recipients.Count)*100) -Activity "Scanning Exchange Online" -Status "Examining $($recipient.displayName) ($($count) of $($recipients.Count))"
        get-ExOPermissions -recipientIdentity $recipient.Identity -outputFormat $outputFormat -expandGroups:$expandGroups.IsPresent -includeFolderLevelPermissions:$includeFolderLevelPermissions.IsPresent