
# M365 PS Profile
# Installs and Updates the Required PowerShell Modules for M365 Management

# Global variable for standard modules
[array]$global:M365StandardModules = @(

# Get-M365StandardModules
# Returns the M365StandardModules global variable
Function Get-M365StandardModule {
        Returns the M365StandardModules global variable.
        Returns the M365StandardModules global variable which contains the standard modules for M365 Management.

    return $global:M365StandardModules

# Function AsciiArt
Function Invoke-AsciiArt {
        Generates M365PSProfile AsciiArt
        Generates M365PSProfile AsciiArt

    Write-Host "__ __ ____ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ _ _ "
    Write-Host "| \/ |___ \ / /| ____| __ \ / ____| __ \ / _(_) | "
    Write-Host "| \ / | __) |/ /_| |__ | |__) | (___ | |__) | __ ___ | |_ _| | ___ "
    Write-Host "| |\/| ||__ <| '_ \___ \| ___/ \___ \| ___/ '__/ _ \| _| | |/ _ \"
    Write-Host "| | | |___) | (_) |__) | | ____) | | | | | (_) | | | | | __/"
    Write-Host "|_| |_|____/ \___/____/|_| |_____/|_| |_| \___/|_| |_|_|\___|"

# Add-M365PSProfile
# Add M365PSProfile, if no PowerShell Profile exists
Function Add-M365PSProfile {
        Add PowerShell Profile with M365PSProfile setup
        Add PowerShell Profile with M365PSProfile setup (if no PowerShell Profile exists).
        Needs to be executed separately for PowerShell v5 and v7.

    if (-not(Test-Path -Path $Profile)) {
        Write-Host "No PowerShell Profile exists. A new Profile with the M365PSProfile setup is created."

        $ProfileContent = @"
        Import-Module -Name M365PSProfile
        #Install or updates the default Modules (what we think every M365 Admin needs) in the CurrentUser Scope

        $ProfileContent | Out-File -FilePath $Profile -Encoding utf8 -Force
    } else {
        Write-Host "PowerShell Profile already exists. Add the commands for the M365PSProfile setup to the Profile." -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Uninstall-M365Modules
# Remove Modules in -Modules Parameter
Function Uninstall-M365Module {
        Uninstall M365 PowerShell Modules
        Uninstall of all defined M365 modules
        .PARAMETER Modules
        Array of Module Names that will be uninstalled. Default value are the default modules (see Get-M365StandardModule) or an Array with the Modules to uninstall.
        .PARAMETER Scope
        Sets the Scope [CurrentUser/AllUsers] for the Installation of the PowerShell Modules. Default value is CurrentUser.
        Uninstall-M365Modules -Modules "Az","MSOnline","PnP.PowerShell","Microsoft.Graph" -Scope CurrentUser

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][array]$Modules = $global:M365StandardModules,
        [parameter(mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("CurrentUser", "AllUsers")][string]$Scope = "CurrentUser"

    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
    $IsAdmin = $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)

    foreach ($Module in $Modules) {
        [Array]$InstalledModules = Get-InstalledPSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object Version -Descending

        if ($InstalledModules) {
            # Module found
            if (($IsAdmin -eq $false) -and ($Scope -eq "AllUsers")) {
                Write-Host "WARNING: PS must be running <As Administrator> to uninstall the Module" -ForegroundColor Red
            } else {
                # Uninstall all versions of the module
                Write-Host "Uninstall Module: $Module $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

# Remove existing PS Connections
Function Disconnect-All {
        Disconnect all Connections to Microsoft 365 Services
        Disconnect all Connections of the Modules MicrosoftTeams, ExchangeOnlineManagement, Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell, Microsoft.Graph and removes remote PS Sessions

    Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession

    Disconnect-SPOService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Disconnect-MicrosoftTeams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Disconnect-MgGraph -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Set-WindowTitle Function
Function Set-WindowTitle {
        Set the Window Title
        Set the Window Title
        Set-WindowTitle -Title "My Title"

    PARAM (
        [string]$Title = "Windows PowerShell"
    $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $Title

# Main Program

Function Install-M365Module {
        M365PSProfile installs and keeps the PowerShell Modules needed for Microsoft 365 Management up to date.
        It provides a simple way to add it to the PowerShell Profile
        M365PSProfile installs and keeps the PowerShell Modules needed for Microsoft 365 Management up to date.
        It provides a simple way to add it to the PowerShell Profile
        .PARAMETER Modules
        [array]$Modules = @(<ModuleName1>,<Modulename2>)
        [array]$Modules = @("AZ", "MSOnline", "AzureADPreview", "ExchangeOnlineManagement", "Icewolf.EXO.SpamAnalyze", "MicrosoftTeams", "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell", "PnP.PowerShell" , "ORCA", "O365CentralizedAddInDeployment", "MSCommerce", "WhiteboardAdmin", "Microsoft.Graph", "Microsoft.Graph.Beta", "MSAL.PS", "MSIdentityTools" )
        .PARAMETER Scope
        Sets the Scope [CurrentUser/AllUsers] for the Installation of the PowerShell Modules
        .PARAMETER AsciiArt
        [bool]AsciiArt controls the AsciiArt Screen at the Start
        .PARAMETER $RunInVSCode
        [bool]$RunInVSCode controls if the Script will run in VSCode [Default is $false]
        #Installs and updates the Default Modules in CurrentUser Scope
        #Installs and updates the specified Modules
        Install-M365Modules -Modules @("ExchangeOnlineManagement", "MicrosoftTeams", "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell", "PnP.PowerShell") -Scope [CurrentUser|AllUsers]
        #Installs and updates the specified Modules without showing AsciiArt at the Start
        Install-M365Modules -Modules @("ExchangeOnlineManagement", "MicrosoftTeams", "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell", "PnP.PowerShell") -Scope [CurrentUser|AllUsers] -AsciiArt $False

    #Parameter for the Module
        [parameter(mandatory = $false)][array]$Modules = $global:M365StandardModules,
        [parameter(mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("CurrentUser", "AllUsers")][string]$Scope = "CurrentUser",
        [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$AsciiArt = $true,
        [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$RunInVSCode = $false

    #Check if it is running in VSCode
    if ($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq 'vscode') {
        If ($RunInVSCode -eq $false) {

    If ($AsciiArt -eq $true) {
        #Show AsciArt

    #Get Current User / Is Admin
    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
    $IsAdmin = $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)

    Import-Module  Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet
    $PSGallery = Get-PSResourceRepository -Name PSGallery    
    If ($PSGallery.Trusted -eq $false) {
        Write-Host "Warning: PSGallery is not Trusted" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    #Check if VSCode or PowerShell is running
    [array]$process = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -eq "powershell" -or $_.ProcessName -eq "pwsh" -or $_.ProcessName -eq "code" }
    If ($process.count -gt 1) {
        Write-Host "PowerShell or Visual Studio Code running? Please close it, Modules in use can't be updated..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        #Press any key to continue
        Write-Host 'Press any key to continue...';
        $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');

    Write-Host "Checking Modules..."
    Foreach ($Module in $Modules) {
        #Get Array of installed Modules
        [Array]$InstalledModules = Get-InstalledPSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object Version -Descending

        If ($Null -eq $InstalledModules) {
            #Module not found
            Write-Host "$Module Module not found. Try to install..."
            If ($IsAdmin -eq $false -and $Scope -eq "AllUsers") {
                Write-Host "WARNING: PS must be running <As Administrator> to install the Module" -ForegroundColor Red
            } else {
                #Get Module from PowerShell Gallery
                $PSGalleryModule = Find-PSResource -Name $Module
                $PSGalleryVersion = $PSGalleryModule.Version.ToString()
                Write-Host "Install newest Module $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow

                Install-PSResource $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        } else {
            #Module found

            #Get Module from PowerShell Gallery
            $PSGalleryModule = Find-PSResource -Name $Module
            [System.Version]$PSGalleryVersion = $PSGalleryModule.Version.ToString()

            #Check if Multiple Modules are installed
            If (($InstalledModules.count) -gt 1) {

                Write-Host "WARNING: $Module > Multiple Versions found. Uninstall old Versions? (Default is Yes)" -ForegroundColor Yellow 
                $Readhost = Read-Host " ( y / n ) " 
                Switch ($ReadHost) { 
                    Y {
                        #Uninstall all Modules
                        Write-Host "Uninstall Module"
                        Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck
                        #Install newest Module
                        Write-Host "Install newest Module $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        Install-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                    N {
                        Write-Host "Skip Uninstall old Modules" 
                    Default {
                        #Uninstall all Modules
                        Write-Host "Uninstall Module"
                        Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck

                        #Install newest Module
                        Write-Host "Install newest Module $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        Install-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            } else {
                #Only one Module found
                [System.Version]$InstalledModuleVersion = $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString())

                #Version Check
                If ($PSGalleryVersion -gt $InstalledModuleVersion) {
                    #Uninstall Module
                    Write-Host "Uninstall Module: $Module $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck
                    #Install Module
                    Write-Host "Install Module: $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    Install-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                } else {
                    #Write Module Name
                    Write-Host "Checking Module: $Module $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Green