function Test-ExternalSharingCalendars { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([CISAuditResult])] param ( # Aligned # Parameters can be added if needed ) begin { # Dot source the class script if necessary #. .\source\Classes\CISAuditResult.ps1 # Initialization code, if needed $recnum = "1.3.3" # Conditions for 1.3.3 (L2) Ensure 'External sharing' of calendars is not available (Automated) # # Validate test for a pass: # - Confirm that the automated test results align with the manual audit steps outlined in the CIS benchmark. # - Specific conditions to check: # - Condition A: In the Microsoft 365 admin center, external calendar sharing is disabled. # - Condition B: Using the Exchange Online PowerShell Module, the `OrganizationConfig` property `ExternalSharingEnabled` is set to `False`. # # Validate test for a fail: # - Confirm that the failure conditions in the automated test are consistent with the manual audit results. # - Specific conditions to check: # - Condition A: In the Microsoft 365 admin center, external calendar sharing is enabled. # - Condition B: Using the Exchange Online PowerShell Module, the `OrganizationConfig` property `ExternalSharingEnabled` is set to `True`. } process { try { # Step: Retrieve sharing policies related to calendar sharing $sharingPolicies = Get-CISExoOutput -Rec $recnum # Step (Condition A & B: Pass/Fail): Check if calendar sharing is disabled in all applicable policies $isExternalSharingDisabled = $true $sharingPolicyDetails = @() foreach ($policy in $sharingPolicies) { if ($policy.Enabled -eq $true) { $isExternalSharingDisabled = $false $sharingPolicyDetails += "$($policy.Name): Enabled" } } $failureRemediation = @' # Get all mailboxes $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited # Initialize a hashtable to store calendar folder names $calendarFolders = @{} # Get the default calendar folder names for all mailboxes $mailboxes | ForEach-Object { $calendarFolderName = [string](Get-EXOMailboxFolderStatistics $_.PrimarySmtpAddress -FolderScope Calendar | Where-Object { $_.FolderType -eq 'Calendar' }).Name $calendarFolders[$_.PrimarySmtpAddress] = $calendarFolderName } # Get the calendar folder settings for each mailbox foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes) { $primarySmtpAddress = $mailbox.PrimarySmtpAddress $calendarFolder = $calendarFolders[$primarySmtpAddress] # Get users calendar folder settings for their default Calendar folder $calendar = Get-MailboxCalendarFolder -Identity "$primarySmtpAddress:\$calendarFolder" # Check if calendar publishing is enabled and display a message if ($calendar.PublishEnabled) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Calendar publishing is enabled for $primarySmtpAddress on $($calendar.PublishedCalendarUrl)" } } '@ # Step: Prepare failure reasons and details based on compliance (Condition A & B: Fail) $failureReasons = if (-not $isExternalSharingDisabled) { "Calendar sharing with external users is enabled in one or more policies.`n`n" + ` "Use the following command to verify which users are sharing calendars prior to disabling:`n`n" + ` $failureRemediation } else { "N/A" } # Step: Prepare details for the audit result (Condition A & B: Pass/Fail) $details = if ($isExternalSharingDisabled) { "Calendar sharing with external users is disabled." } else { "Enabled Sharing Policies: $($sharingPolicyDetails -join ', ')" } # Step: Create and populate the CISAuditResult object $params = @{ Rec = $recnum Result = $isExternalSharingDisabled Status = if ($isExternalSharingDisabled) { "Pass" } else { "Fail" } Details = $details FailureReason = $failureReasons } $auditResult = Initialize-CISAuditResult @params } catch { $LastError = $_ $auditResult = Get-TestError -LastError $LastError -recnum $recnum } } end { # Return the audit result return $auditResult } } |