
function Get-M365DefenderMachine {
    Get list of just one/all machine/s.
    Get list of just one/all machine/s.
    .PARAMETER machineId
    (optional) specific machine ID you want to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    $allMachines = Get-M365DefenderMachine -header $header
    Get all machines from defender portal.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    $machine = Get-M365DefenderMachine -header $header -machineId 09a3a0af67c7bc1e5efc1a334114d00df3042cc8
    Get just one specific machine from defender portal.
    Requires Machine.Read.All permission.

    param (
        [string] $machineId,


        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/machines"
    if ($machineId) {
        $url = $url + "/$machineId"

    Invoke-RestMethod2 -uri $url -headers $header

function Get-M365DefenderMachineUser {
    Retrieves a list of all users that logged in to the specified computer.
    Retrieves a list of all users that logged in to the specified computer.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER machineId
    Machine ID.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    Get-M365DefenderMachineUser -header $header -machineId 23de7fcd303b5cee7b7aee032276bf2690448582
    Get all users for specified device.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    Get-M365DefenderMachineUser -header $header
    Get all computers and their users.
    Requires User.Read.All.

    param (

        [string[]] $machineId,

        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    if (!$machineId) {
        $machineId = Get-M365DefenderMachine -header $header | select -ExpandProperty Id

    foreach ($id in $machineId) {
        $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/machines/$id/logonusers"

        Invoke-RestMethod2 -uri $url -headers $header | select *, @{n = 'MachineId'; e = { $id } }

function Get-M365DefenderMachineVulnerability {
    Retrieves a list of all the vulnerabilities affecting the organization per machine and software.
    Retrieves a list of all the vulnerabilities affecting the organization per machine and software.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER severity
    Filter vulnerabilities by severity.
    Possible values: 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Critical'
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    $allMachineVulnerabilities = Get-M365DefenderMachineVulnerability -header $header
    Requires Vulnerability.Read.All permission.

    param (

        [ValidateSet('Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Critical', ignorecase = $False)]
        [string[]] $severity,

        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/vulnerabilities/machinesVulnerabilities"

    if ($severity) {
        $sevF = ""
        $severity | % {
            if ($sevF) { $sevF = $sevF + " or " }

            $sevF += "severity eq '$_'"
        $url = $url + "?`$filter=($sevF)"

    Invoke-RestMethod2 -Uri $url -Headers $header

function Get-M365DefenderRecommendation {
    Get list of all/just selected (by name or machine) recommendation/s.
    Get list of all/just selected (by name or machine) recommendation/s.
    .PARAMETER productName
    Name of the product to search recommendations for.
    .PARAMETER machineId
    Id of the machine you want recommendations for.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    Get all security recommendations.
    Get-M365DefenderRecommendation -productName putty
    Get security recommendations just for Putty software.
    Get-M365DefenderRecommendation -machineId 43a802402664e76a021c8dda2e2aa7db6a09a5a4
    Get all security recommendations for given machine.
    Requires SecurityRecommendation.Read.All permission.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'productName')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "productName")]
        [string] $productName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "machineId")]
        [string] $machineId,


        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    if ($machineId) {
        $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/machines/$machineId/recommendations"
    } else {
        $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/recommendations"
        if ($productName) {
            $url = $url + '?$filter=' + "productName eq '$productName'"

    Invoke-RestMethod2 -uri $url -headers $header

function Get-M365DefenderSoftware {
    Get list of just specific/all application/s.
    Get list of just specific/all machine/s.
    .PARAMETER softwareId
    (optional) specific software ID you want to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    $allApplications = Get-M365DefenderSoftware -header $header
    Get all applications from defender portal.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    $application = Get-M365DefenderSoftware -softwareId samsung-_-petservice -header $header
    Get just one specific application from defender portal.
    Requires Software.Read.All permission.

    param (
        [string] $softwareId,


        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/software"
    if ($softwareId) {
        $url = $url + "/$softwareId"

    Invoke-RestMethod2 -uri $url -headers $header

function Get-M365DefenderVulnerability {
    Get list of all/just one vulnerabilities/y.
    Get list of all/just one vulnerabilities/y.
    .PARAMETER vulnerabilityId
    (optional) specific vulnerability ID you want to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    $allVulnerabilities = Get-M365DefenderVulnerability -header $header
    Get all vulnerabilities.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    Get-M365DefenderVulnerability -header $header -vulnerabilityId "CVE-2022-40674"
    Get vulnerability "CVE-2022-40674" details.
    Requires Vulnerability.Read.All permission.
    It can can take several minutes (there is more than 200 000 vulnerabilities now)!

    param (
        [string] $vulnerabilityId,


        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/vulnerabilities"
    if ($vulnerabilityId) {
        $url = $url + "/$vulnerabilityId"

    # for some reason it doesn't provides '@odata.nextLink' so I need to loop through "manually"
    # returned output is limited to 8000 items per call
    $apiDefaultLimit = 8000
    $round = 0
    do {
        $urlFinal = $url

        if (!$vulnerabilityId) {
            # doesn't make sense deal with skip if only one vulnerability will be outputted
            $urlFinal = $urlFinal + '?$skip=' + ($apiDefaultLimit * $round)

        Write-Verbose "Retrieval round: $round url: $urlFinal"

        $result = Invoke-RestMethod2 -uri $urlFinal -headers $header


    } while ($result -and !$vulnerabilityId -and !($result.count % $apiDefaultLimit))

function Get-M365DefenderVulnerabilityReport {
    Function process vulnerabilities returned by Get-M365DefenderMachineVulnerability, process them and returns as custom PSObject.
    Function process vulnerabilities returned by Get-M365DefenderMachineVulnerability, process them and returns as custom PSObject.
    .PARAMETER groupBy
    Possible values: machine, productName
    .PARAMETER severity
    Possible values: Low, Medium, High, Critical
    By default Critical.
    .PARAMETER skipOSVuln
    Switch for skipping Operating System vulnerabilities.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    $vulnerabilityPerMachine = Get-M365DefenderVulnerabilityReport -groupBy machine -header $header -skipOSVuln -severity Critical

    param (
        [ValidateSet('machine', 'productName')]
        [string] $groupBy,

        [ValidateSet('Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Critical', ignorecase = $False)]
        [string[]] $severity = "Critical",

        [switch] $skipOSVuln,


    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    $machineVulnerability = Get-M365DefenderMachineVulnerability -header $header -severity $severity

    if ($skipOSVuln) {
        $machineVulnerability = $machineVulnerability | ? productName -NotIn "windows_10", "windows_11", "mac_os"

    # get all machines to be able to translate id to dnsname
    $allMachines = Get-M365DefenderMachine -header $header

    if ($groupBy -eq "machine") {
        $vulnGroupedByMachineId = $machineVulnerability | group MachineId

        foreach ($groupedData in $vulnGroupedByMachineId) {
            $machineId = $groupedData.Name

            $groupSw = $groupedData.group | group productName, productVersion
            $VulnSW = $groupSw | % {
                    VulnSW         = (@($_.Group.productName)[0] + ", " + @($_.Group.productVersion)[0])
                    productName    = @($_.Group.productName)[0]
                    productVersion = @($_.Group.productVersion)[0]
                    productVendor  = @($_.Group.productVendor)[0]
                    cveId          = $_.Group.cveId
                    fixingKbId     = $_.Group.fixingKbId

                ComputerName = ($allMachines.where({ $_.Id -eq $machineId })).computerDnsName
                MachineId    = $machineId
                VulnSW       = $groupSw.Name
                VulnSWData   = $VulnSW
    } elseif ($groupBy -eq "productName") {
        $vulnGroupedByProdName = $machineVulnerability | group productName

        foreach ($groupedData in $vulnGroupedByProdName) {
            $productName = $groupedData.Name

            $groupSw = $groupedData.group | group productName, productVersion
            $VulnSW = $groupSw | % {
                $machineId = $_.group.machineid | select -Unique
                    VulnSW         = (@($_.Group.productName)[0] + ", " + @($_.Group.productVersion)[0])
                    productName    = @($_.Group.productName)[0]
                    productVersion = @($_.Group.productVersion)[0]
                    productVendor  = @($_.Group.productVendor)[0]
                    cveId          = $_.Group.cveId | select -Unique
                    fixingKbId     = $_.Group.fixingKbId
                    machineid      = $machineId
                    ComputerName   = ($allMachines.where({ $_.Id -in $machineId })).computerDnsName

                ProductName  = $productName
                ComputerName = (($allMachines.where({ $_.Id -in $groupedData.group.machineid })).computerDnsName | sort)
                MachineId    = $groupedData.group.machineid | select -Unique
                VulnSW       = $groupSw.Name
                VulnSWData   = $VulnSW
    } else {
        # don't group the results
        $machineVulnerability | select *, @{n = 'ComputerName'; e = { $machineId = $_.MachineId; ($allMachines.where({ $_.Id -eq $machineId })).computerDnsName } }

function Invoke-M365DefenderAdvancedQuery {
    Returns result of the specified KQL.
    Returns result of the specified KQL.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    Invoke-M365DefenderAdvancedQuery -header $header -query "DeviceInfo | join kind = fullouter DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta on DeviceId"
    Returns result of the selected KQL query.
    Requires AdvancedQuery.Read.All permission.

    param (
        [string] $query,


        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    $url = "https://$apiUrl/api/advancedqueries/run"

    $queryBody = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{ 'Query' = $query }

    Write-Verbose "Query: $query"

    Invoke-RestMethod2 -uri $url -headers $header -method POST -body $queryBody -ErrorAction Stop | select -ExpandProperty Results

function Invoke-M365DefenderSoftwareEvidenceQuery {
    Get Software Evidence query results.
    Get Software Evidence query results from DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta table.
    .PARAMETER appName
    (optional) name of the app you want to get data for.
    .PARAMETER appVersion
    (optional) version of the app you want to get data for.
    .PARAMETER deviceId
    (optional) ID of the device you want to get data for.
    .PARAMETER header
    Header created using New-M365DefenderAuthHeader.
    .PARAMETER apiUrl
    API url.
    By default "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com" for best performance in EU region.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    Invoke-M365DefenderSoftwareEvidenceQuery -header $header
    Get all (100 000 at most) results of Software Evidence table query.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    Invoke-M365DefenderSoftwareEvidenceQuery -header $header -appName JRE
    Get all (100 000 at most) results of Software Evidence table query related to JRE software.
    Requires AdvancedQuery.Read.All permission.

    param (
        [string] $appName,

        [string] $appVersion,

        [string] $deviceId,


        [ValidateSet("api.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-us.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-uk.securitycenter.microsoft.com", "api-au.securitycenter.microsoft.com")]
        [string] $apiUrl = "api-eu.securitycenter.microsoft.com"

    if (!$header) {
        $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -ErrorAction Stop

    #region create query
    $query = "DeviceTvmSoftwareEvidenceBeta`n| sort by SoftwareName, SoftwareVersion"

    if ($appName) {
        $query += "`n| where SoftwareName has '$appName'"
    if ($appVersion) {
        $query += "`n| where SoftwareVersion has '$appVersion'"
    if ($deviceId) {
        $query += "`n| where DeviceId has '$deviceId'"
    #endregion create query

    Write-Verbose "Running query:`n$query"

    Invoke-M365DefenderAdvancedQuery -header $header -query $query

function New-M365DefenderAuthHeader {
    Function creates authentication header for accessing Microsoft 365 Defender API.
    Function creates authentication header for accessing Microsoft 365 Defender API.
    Support authentication using Managed identity, current user, app secret.
    .PARAMETER credential
    Application ID (as username), application secret (as password).
    .PARAMETER identity
    Use managed identity to authenticate.
    .PARAMETER tenantId
    ID of your tenant.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    # Send the webrequest and get the results.
    $url = "https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/alerts?`$filter=alertCreationTime ge $dateTime"
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $header -ErrorAction Stop
    # Extract the alerts from the results.
    $alerts = ($response | ConvertFrom-Json).value | ConvertTo-Json
    Interactive authentication using provided credentials.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader
    Silent authentication using currently authenticated user.
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -credential $credential
    Silent authentication using provided credentials.
    Connect-AzAccount -identity
    $header = New-M365DefenderAuthHeader -identity
    Silent authentication using managed identity.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Credential")]
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ManagedIdentity")]
        [switch] $identity,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Credential")]
        $tenantId = $_tenantDomain

    if ($credential -and !$tenantId) {
        throw "TenantId parameter cannot be empty!"

    if ($identity) {
        # connecting using managed identity

        if (!(Get-Command "Get-AzAccessToken" -ea SilentlyContinue)) {
            throw "'Get-AzAccessToken' command is missing (module Az.Accounts). Unable to continue"

        $sourceAppIdUri = 'https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/.default'
        $response = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUri $sourceAppIdUri
        $token = $response.token

        if (!$token) {
            throw "Unable to obtain an auth. token. Are you authenticated using managed identity via 'Connect-AzAccount -Identity'?"
    } else {
        # connecting using credentials

        if ($credential) {
            # connecting using provided credentials
            $oAuthUri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$tenantId/oauth2/token"
            $authBody = [Ordered]@{
                scope         = 'https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/.default'
                client_id     = $credential.username
                client_secret = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password
                grant_type    = 'client_credentials'

            $authResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $oAuthUri -Body $authBody -ErrorAction Stop
            $token = $authResponse.access_token
        } else {
            # connecting using existing Azure session
            $AccessToken = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUri 'https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com' -ErrorAction Stop
            $token = $AccessToken.token

        if (!$token) {
            throw "Unable to obtain an auth. token"

    $headers = @{
        'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
        Accept         = 'application/json'
        Authorization  = "Bearer $token"

    return $headers

Export-ModuleMember -function Get-M365DefenderMachine, Get-M365DefenderMachineUser, Get-M365DefenderMachineVulnerability, Get-M365DefenderRecommendation, Get-M365DefenderSoftware, Get-M365DefenderVulnerability, Get-M365DefenderVulnerabilityReport, Invoke-M365DefenderAdvancedQuery, Invoke-M365DefenderSoftwareEvidenceQuery, New-M365DefenderAuthHeader