
#Region './Classes/PSNode.ps1' 0
    PowerShell Object Node Class

    This class provides general properties and method to recursively
    iterate through to PowerShell Object Graph nodes.

## Usage

To create a root node, you might simply construct a `[PSNode]` instance from the root object:


To ensure that the recursive properties and method are being up to date with the object depth,
it is imperative that any child node is created from the parent node when passed to any recursive
function using the `GetItemNodes()` or `GetItemNode(<index/key>)` methods:

function MyRecursiveFunction([PSNode]$Node) {
    Write-Host $Node.GetPathName() '=' $Node.Value
    foreach ($ChildNode in $Node.GetItemNodes()) {

## properties

### `MaxDepth`

Defines the class wide (static) maximum node depth of the object.
If the maximum depth has been reached, a error will be thrown.

### `Depth`

The current depth of the node.

### `Index`

The item node index relative to parent list or array. (ReadOnly, do not set)

### `Key`

The item node key or property relative to parent dictionary or PowerShell object.


[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'Name', Justification = 'False positive')]
enum Construction { Undefined; Scalar; List; Dictionary; Object }

Class PSNode {
    static [int]$DefaultMaxDepth = 10
    [Int]$MaxDepth = [PSNode]::DefaultMaxDepth
    $Key                                    # The dictionary key or property name of the node
    $Index                                  # This index of $this item
    hidden $Path
    hidden $PathName


    PSNode($Object) {
        if ($Object -is [PSNode]) { $this.Value = $Object.Value } else { $this.Value = $Object }
        if ($Null -ne $Object)    { $this.Type = $Object.GetType() }
        $this.Construction =
            if ($Object -is [Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]) { 'Object' }
        elseif ($Object -is [ComponentModel.Component])             { 'Object' }
        elseif ($Object -is [Collections.IDictionary])              { 'Dictionary' }
        elseif ($Object -is [Collections.ICollection])              { 'List' }
        else                                                        { 'Scalar' }
        $this.Structure = if ($this.Construction -le 'Dictionary') { $this.Construction } else { 'Dictionary' }

    [Array]GetPath() {
        if ($Null -eq $this.Path) {
            if     ($Null -ne $this.Index) { $this.Path = $this.Parent.GetPath() + $this.Index }
            elseif ($Null -ne $this.Key)   { $this.Path = $this.Parent.GetPath() + $this.Key }
            else                           { $this.Path = @() }
        return $this.Path

    [String]GetPathName() {
        if ($Null -eq $this.PathName) {
            if ($Null -eq $this.Parent) {
                $this.PathName = ''
            elseif ($Null -ne $this.Key) {
                $Name =
                    if     ($this.Key -is [ValueType])        { "$($this.Key)" }
                    elseif ($this.Key -isnot [String])        { "[$($this.Key.GetType())]'$($this.Key)'" }
                    elseif ($this.Key -Match '^[_,a-z]+\w*$') { "$($this.Key)" }
                    else                                      { "$($this.Key)'" }
                $this.PathName = "$($this.Parent.GetPathName()).$Name"
            elseif ($Null -ne $this.Index) {
                $this.PathName = "$($this.Parent.GetPathName())[$($this.Index)]"
            else { Write-Error 'Should not happen' }
        return $this.PathName

    [Bool]Contains($Name) {
        if ($this.Construction -eq 'Object') { return $Null -ne $this.Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name] }
        elseif ($this.Construction -in 'List', 'Dictionary') { return $this.Value.Contains($Name) }
        else { return $false }

    [Object]Get($Name) {
        switch ($this.Construction) {
            Object     { return $this.Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name].Value }
            Dictionary { return $this.Value[$Name] }
            List       { return $this.Value[$Name] }
        return [Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value

    Set($Name, $Value) {
        switch ($this.Construction) {
            Object     { $this.Value.PSObject.Properties[$Name].Value = $Value } # Doesn't create new properties
            Dictionary { $this.Value[$Name] = $Value }
            List       { $this.Value[$Name] = $Value }

    [PSNode]GetItemNode($Key) {
        if ($this.Structure -eq 'Scalar') { Write-Error "Expected collection" }
        elseif ($this.Depth -ge $this.MaxDepth) {
            Write-Warning "$($this.GetPathName) reached the maximum depth of $($this.MaxDepth)."
        elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'List') {
            $Node        = [PSNode]::new($this.Value[$Key])
            $Node.Index  = $Key
            $Node.Depth  = $this.Depth + 1
            $Node.Parent = $this
            return $Node
        elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'Dictionary') {
            $Node        = [PSNode]::new($this.Get($Key))
            $Node.Key    = $Key
            $Node.Depth  = $this.Depth + 1
            $Node.Parent = $this
            return $Node
        return $null

    [PSNode[]]GetItemNodes() {
        $ItemNodes = [Collections.Generic.List[PSNode]]::new()
        if ($this.Structure -eq 'Scalar') { Write-Error "Expected collection" }
        elseif ($this.Depth -ge $this.MaxDepth) {
            Write-Warning "$($this.GetPathName) reached the maximum depth of $($this.MaxDepth)."
        elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'List') {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $this.Value.Count; $i++) {
                $Node        = [PSNode]::new($this.Value[$i])
                $Node.Index  = $i
                $Node.Depth  = $this.Depth + 1
                $Node.Parent = $this
        elseif ($this.Structure -eq 'Dictionary') {
            if ($this.Construction -eq 'Object') { $Items = $this.Value.PSObject.Properties }
            else                                 { $Items = $this.Value.GetEnumerator() }
            $i = 0
                $Node        = [PSNode]::new($_.Value)
                $Node.Key    = $_.Name
                $Node.Depth  = $this.Depth + 1
                $Node.Parent = $this
        return $ItemNodes

    [Int]get_Count() {
        switch ($this.Construction) {
            Object     { return @($this.Value.PSObject.Properties).Count }
            Dictionary { return $this.Value.get_Count() }
            List       { return $this.Value.get_Count() }
        return 0

    [Array]get_Keys() {
        switch ($this.Construction) {
            Object     { return $this.Value.PSObject.Properties.Name }
            Dictionary { return $this.Value.get_Keys() }
            List       { return 0..($this.Value.Length - 1) }
        return [Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value

    [Array]get_Values() {
        switch ($this.Construction) {
            Object     { return $this.Value.PSObject.Properties.Value }
            Dictionary { return $this.Value.get_Values() }
            List       { return $this.Value }
        return [Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value
#EndRegion './Classes/PSNode.ps1' 215
#Region './Private/Merge-Array.ps1' 0
  Merges two arrays into one new array

  This function merges two arrays into one new one.
  The values in the Merge array are overwriting any existing
  values in the Reference array.

 .Parameter Reference
  The Reference array that is used as the starting point

 .Parameter Merge
  The Merge array that will be merged into the Reference array.

   # Merges the Merge array into the Reference array
   $reference = @(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
   $merge = @(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)

   Merge-Array -Reference $reference -Merge $merge

function Merge-Array
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-LogEntry -Message "Processing array: $($Merge.Count) items" -Level $script:level

    foreach ($item in $Merge)
        switch ($item.GetType().FullName)
                $refItem = $Reference | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                    ($_.ContainsKey('UniqueId') -and $_.UniqueId -eq $item.UniqueId) -or `
                    ($_.ContainsKey('Identity') -and $_.Identity -eq $item.Identity) -or `
                    ($_.ContainsKey('Id') -and $_.Id -eq $item.Id) -or `
                    ($_.ContainsKey('NodeName') -and $_.NodeName -eq $item.NodeName)

                if ($null -eq $refItem)
                    # Add item
                    Write-LogEntry -Message " Hashtable doesn't exist in Reference. Adding." -Level $script:level
                    $Reference += $item
                    # Compare item
                    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Hashtable exists in Reference. Merging.' -Level $script:level
                    $refItem = Merge-Hashtable -Reference $refItem -Merge $item
                if ($Reference -notcontains $item)
                    $Reference += $item

    return $Reference
#EndRegion './Private/Merge-Array.ps1' 80
#Region './Private/Merge-Hashtable.ps1' 0
  Merges two hashtables

  This function merges two hashtables into one new one.
  The values in the Merge hashtable are overwriting any existing
  values in the Reference hashtable.

 .Parameter Reference
  The Reference hashtable that is used as the starting point

 .Parameter Merge
  The Merge hashtable that will be merged into the Reference hashtable.

   # Merges the Merge file into the Reference file
   $reference = @{
         'Key1' = 'Value1'
         'Key2' = 'Value2'
         'Key3' = @{
              'Key3.1' = 'Value3.1'
              'Key3.2' = 'Value3.2'
   $merge = @{
         'Key1' = 'ValueNew'
         'Key3' = @{
              'Key3.2' = 'ValueNew'
              'Key3.3' = 'Value3.3'

   Merge-Hashtable -Reference $reference -Merge $merge

function Merge-Hashtable
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $items = $Merge.GetEnumerator()
    foreach ($item in $items)
        $itemKey = $item.Key
        $itemData = $item.Value
        Write-LogEntry -Message "Processing: $itemKey" -Level $script:level
        switch ($itemData.GetType().FullName)
                # Check if item exists in the reference
                if ($Reference.ContainsKey($itemKey) -eq $false)
                    # item does not exist, add item
                    Write-LogEntry -Message ' Key missing in Merge object, adding key' -Level $script:level
                    $Reference.Add($itemKey, $itemData)
                    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Key exists in Merge object, checking child items' -Level $script:level
                    $Reference.$itemKey = Merge-Hashtable -Reference $Reference.$itemKey -Merge $itemData
                if ($null -eq $Reference.$itemKey -or $Reference.$itemKey.Count -eq 0)
                    $Reference.$itemKey = $itemData
                    $Reference.$itemKey = [Array](Merge-Array -Reference $Reference.$itemKey -Merge $itemData)
                if ($Reference.$itemKey -ne $itemData)
                    $Reference.$itemKey = $itemData

    return $Reference
#EndRegion './Private/Merge-Hashtable.ps1' 99
#Region './Private/Write-LogEntry.ps1' 0
  Writes a log entry to the console, including a timestamp

  This function writes a log entry to the console, including a
  timestamp of the current time.

 .Parameter Message
  The message that has to be written to the console.

 .Parameter Level
  The number of spaces the message has to be indented.

  Write-LogEntry -Message 'This is a log entry'

  Write-LogEntry -Message 'This is an indented log entry' -Level 1

function Write-LogEntry
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Justification = 'Using Write-Host to force output to the screen instead of into the pipeline.')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Level = 0

    $timestamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
    $indentation = ' ' * $Level
    $output = '[{0}] - {1}{2}' -f $timestamp, $indentation, $Message

    Write-Host -Object $output
#EndRegion './Private/Write-LogEntry.ps1' 42
#Region './Public/Add-ModulesToBlobStorage.ps1' 0
function Add-ModulesToBlobStorage
    Downloads all Microsoft365DSC dependencies and uploads these to an Azure Blob Storage

    This function checks which dependencies the used version of Microsoft365DSC
    requires and downloads these from the PowerShell Gallery. The dependencies
    are then packaged into a zip file and uploaded to an Azure Blob Storage.

.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    The Azure Resource Group Name where the Storage Account is located

.PARAMETER StorageAccountName
    The name of the Storage Account where the zip file will be uploaded to

.PARAMETER ContainerName
    The name of the Container where the zip file will be uploaded to

    Add-ModulesToBlobStorage -ResourceGroupName 'MyResourceGroup' -StorageAccountName 'MyStorageAccount' -ContainerName 'MyContainer'

        # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # [System.String]
        # $SubscriptionName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Upload Microsoft365DSC module dependencies to storage container' -Level $script:level

    Write-LogEntry -Message "Connecting to storage account '$StorageAccountName'" -Level $script:level
    $storageAcc = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $StorageAccountName

    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Retrieving storage account context' -Level $script:level
    $context = $storageAcc.Context

    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Checking dependencies' -Level $script:level
    $m365Module = Get-Module -Name Microsoft365DSC -ListAvailable | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    $modulePath = Split-Path -Path $m365Module.Path -Parent

    $versionString = $m365Module.Version.ToString() -replace '\.', '_'

    $dependenciesPath = Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'Dependencies\Manifest.psd1'

    if (Test-Path -Path $dependenciesPath)
        Write-LogEntry -Message 'Downloading dependencies' -Level $script:level

        $destination = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'M365DSCModules'
        $savePath = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath $m365Module.Version.ToString()
        if (Test-Path -Path $savePath)
            Write-LogEntry -Message "$savePath already exists. Removing!" -Level $script:level
            Remove-Item -Path $savePath -Recurse -Confirm:$false
        $null = New-Item -Path $savePath -ItemType 'Directory'

        Write-LogEntry -Message ('Saving module {0} (v{1})' -f $m365Module.Name, $m365Module.Version.ToString()) -Level $script:level
        Save-Module -Name $m365Module.Name -RequiredVersion $m365Module.Version.ToString() -Path $savePath

        $data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $dependenciesPath
        foreach ($dependency in $data.Dependencies)
            Write-LogEntry -Message ('Saving module {0} (v{1})' -f $dependency.ModuleName, $dependency.RequiredVersion) -Level $script:level
            Save-Module -Name $dependency.ModuleName -RequiredVersion $dependency.RequiredVersion -Path $savePath

        Write-LogEntry -Message 'Packaging Zip file' -Level $script:level
        $zipFileName = "M365DSCDependencies-$versionString.zip"
        $zipFilePath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath $zipFileName
        if ((Test-Path -Path $zipFilePath))
            Write-LogEntry -Message "$zipFileName already exist on disk. Removing!" -Level $script:level
            Remove-Item -Path $zipFilePath -Confirm:$false
        Compress-Archive -Path $savePath\* -DestinationPath $zipFilePath

        Write-LogEntry -Message 'Uploading Zip file' -Level $script:level
        $blobContent = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $ContainerName -Context $context -Prefix $zipFileName
        if ($null -ne $blobContent)
            Write-LogEntry -Message "$zipFileName already exist in the Blob Storage. Removing!" -Level $script:level
            $blobContent | Remove-AzStorageBlob
        $null = Set-AzStorageBlobContent -Container $ContainerName -File $zipFilePath -Context $context -Force

        Write-LogEntry -Message 'Removing temporary components' -Level $script:level
        Remove-Item -Path $savePath -Recurse -Confirm:$false -Force
        Remove-Item -Path $zipFilePath -Confirm:$false
        Write-LogEntry -Message '[ERROR] Dependencies\Manifest.psd1 file not found' -Level $script:level
#EndRegion './Public/Add-ModulesToBlobStorage.ps1' 121
#Region './Public/Compare-DataObject.ps1' 0
function Compare-DataObject
    Compare Data Object

    Deep compares two Data Object and lists the differences between them.

.PARAMETER InputObject
    The input object that will be compared with the reference object (see: [-Reference] parameter).

    > [!NOTE]
    > Multiple input object might be provided via the pipeline.
    > The common PowerShell behavior is to unroll any array (aka list) provided by the pipeline.
    > To avoid a list of (root) objects to unroll, use the **comma operator**:

        ,$InputObject | Compare-DataObject $Reference.

.PARAMETER Reference
    The reference that is used to compared with the input object (see: [-InputObject] parameter).

    If set, the cmdlet will return a boolean (`$true` or `$false`).
    As soon a Discrepancy is found, the cmdlet will immediately stop comparing further properties.

    Unless the `-MatchCase` switch is provided, string values are considered case insensitive.

    > [!NOTE]
    > Dictionary keys are compared based on the `$Reference`.
    > if the `$Reference` is an object (PSCustomObject or component object), the key or name comparison
    > is case insensitive otherwise the comparer supplied with the dictionary is used.

    Unless the `-MatchType` switch is provided, a loosely (inclusive) comparison is done where the
    `$Reference` object is leading. Meaning `$Reference -eq $InputObject`:

        '1.0' -eq 1.0 # $false
        1.0 -eq '1.0' # $true (also $false if the `-MatchType` is provided)

.PARAMETER MatchObjectOrder
    Whether a list (or array) is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-MatchObjectOrder` switch is provided, the order of an object array (`@(...)` aka `Object[]`)
    is presumed unordered. This means that `Compare-DataObject` cmdlet will try to match each item of an
    `$InputObject` list which each item in the `$Reference` list.

    If there is a single discrepancy on each side, the properties will be compared deeper, otherwise a
    list with different items will be returned.

.PARAMETER IgnoreArrayOrder
    Whether a list (or array) is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnoreArrayOrder` switch is provided, the order of an array (e.g. `[String[]]('a', b', 'c')`,
    excluding an object array, see: [-MatchObjectOrder]), is presumed ordered.

.PARAMETER IgnoreListOrder
    Whether a list is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnoreListOrder` switch is provided, the order of a list
    (e.g. `[Collections.Generic.List[Int]](1, 2, 3)`), is presumed ordered.

.PARAMETER IgnoreDictionaryOrder
    Whether a dictionary is treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnoreDictionaryOrder` switch is provided, the order of a dictionary is presumed ordered.

    > [!WARNING]
    > A `[HashTable]` type is unordered by design and therefore the order of a `$Reference` hash table
    > in always ignored

.PARAMETER IgnorePropertyOrder
    Whether the properties are treated as ordered is defined by the `$Reference`.
    Unless the `-IgnorePropertyOrder` switch is provided, the property order is presumed ordered.

    The maximal depth to recursively compare each embedded property (default: 10).

    ,$InputObject | Compare-DataObject $Reference

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseLiteralInitializerForHashtable', '', Justification = 'Using case sensitive hashtable on purpose')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = 'Still have to check with developer')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]









        $MaxDepth = 10
        $ReferenceNode = [PSNode]::new($Reference)
        $ReferenceNode.MaxDepth = $MaxDepth
        function CompareObject()
            param (


                $IsEqual = $IsEqual

            if ($MatchType)
                if ($ObjectNode.Type -ne $ReferenceNode.Type)
                    if ($IsEqual)
                        return $false
                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                        Discrepancy = 'Type'
                        InputObject = $ObjectNode.Type
                        Reference   = $ReferenceNode.Type
            if ($ObjectNode.Structure -ne $ReferenceNode.Structure)
                if ($IsEqual)
                    return $false
                    Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                    Discrepancy = 'Structure'
                    InputObject = $ObjectNode.Structure
                    Reference   = $ReferenceNode.Structure
            elseif ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'Scalar')
                $NotEqual = if ($MatchCase)
                    $ReferenceNode.Value -cne $ObjectNode.Value
                    $ReferenceNode.Value -cne $ObjectNode.Value
                if ($NotEqual)
                    # $ReferenceNode dictates the type
                    if ($IsEqual)
                        return $false
                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                        Discrepancy = 'Value'
                        InputObject = $ObjectNode.Value
                        Reference   = $ReferenceNode.Value
                if ($ObjectNode.get_Count() -ne $ReferenceNode.get_Count())
                    if ($IsEqual)
                        return $false
                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName()
                        Discrepancy = 'Size'
                        InputObject = $ObjectNode.get_Count()
                        Reference   = $ReferenceNode.get_Count()
                if ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'List')
                    $ObjectItems = $ObjectNode.GetItemNodes()
                    $ReferenceItems = $ReferenceNode.GetItemNodes()
                    $MatchOrder =
                    $ObjectNode.get_Count() -eq 0 -or $ReferenceNode.get_Count() -eq 0 -or
                        ($ObjectNode.get_Count() -eq 1 -and $ReferenceNode.get_Count() -eq 1) -or
                        if ($ReferenceNode.Type.Name -eq 'Object[]')
                        elseif ($ReferenceNode.Value -eq [Array])
                            -not $IgnoreArrayOrder
                            -not $IgnoreListOrder
                    if ($MatchOrder)
                        $Min = [Math]::Min($ObjectNode.get_Count(), $ReferenceNode.get_Count())
                        $Max = [Math]::Max($ObjectNode.get_Count(), $ReferenceNode.get_Count())
                        for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $Max; $Index++)
                            if ($Index -lt $Min)
                                $Compare = CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItems[$Index] -Object $ObjectItems[$Index] -IsEqual:$IsEqual
                                if ($Compare -eq $false)
                                    return $Compare
                                elseif ($Compare -ne $true)
                            elseif ($Index -ge $ObjectNode.get_Count())
                                if ($IsEqual)
                                    return $false
                                    Path        = $ReferenceItems[$Index].GetPathName() # ($ObjectItem doesn't exist)
                                    Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                    InputObject = $false
                                    Reference   = $true
                                if ($IsEqual)
                                    return $false
                                    Path        = $ObjectItems[$Index].GetPathName()
                                    Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                    InputObject = $true
                                    Reference   = $false
                        $ObjectLinks = [system.collections.generic.dictionary[int, int]]::new()
                        $ReferenceLinks = [system.collections.generic.dictionary[int, int]]::new()
                        foreach ($ObjectItem in $ObjectItems)
                            $Found = $Null
                            foreach ($ReferenceItem in $ReferenceItems)
                                if (-not $ReferenceLinks.ContainsKey($ReferenceItem.Index))
                                    $Found = CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItem -Object $ObjectItem -IsEqual
                                    if ($Found)
                                        $ReferenceLinks[$ReferenceItem.Index] = $ObjectItem.Index
                                        break # Link only one reference item
                            if ($Found)
                                $ObjectLinks[$ObjectItem.Index] = $ReferenceItem.Index
                            elseif ($IsEqual)
                                return $false
                        $MissingObjects = $ObjectItems.get_Count() - $ObjectLinks.get_Count()
                        $MissingReferences = $ReferenceItems.get_Count() - $ReferenceLinks.get_Count()
                        $Equal = -not $MissingObjects -and -not $MissingReferences
                        if ($IsEqual)
                            return $Equal
                        elseif ($Equal)
                        if ($MissingObjects -eq 1 -and $MissingReferences -eq 1)
                            $ObjectExcept = ([int[]][Linq.Enumerable]::Except([int[]]$ObjectItems.Index, [int[]]$ObjectLinks.get_Keys()))[0]
                            $ReferenceExcept = ([int[]][Linq.Enumerable]::Except([int[]]$ReferenceItems.Index, [int[]]$ReferenceLinks.get_Keys()))[0]
                            CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItems[$ReferenceExcept] -Object $ObjectItems[$ObjectExcept] -IsEqual:$IsEqual
                            $Max = [Math]::Max($ObjectNode.get_Count(), $ReferenceNode.get_Count())
                            for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $Max; $Index++)
                                if ($Index -ge $ObjectItems.get_Count())
                                        Path        = $ReferenceNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                        InputObject = $false
                                        Reference   = $true
                                elseif ($Index -ge $ReferenceItems.get_Count())
                                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                        InputObject = $true
                                        Reference   = $false
                                elseif ($Index -notin $ObjectLinks.get_Keys())
                                        Path        = $ReferenceNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Linked'
                                        InputObject = $false
                                        Reference   = $ReferenceLinks[$Index]
                                elseif ($Index -notin $ReferenceLinks.get_Keys())
                                        Path        = $ObjectNode.GetPathName() + "[$Index]"
                                        Discrepancy = 'Linked'
                                        InputObject = $ObjectLinks[$Index]
                                        Reference   = $false
                elseif ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'Dictionary')
                    $Found = [HashTable]::new() # (Case sensitive)
                    $MatchOrder = $ReferenceNode.Type.Name -ne 'HashTable' -and $(
                        if ($ReferenceNode.Construction -eq 'Object')
                            -not $IgnorePropertyOrder
                            -not $IgnoreDictionaryOrder
                    $Order = if ($MatchOrder)
                    $Index = 0
                    if ($MatchOrder)
                        $ReferenceNode.Get_Keys().foreach{ $Order[$_] = $Index++ }
                    $Index = 0
                    foreach ($ObjectItem in $ObjectNode.GetItemNodes())
                        if ($ReferenceNode.Contains($ObjectItem.Key))
                            $ReferenceItem = $ReferenceNode.GetItemNode($ObjectItem.Key)
                            $Found[$ReferenceItem.Key] = $true
                            if ($MatchOrder -and $Order[$ReferenceItem.Key] -ne $Index)
                                if ($IsEqual)
                                    return $false
                                    Path        = $ObjectItem.GetPathName()
                                    Discrepancy = 'Order'
                                    InputObject = $Index
                                    Reference   = $Order[$ReferenceItem.Key]
                            $Compare = CompareObject -Reference $ReferenceItem -Object $ObjectItem -IsEqual:$IsEqual
                            if ($Compare -eq $false)
                                return $Compare
                            elseif ($Compare -ne $true)
                            if ($IsEqual)
                                return $false
                                Path        = $ObjectItem.GetPathName()
                                Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                InputObject = $true
                                Reference   = $false
                        if (-not $Found.Contains($_))
                            if ($IsEqual)
                                return $false
                                Path        = $ReferenceNode.GetItemNode($_).GetPathName()
                                Discrepancy = 'Exists'
                                InputObject = $false
                                Reference   = $true
            if ($IsEqual)
                return $true
        CompareObject -ReferenceNode $ReferenceNode -ObjectNode $InputObject
#EndRegion './Public/Compare-DataObject.ps1' 460
#Region './Public/ConvertTo-SortedDataObject.ps1' 0
function ConvertTo-SortedDataObject
    Sort Data Object

    Recursively sorts a Data Object alphabetically.

.PARAMETER InputObject
    The input object that will be recursively sorted.

    > [!NOTE]
    > Multiple input object might be provided via the pipeline.
    > The common PowerShell behavior is to unroll any array (aka list) provided by the pipeline.
    > To avoid a list of (root) objects to unroll, use the **comma operator**:

        ,$InputObject | ConvertTo-SortedDataObject.

    Any primary key defined by the [-PrimaryKey] parameter will be put on top of [-InputObject]
    independent of the (descending) sort order.

    It is allowed to supply multiple primary keys.

    Indicates that the sort is case-sensitive. By default, sorts aren't case-sensitive.

.PARAMETER Descending
    Indicates that ConvertTo-SortedDataObject sorts the objects in descending order. The default is ascending order.

    > [!NOTE]
    > Primary keys (see: [-PrimaryKey]) will always put on top.

    The maximal depth to recursively compare each embedded property (default: 10).

    ,$InputObject | ConvertTo-SortedDataObject

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseLiteralInitializerForHashtable', '', Justification = 'Using case sensitive hashtable on purpose')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseApprovedVerbs', '')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $True)]




        $MaxDepth = 10

        $Primary = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PrimaryKey'))
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PrimaryKey.Count; $i++)
                if ($Descending)
                    $Primary[$PrimaryKey[$i]] = [Char]254 + '#' * ($PrimaryKey.Count - $i)
                    $Primary[$PrimaryKey[$i]] = ' ' + '#' * $i

        function SortObject

            if ($Node.Structure -eq 'Scalar')
                $SortKey = if ($Null -eq $($Node.Value))
                    [Char]27 + '$Null'
                elseif ($MatchCase)
                $Output = @{ $SortKey = $($Node.Value) }
            elseif ($Node.Structure -eq 'List')
                # This will convert the list to an (fixed) array
                $Items = $Node.GetItemNodes().foreach{ SortObject $_ -SortIndex }
                $Items = $Items | Sort-Object -CaseSensitive:$MatchCase -Descending:$Descending { $_.Keys[0] }
                $String = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]::new()
                $List = [Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
                foreach ($Item in $Items)
                    $SortKey = $Item.GetEnumerator().Name
                $Name = $String -Join [Char]255
                $Output = @{ $Name = @($List) }
            elseif ($Node.Structure -eq 'Dictionary')
                # This will convert a dictionary to a PSCustomObject
                $HashTable = [HashTable]::New(0, [StringComparer]::Ordinal)
                    $SortObject = SortObject $_ -SortIndex
                    $SortKey = $SortObject.GetEnumerator().Name
                    if ($Primary.Contains($_.Key))
                        $Key = $Primary[$_.Key]
                        $Key = $_.Key
                    $HashTable["$Key$([Char]255)$SortKey"] = @{ $_.Key = $SortObject[$SortKey] }
                $SortedKeys = $HashTable.get_Keys() | Sort-Object -CaseSensitive:$MatchCase -Descending:$Descending
                $Properties = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new([StringComparer]::Ordinal)
                    $Item = $HashTable[$_]
                    $Name = $Item.GetEnumerator().Name
                    $Properties[$Name] = $Item[$Name]
                $Name = $SortedKeys -Join [Char]255
                $Output = @{ $Name = [PSCustomObject]$Properties } # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/20753
                Write-Error 'Should not happen'
            if ($SortIndex)

        $PSnode = [PSNode]::new($InputObject)
        $PSNode.MaxDepth = $MaxDepth
        SortObject -Node $PSNode

Set-Alias -Name 'Sort-DataObject' -Value 'ConvertTo-SortedDataObject' -Scope Global
#EndRegion './Public/ConvertTo-SortedDataObject.ps1' 180
#Region './Public/Copy-DataObject.ps1' 0
function Copy-DataObject
    Copy Data Object

    Recursively ("deep") copies a data object.

.PARAMETER InputObject
    The input object that will be recursively copied.

    If supplied, lists will be converted to the given type (or type of the supplied object example).

.PARAMETER DictionaryAs
    If supplied, dictionaries will be converted to the given type (or type of the supplied object example).
    This parameter also accepts the [`PSCustomObject`][1] types
    By default (if the [-DictionaryAs] parameters is omitted),
    [`Component`][2] objects will be converted to a [`PSCustomObject`][1] type.

.PARAMETER ExcludeLeafs
    If supplied, only the structure (lists, dictionaries, [`PSCustomObject`][1] types and [`Component`][2] types will be copied.
    If omitted, each leaf will be shallow copied

    The maximal depth to recursively compare each embedded property (default: 10).

    # Deep copy a complete data object into a new data object

        $NewDataObject = Copy-DataObject $DataObject

    # Copy (convert) an data object using common PowerShell arrays and PSCustomObjects

        $PSObject = Copy-DataObject $Object -ListAs [Array] -DictionaryAs PSCustomObject

    # Convert a Json string to an data object with (case insensitive) ordered dictionaries

        $PSObject = $Json | ConvertFrom-Json | Copy-DataObject -DictionaryAs ([Ordered]@{})

    [1]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.management.automation.pscustomobject "PSCustomObject Class"
    [2]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.componentmodel.component "Component Class"

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ListAs')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $True)]




        $MaxDepth = 10

        function StopError($Exception, $Id = 'IncorrectArgument', $Group = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::SyntaxError, $Object)
            if ($Exception -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
                $Exception = $Exception.Exception
            elseif ($Exception -isnot [Exception])
                $Exception = [ArgumentException]$Exception
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new($Exception, $Id, $Group, $Object))

        $ListNode = if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ListAs'))
            if ($ListAs -is [String] -or $ListAs -is [Type])
                    [PSNode](New-Object -Type $ListAs)
                    StopError $_

        $DictionaryNode = if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DictionaryAs'))
            if ($DictionaryAs -is [String] -or $DictionaryAs -is [Type])
                    [PSNode](New-Object -Type $DictionaryAs)
                    StopError $_

        $ListStructure = if ($ListNode)
        $DictionaryStructure = if ($DictionaryNode)
        if (($ListStructure -eq 'Dictionary' -and $DictionaryStructure -ne 'Dictionary') -or ($DictionaryStructure -eq 'List' -and $ListStructure -ne 'List'))
            $ListNode, $DictionaryNode = $DictionaryNode, $ListNode

        if ($ListNode -and $ListNode.Structure -ne 'List')
            StopError 'The -ListAs parameter requires a string, type or an object example that supports a list structure'
        if ($DictionaryNode -and $DictionaryNode.Structure -ne 'Dictionary')
            StopError 'The -DictionaryAs parameter requires a string, type or an object example that supports a dictionary structure'

        function CopyObject



            if ($Node.Structure -eq 'Scalar')
                if ($ExcludeLeafs -or $Null -eq $Node.Value)
                    return $Node.Value
            elseif ($Node.Structure -eq 'List')
                $Type = if ($Null -ne $ListType)
                $Values = $Node.GetItemNodes().foreach{ CopyObject $_ -ListType $ListType -DictionaryType $DictionaryType }
                $Values = $Values -as $Type
                , $Values
            elseif ($Node.Structure -eq 'Dictionary')
                # This will convert a dictionary to a PSCustomObject
                $Type = if ($Null -ne $DictionaryType)
                $IsDirectory = $Null -ne $Type.GetInterface('IDictionary')
                if ($IsDirectory)
                    $Dictionary = New-Object -Type $Type
                    $Dictionary = [Ordered]@{}
                $Node.GetItemNodes().foreach{ $Dictionary[$_.Key] = CopyObject $_ -ListType $ListType -DictionaryType $DictionaryType }
                if ($IsDirectory)
        $PSnode = [PSNode]::new($InputObject)
        $PSNode.MaxDepth = $MaxDepth
        CopyObject -Node $PSNode -ListType $ListNode.Type -DictionaryType $DictionaryNode.Type
#EndRegion './Public/Copy-DataObject.ps1' 228
#Region './Public/Get-ModulesFromBlobStorage.ps1' 0
function Get-ModulesFromBlobStorage
    Downloads all Microsoft365DSC dependencies from an Azure Blob Storage

    This function downloads the zipped dependency modules corresponding to the
    required Microsoft365DSC version from an Azure Blob Storage, if available.
    The dependencies are then unzipped and copied to the PowerShell Modules folder.

.PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    The Azure Resource Group Name where the Storage Account is located

.PARAMETER StorageAccountName
    The name of the Storage Account where the zip file will be downloaded from

.PARAMETER ContainerName
    The name of the Container where the zip file will be downloaded from

    The version of the Microsoft365DSC module for which the prerequisites should be retrieved

    Get-ModulesFromBlobStorage -ResourceGroupName 'MyResourceGroup' -StorageAccountName 'MyStorageAccount' -ContainerName 'MyContainer' -Version 1.23.530.1

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-LogEntry -Message "Download dependencies from storage container for Microsoft365DSC v$Version." -Level $script:level

    Write-LogEntry -Message "Connecting to storage account '$StorageAccountName'" -Level $script:level
    $storageAcc = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $StorageAccountName

    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Retrieving storage account context' -Level $script:level
    $context = $storageAcc.Context

    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Checking download folder existence' -Level $script:level
    $destination = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'M365DSCModules'
    if ((Test-Path -Path $destination) -eq $false)
        Write-LogEntry -Message "Creating destination folder: '$destination'" -Level $script:level
        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $destination

    Write-LogEntry -Message 'Downloading blob contents from the container' -Level $script:level
    $prefix = 'M365DSCDependencies-' + ($Version -replace '\.', '_')
    $blobContent = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $ContainerName -Context $context -Prefix $prefix

    if ($null -eq $blobContent)
        Write-LogEntry -Message "[ERROR] No files found that match the pattern: '$prefix'" -Level $script:level
        Write-LogEntry -Message "Downloading $($blobContent.Name) to $destination" -Level $script:level
        $downloadFile = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath $blobContent.Name
        if (Test-Path -Path $downloadFile)
            Write-LogEntry -Message "$downloadFile already exists. Removing!" -Level $script:level
            Remove-Item -Path $downloadFile -Confirm:$false
        $null = Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Container $ContainerName -Context $context -Blob $blobContent.Name -Destination $destination -Force

        Write-LogEntry -Message "Extracting $($blobContent.Name)" -Level $script:level
        $extractPath = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath $Version.ToString()
        if (Test-Path -Path $extractPath)
            Write-LogEntry -Message "$extractPath already exists. Removing!" -Level $script:level
            Remove-Item -Path $extractPath -Recurse -Confirm:$false
        Expand-Archive -Path $downloadFile -DestinationPath $extractPath

        Write-LogEntry -Message "Copying modules in $extractPath to 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'" -Level $script:level
        $downloadedModules = Get-ChildItem -Path $extractPath -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        foreach ($module in $downloadedModules)
            $PSModulePath = Join-Path -Path "$($env:ProgramFiles)/WindowsPowerShell/Modules" -ChildPath $module.Name
            if (Test-Path -Path $PSModulePath)
                Write-LogEntry "Removing existing module $($module.Name)" -Level $script:level
                Remove-Item -Include '*' -Path $PSModulePath -Recurse -Force

            Write-LogEntry "Deploying module $($module.Name)" -Level $script:level
            $modulePath = Join-Path -Path $extractPath -ChildPath $module.Name
            $PSModulesPath = Join-Path -Path "$($env:ProgramFiles)/WindowsPowerShell" -ChildPath 'Modules'
            Copy-Item -Path $modulePath -Destination $PSModulesPath -Recurse -Container -Force

        Write-LogEntry -Message 'Removing temporary components' -Level $script:level
        Remove-Item -Path $extractPath -Recurse -Confirm:$false
        Remove-Item -Path $destination -Recurse -Confirm:$false
#EndRegion './Public/Get-ModulesFromBlobStorage.ps1' 127
#Region './Public/Merge-DataFile.ps1' 0
function Merge-DataFile
    Merges two PowerShell Data File hashtables

    This function merges two PowerShell Data file hashtables into one new
    one. The values in the Merge hashtable are overwriting any existing
    values in the Reference hashtable.

.PARAMETER Reference
    The Reference hashtable that is used as the starting point

    The Merge hashtable that will be merged into the Reference hashtable.

    # Merges the Merge file into the Reference file
    $reference = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path 'reference.psd1'
    $merge = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path 'merge.psd1'

    Merge-DataFile -Reference $reference -Merge $merge

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $script:level = 0

        Write-LogEntry -Message 'Starting Data Merge' -Level $script:level
        $ref = $Reference.Clone()
        $mer = $Merge.Clone()

        $result = Merge-Hashtable -Reference $ref -Merge $mer

        Write-LogEntry -Message 'Data Merge Completed' -Level $script:level

        return $result
#EndRegion './Public/Merge-DataFile.ps1' 58
#Region './Public/Merge-DataObject.ps1' 0
function Merge-DataObject
    Merges two Data Objects into one

    Recursively merges two Data Object into a new Data Object.

.PARAMETER InputObject
    The input object that will be merged with the template object (see: [-Template] parameter).

    > [!NOTE]
    > Multiple input object might be provided via the pipeline.
    > The common PowerShell behavior is to unroll any array (aka list) provided by the pipeline.
    > To avoid a list of (root) objects to unroll, use the **comma operator**:

        ,$InputObject | Compare-DataObject $Template.

    The template that is used to merge with the input object (see: [-InputObject] parameter).

    In case of a list of dictionaries or PowerShell objects, the PowerShell key is used to
    link the items or properties: if the PrimaryKey exists on both the [-Template] and the
    [-InputObject] and the values are equal, the dictionary or PowerShell object will be merged.
    Otherwise (if the key can't be found or the values differ), the complete dictionary or
    PowerShell object will be added to the list.

    It is allowed to supply multiple primary keys where each primary key will be used to
    check the relation between the [-Template] and the [-InputObject].

    Indicates that the merge is case-sensitive. By default, merges aren't case-sensitive.

    The maximal depth to recursively compare each embedded property (default: 10).

    ,$InputObject | Compare-DataObject $Template

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Scope = 'Function', Justification = 'False positive')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Scope = 'Function', Justification = 'Checking with Dev')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $True)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]



        $MaxDepth = 10

        $TemplateNode = [PSNode]::new($Template)
        $TemplateNode.MaxDepth = $MaxDepth
        function MergeObject


            if ($ObjectNode.Structure -ne $TemplateNode.Structure)
                return $ObjectNode.Value
            elseif ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'Scalar')
                return $ObjectNode.Value
            elseif ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'List')
                $FoundIndices = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[int]]::new()
                $Type = if ($ObjectNode.Value.IsFixedSize)
                $Output = New-Object -TypeName $Type
                $ObjectItems = $ObjectNode.GetItemNodes()
                $TemplateItems = $TemplateNode.GetItemNodes()
                foreach ($ObjectItem in $ObjectItems)
                    $FoundNode = $False
                    foreach ($TemplateItem in $TemplateItems)
                        if ($ObjectItem.Structure -eq $TemplateItem.Structure)
                            if ($ObjectItem.Structure -eq 'Scalar')
                                $Equal = if ($MatchCase)
                                    $TemplateItem.Value -ceq $ObjectItem.Value
                                    $TemplateItem.Value -eq $ObjectItem.Value
                                if ($Equal)
                                    $FoundNode = $True
                                    $Null = $FoundIndices.Add($TemplateItem.Index)
                            elseif ($ObjectItem.Structure -eq 'Dictionary')
                                foreach ($Key in $PrimaryKey)
                                    if (-not $TemplateItem.Contains($Key) -or -not $ObjectItem.Contains($Key))
                                    if ($TemplateItem.Get($Key) -eq $ObjectItem.Get($Key))
                                        $Item = MergeObject -Template $TemplateItem -Object $ObjectItem
                                        $FoundNode = $True
                                        $Null = $FoundIndices.Add($TemplateItem.Index)
                    if (-not $FoundNode)
                foreach ($TemplateItem in $TemplateItems)
                    if (-not $FoundIndices.Contains($TemplateItem.Index))
                if ($ObjectNode.Value.IsFixedSize)
                    $Output = @($Output)
                , $Output
            elseif ($ObjectNode.Structure -eq 'Dictionary')
                if ($ObjectNode.Construction -ne 'Object')
                    $Dictionary = New-Object -TypeName $ObjectNode.Type
                }      # The $InputObject defines the dictionary (or PSCustomObject) type
                    $Dictionary = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
                foreach ($ObjectItem in $ObjectNode.GetItemNodes())
                    if ($TemplateNode.Contains($ObjectItem.Key))
                        # The $InputObject defines the comparer
                        $Value = MergeObject -Template $TemplateNode.GetItemNode($ObjectItem.Key) -Object $ObjectItem
                        $Value = $ObjectItem.Value
                    $Dictionary.Add($ObjectItem.Key, $Value)
                foreach ($Key in $TemplateNode.get_Keys())
                    if (-not $Dictionary.Contains($Key))
                        $Dictionary.Add($Key, $TemplateNode.Get($Key))
                if ($ObjectNode.Construction -ne 'Object')
        MergeObject -TemplateNode $TemplateNode -ObjectNode $InputObject
#EndRegion './Public/Merge-DataObject.ps1' 214