
#Region '.\Public\New-M365DSCExampleDataFile.ps1' -1

function New-M365DSCExampleDataFile
        Creates a new example data file for all DSC resources in Microsoft365DSC.
        This function creates a new example data file for all the DSC resources in Microsoft365DSC.
        This is based on the same version of the version of this module.
        New-M365DSCExampleDataFile -OutputPath 'C:\Temp'
        .Parameter OutputPath
        Specifies the path in which the example data file should be created.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Justification="Not changing state")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $filename = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'M365ConfigurationDataExample.psd1'

        if ((Test-Path -Path $filename) -eq $false)
            Write-Error -Message "Unable to find example data file at $filename"
            return $false

        if ((Test-Path -Path $OutputPath) -eq $false)
            $null = New-Item -Path $OutputPath -ItemType Directory

        Copy-Item -Path $filename -Destination $OutputPath -Force

        Write-Verbose "New example data file created at $OutputPath"
        return $true
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-M365DSCExampleDataFile.ps1' 47