#Function to throttle API requests exceeding limits Function Resolve-LMException { Param ( $LMException ) #Add in rate limit handeling If ($LMException.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 429) { $RateLimitWindow = $LMException.Exception.Response.Headers.Value[$LMException.Exception.Response.Headers.Key.IndexOf("x-rate-limit-window")] $RateLimitSize = $LMException.Exception.Response.Headers.Value[$LMException.Exception.Response.Headers.Key.IndexOf("x-rate-limit-limit")] #$RateLimitRemaining = $LMException.Exception.Response.Headers.Value[$LMException.Exception.Response.Headers.Key.IndexOf("x-rate-limit-remaining")] Write-LMHost "Request exceeded rate limit window of $RateLimitSize requests over $RateLimitWindow seconds, retrying operation in $RateLimitWindow seconds" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds $RateLimitWindow return $true } #Handle all other errors ELse { Switch ($LMException.Exception.GetType().FullName) { { "System.Net.WebException" -or "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException" } { Try{ $HttpException = ($LMException.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).errorMessage If (!$HttpException) { $HttpException = ($LMException.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop).message } } Catch{ $HttpException = $LMException.ErrorDetails.Message } $HttpStatusCode = $LMException.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ #Output to null so ErrorAction works as expected Write-Error "Failed to execute web request($($HttpStatusCode)): $HttpException" 2>$null #Write to $Error object but supress so stack trace is not displayed Write-Error "Failed to execute web request($($HttpStatusCode)): $HttpException" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Pretty print error to console If($ErrorActionPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue"){ [Console]::ForegroundColor = 'red' [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Failed to execute web request($($HttpStatusCode)): $HttpException") [Console]::ResetColor() #throw "Failed to execute web request($($HttpStatusCode)): $HttpException" } } default { $LMError = $LMException.ToString() #Output to null so ErrorAction works as expected Write-Error "Failed to execute web request: $LMError" 2>$null #Write to $Error object but supress so stack trace is not displayed Write-Error "Failed to execute web request: $LMError" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Pretty print error to console If($ErrorActionPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue"){ [Console]::ForegroundColor = 'red' [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Failed to execute web request: $LMError") [Console]::ResetColor() #throw "Failed to execute web request: $LMError" } } } Return $false } } |