function PrepareLocalEnvironment { Write-Verbose "Testing if the local feed path ${LocalFeedPath} exists." if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LocalFeedPath)) { Write-Host "Creating local feed path ${LocalFeedPath}." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Verbose "Calling 'mkdir ${LocalFeedPath}'" New-Item -Path $LocalFeedPath -ItemType "directory" -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Verbose "The local feed path already exists." } Write-Verbose "Testing if the local feed path ${LocalFeedPath} is added as a NuGet source." Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet nuget list source --format short | Select-string -Pattern ${localFeedPathRegex}'." $localFeedPathRegex = [regex]::escape($LocalFeedPath) $sourceExists = dotnet nuget list source --format short | Select-String -Pattern $localFeedPathRegex if ($null -eq $sourceExists) { Write-Host "Adding local NuGet feed source: ${LocalFeedName} - ${LocalFeedPath}" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet nuget add source ${LocalFeedPath} -n ${LocalFeedName}'" dotnet nuget add source $LocalFeedPath -n $LocalFeedName } else { Write-Verbose "The NuGet source already exists." } } |