function Get-LifxDeviceWifi { param( #a discovered Lifx bulb (use Get-LifxDevice) [parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSCustomObject[]]$Device ) #declare the counters [int]$Total = $Input.Count [int]$Count = 0 #process $Input | ForEach-Object { #constants $Port = "56700" $localIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any) $RemoteIpEndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndpoint($localIP, $Port) $receivingUdpClient = $null $receivingUdpClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UDPClient($RemoteIpEndPoint) $receivingUdpClient.Client.Blocking = $false $receivingUdpClient.DontFragment = $true $receivingUdpClient.Client.SetSocketOption([System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel]::Socket, [System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName]::ReuseAddress, $true) #Device packets [Byte[]]$getWifiPacket = New-LIFXPacket -Type "GetWifi" | Convert-LifxPacketToBuffer #get the wifi $send = $receivingUdpClient.SendAsync($getWifiPacket, $getWifiPacket.Length, $_.IPAddress.Address, $_.IPAddress.Port) #wait a second start-sleep -seconds 1 #parse the GetWIfi result # $result = $receivingUdpClient.Receive([ref]$RemoteIpEndPoint) $wifiSignal = [System.BitConverter]::ToSingle($result, 36) $rssi = [int]([math]::Floor((10 * [math]::Log10($wifiSignal)) + 0.5)) #set the GetWifi value if ($rssi -eq 200) {$strength = "No signal"} elseif ($rssi -lt -80) {$strength = "Very bad"} elseif ($rssi -lt -70) {$strength = "Bad"} elseif ($rssi -lt -60) {$strength = "Alright"} else {$strength = "Good"} $_ | Add-Member -Name 'WifiSignal' -Type NoteProperty -Value $rssi -Force $_ | Add-Member -Name 'WifiStrength' -Type NoteProperty -Value $strength -Force #shut the udp client down $receivingUdpClient.Dispose() $receivingUdpClient.Close() $Count++ [int]$percentComplete = ($Count/$Total* 100) Write-Progress -Activity "Getting Wifi Strength" -PercentComplete $percentComplete -Status ("$($_.Name) signal $($_.WifiStrength) - " + $percentComplete + "%") return $_ } } |