.SYNOPSIS Creates a new Lifx packet to send to a device(s) .DESCRIPTION This cmdlets creates [PSCustomObject] to create a packet to be used with Convert-LifxPacketToBuffer .EXAMPLE New-LifxPacket -Type "GetColor" .EXAMPLE New-LifxPacket -Type "Discovery" #> function New-LifxPacket { param ( [ValidateSet("Discovery", "GetColor", "GetLabel", "GetGroup", "GetVersion", "GetHostFirmware", "GetPower")] [string] $Type ) switch ($Type) { # "Discovery" {$packetInt = 2; $size = 36; $ackRequired = $false} "GetColor" {$packetInt = 101; $size = 36; $ackRequired = $false} "GetLabel" {$packetInt = 23; $size = 36; $ackRequired = $false} "GetGroup" {$packetInt = 51; $size = 36; $ackRequired = $false} "GetVersion"{$packetInt = 32; $size = 36; $ackRequired = $false} "GetHostFirmware"{$packetInt = 14; $size = 36; $ackRequired = $false} "GetPower" {$packetInt = 20; $size = 36; $ackRequired = $false} } $packet = [PSCustomObject] @{ packet_type = [uint16]$packetInt; protocol = [uint16]21504; ack_required = [bool]$ackRequired reserved1 = [uint32]0; reserved2 = [uint32]0; reserved3 = [uint32]0; reserved4 = [uint32]0; site = New-Object byte[] 8 size = [uint16]$size; target_mac_address = New-Object byte[] 8 timestamp = [uint64]0 } return $packet } |