function Confirm-Arguments { param( [string]$Site, [Alias('l')][Switch]$Lowercase, [Alias('nl')][Switch]$noLowercase, [Alias('u')][Switch]$Uppercase, [Alias('nu')][Switch]$noUppercase, [Alias('d')][Switch]$Digits, [Alias('nd')][Switch]$noDigits, [Alias('s')][Switch]$Symbols, [Alias('ns')][Switch]$noSymbols, [Switch]$Prompt, [Switch]$Clipboard ) if ($PSBoundParameters.Lowercase -and $PSBoundParameters.noLowercase) { throw "* Can't have opposite rule -L (or -Lowercase) and -NL (or -No-Lowercase) at the same time." } if ($PSBoundParameters.Uppercase -and $PSBoundParameters.noUppercase) { throw "* Can't have opposite rule -U (or -Uppercase) and -NU (or -No-Uppercase) at the same time." } if ($PSBoundParameters.Digits -and $PSBoundParameters.noDigits) { throw "* Can't have opposite rule -D (or -Digits) and -ND (or -No-Digits) at the same time." } if ($PSBoundParameters.Symbols -and $PSBoundParameters.noSymbols) { throw "* Can't have opposite rule -S (or -Symbols) and -NS (or -No-Symbols) at the same time." } if (!$PSBoundParameters.Site -and !$PSBoundParameters.Prompt) { throw " * SITE is a required argument (unless in interactive mode with -Prompt)" } if ($PSBoundParameters.Clipboard) { Get-SystemCopyCommand } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Confirm-Arguments |