
function Get-LessPass {
        [ValidateRange(5, 35)]$length=16,
        # $prompt,
        # $clipboard,
    process {
        if ($version) {
            (Get-Module Lesspass).Version | Write-Host
        $Error, $HelpMessage = Confirm-Arguments @PSBoundParameters
        if ($Error) {
            Write-Host $HelpMessage

        $PasswordProfile = New-Profile @PSBoundParameters
        return GeneratePassword $PasswordProfile $master_password
        # todo: if -Prompt flag is present copy to clipboard
        # todo: request master_password if not provided
        # todo: if -Clipboard flag is present copy to clipboard
    end {

LessPass - stateless password generator

Website: http://lesspass.com/
Github: https://github.com/lesspass/lesspass/

LessPass computes a unique password using a site, login and a master password.
You don't need to sync a password vault across every device because LessPass works offline!

The `xclip` utility must be installed to support the copy to clipboard feature;
Debian-based platforms such as Ubuntu/Linux Mint, install it with:

    sudo apt install xclip

Site used in the password generation (required)

Login used in the password generation
default to '' if not provided.

.PARAMETER MasterPassword
Master password used in password generation
default to LESSPASS_MASTER_PASSWORD env variable or prompt

.PARAMETER Lowercase
Add lowercase in password

.PARAMETER Uppercase
Add uppercase in password

Add digits in password

Add symbols in password

.PARAMETER NoLowercase
Remove lowercase from password

.PARAMETER NoUppercase
Remove uppercase from password

Remove digits from password

Remove symbols from password

Password length (default: 16)

Get a new version for an existing password (default: 1)

# Interactively prompt SITE and LOGIN (prevent leak to shell history)

# .PARAMETER Clipboard
# Copy generated password to clipboard rather than displaying it.
# Need pbcopy (OSX), xsel or xclip (Linux) or clip (Windows).

# .PARAMETER Version
# lesspass version number

lesspass site login masterpassword -noSymbols

No symbols

lesspass site login masterpassword -L -U -D

No symbols shortcut

lesspass site login masterpassword -D -L 8

Only digits and length of 8

# .EXAMPLE # is it applicable to Powershell?
# LESSPASS_MASTER_PASSWORD="masterpassword" lesspass site login

# Master password in env variable


Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-LessPass -Alias lesspass