
Function Remove-LemmyComment {
    Use to remove a comment from a post in your community (Moderator permissions required)

    .PARAMETER CommentId
    The ID of the comment

    .PARAMETER Reason
    The reason for removal

    $post = Get-LemmyPost -CommunityName 'MyCommunity' -SearchString 'Hello Lemmy'
    $comment = Get-LemmyComments -PostId $ -SearchString 'A naughty comment'
    Remove-LemmyComment -CommentId $

    Searches for a post with the title 'Hello Lemmy' in the community 'MyCommunity', then gets the comment with the text 'A naughty comment', then removes the comment.
    Lemmy API class: removeComment

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $RequestParameters = @{
        comment_id = $CommentId
        reason     = $Reason
        removed    = $true

    Invoke-LemmyRestMethod -Uri '/comment/remove' -Method 'POST' -RequestParameters $RequestParameters