
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Disable-LdapAccount.AlreadyDisabled'              = 'Account already disabled: {0} - Skipping' # $adAccount.Properties.samaccountname[0]
    'Disable-LdapAccount.Disabling'                      = 'Disabling account {0}' # $adAccount.Properties.samaccountname[0]
    'Enable-LdapAccount.AlreadyEnabled'                  = 'Account already enabled: {0} - Skipping' # $adAccount.Properties.samaccountname[0]
    'Enable-LdapAccount.Enabling'                      = 'Enabling account {0}' # $adAccount.Properties.samaccountname[0]
    'Get-LdapGroup.Identity.BadFormat'                  = 'Unable to identify group identifier format: {0} - make sure it''s a legal SamAccountName, DN, SID or ObjectGUID' # $groupName
    'Get-LdapGroupMember.Identity.BadFormat'          = 'Unable to identify group identifier format: { 0 } - make sure it''s a legal SamAccountName, DN, SID or ObjectGUID' # $groupName
    'Get-LdapGroupMember.Identity.GroupAccessFailure' = 'Failed to execute ldap query to resolve group: {0}!' # $groupName
    'Get-LdapGroupMember.Identity.NotFound'              = 'Group not found: {0}!' # $groupName
    'Get-LdapObject.SearchError'                      = 'Failed to execute ldap request.' #
    'Get-LdapObject.Searchfilter'                      = 'Searching with filter: {0}' # $LdapFilter
    'Get-LdapObject.SearchRoot'                          = 'Searching {0} in {1}' # $SearchScope, $searcher.SearchRoot.Path
    'Set-LdapAccountPassword.Resetting'                  = 'Resetting the password of account {0}' # $adAccount.Properties.samaccountname[0]
    'Sync-LdapObject.DestinationAccessError'          = 'Failed to connect to destination server {0} | {1}' # $Target, $_
    'Sync-LdapObject.FailedReplication'                  = 'Failed to synchronize {0} from {1} to {2} | {3}' # $Object, $Server, $Target, $_
    'Sync-LdapObject.ObjectAccessError'                  = 'Error trying to resolve {0} | {1}' # $Object, $_
    'Sync-LdapObject.ObjectNotFound'                  = 'Failed to resolve {0} to an object' # $Object
    'Sync-LdapObject.PerformingReplication'              = 'Performing replication from {0} to {1}' # $Server, $Target
    'Sync-LdapObject.SourceAccessError'                  = 'Failed to connect to source server {0} | {1}' # $Server, $_
    'Sync-LdapObject.SyncObjectFilter'                  = 'Resolved object input to LDAP filter: {0}' # $ldapFilter