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- Example scripts to illustrate how to monitor the events on LXCA server.

# Please run this script in PowerShell console and keep the windows opened.

# Define the variable value
$LxcaIP = ""

# First connect to LXCA server
$Cred = Get-Credential -Message "Credential to access LXCA"
Connect-LXCA $LxcaIP -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck

# Create a monitor which will monitor all incoming events with severity CRITIAL,FATAL and WARNING.
# It will re-connect to Lenovo XClarity Administrator when the network is not available or the management server is rebooted, and to continue monitoring events.
$monitor = Start-LXCAEventMonitor -Severity CRITICAL,FATAL,WARNING

Write-Host "`nStart to monitor event..."
Write-Host "`nPlease do not close the PowerShell windows"
Write-Host "If you want to stop the monitor, run below commands in the console:"
Write-Host '$monitor.StopMonitor()' -ForegroundColor Green

# Register this monitor, send a mail when there is new event incoming.
# You also can record the events to local file or deal with them in other ways.
# Here the value of -EventName must be LXCAEvent which is defined in Start-LXCAEventMonitor
# View for help on cmdlet Register-ObjectEvent
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $monitor -EventName LXCAEvent -Action {
    #Create a Email message
    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage

    #Create SMTP server object
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("")
    $smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "yourpassword")
    #Port for TLS (587) or SSL (465)
    $smtp.Port = 587
    $smtp.EnableSsl = $true
    #Ignore SSL trust validation
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}

    #Email content
    $msg.From = ""
    #Get all incoming events from $EventArgs.Events.
    #Here the event has the same structure as the event returned by cmdlet Get-LXCAEvent.
    foreach ($event in $EventArgs.Events)
        $msg.subject = "Event -" + $event.EventID + ": " + $event.Message
        $msg.body = Out-String -InputObject $event

        #Send email

        #Record event to local file
        Out-File -InputObject $event -FilePath c:\monitor.txt -Append