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- Example scripts to illustrate how to end to end rollout the new system via PowerShell.
- Manage system, firmware update, configuration, os deployment.

function ReadPassword()
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $secureUserInput = Read-Host $Message -AsSecureString
    $encryptedInput = ConvertFrom-SecureString -String $SecureUserInput
    return (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $EncryptedInput)

# Define the variable value
$LxcaIP = ""

# Define reference system and target systems, here assume all system is rack server
# Reference system should have been managed in LXCA and has been assigned the update policy and config pattern.
$referenceSystem = @{
        systemType = "RackServer"

$targetSystem = @{
        uuid = "89B8E140DF7C11D49AB09F8B8B8B8B8B" 
        systemType = "RackServer"
        username = "USERID"
        password = ""
        recovery = ""
$deploySet = @{
        macAddress = "40:F2:E9:B8:1B:68"
        imageProfileId = "win2012|win2012-x86_64-install-Datacenter"
        targetDevice = "localdisk"        # localdisk / usbdisk / sandisk (SAN ID is required)
        IpAssignment = "dhcpv4"            # dhcpv4 / staticv4

# First connect to LXCA server
$Cred = Get-Credential -Message "Credential to access LXCA"
Connect-LXCA $LxcaIP -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck

$targetSystem.password = ReadPassword -Message "$($targetSystem.systemType): enter password for $($targetSystem.username)"
$targetSystem.recovery = ReadPassword -Message "$($targetSystem.systemType): enter recovery password for $($targetSystem.username)"

# Manage target system in LXCA server
if ($targetSystem.systemType -eq "RackServer")
    $ret = Add-LXCAManagedDevice -RackServerUuid $targetSystem.uuid -UserName $targetSystem.username -Password $targetSystem.password
    $ret = Add-LXCAManagedDevice -ChassisUuid $targetSystem.uuid -UserName $targetSystem.username -Password $targetSystem.password -ChassisRecoveryPassword $targetSystem.recovery

# wait until the inventory state is not "Pending" after management
$bWait = $true
while ($bWait)
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
    if ($targetSystem.systemType -eq "RackServer")
        $server = Get-LXCARackServer -Uuid $targetSystem.uuid
        if ($server.AccessState -eq "Pending")
        $chassis = Get-LXCAChassis -ChassisUuid $targetSystem.uuid
        if ($chassis.AccessState -eq "Pending")
    $bWait = $false

# Update firmware to the same level with reference system, assume the related update packages have been existed on LXCA repository.
# Get the update policy from reference system
$policy = Get-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy -SystemUuid $referenceSystem.uuid -SystemType $referenceSystem.systemType
# Assign the policy to target system
$compliance = Join-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy -Policy $policy -SystemUuid $targetSystem.uuid -SystemType $targetSystem.systemType
# Perform firmware update due to the compliance result
$ret = Install-LXCAUpdatePackage -Compliance $compliance -UpdateRule NotCompliantOnly -ActivationMode Delayed -OnErrorMode ContinueOnError -Simulation
if ($null -eq $ret)
    Write-Host "Install-LXCAUpdatePackage is failed with unexcepted error!" -ForegroundColor Red
    Write-Host "`nFirmware update result:"
    $ret | Format-Table -Property Uuid,Type,TotalTasks,TotalSuccess,TotalFailed
    $ret.Components | Format-Table -Property ComponentName,UpdateStatus,Message

# Wait 60 seconds
#Start-Sleep -Seconds 60

# Apply the same config pattern from reference system to target system
# Get the same config pattern which is used on reference system.
$patternId = ""
$configProfile = Get-LXCAConfigProfile | Where-Object {$_.ServerUuid -eq $referenceSystem.uuid}
if ($null -ne $configProfile)
    $patternId = $profile[0].PatternId
# Apply the config pattern to target system
if ($patternId -eq "")
    Write-Error -Message "Pattern Id is empty (cannot retrieve pattern id from reference system)."
    Write-Host ("`nDeploy pattern {0} to target systems {1}." -f $patternId,([string]::Join(",",$targetSystems)))
    $ret = Install-LXCAConfigPattern -PatternId $patternId -TargetRackServerId $targetSystems -Restart Defer
    if ($null -eq $ret)
        Write-Host "Install-LXCAConfigPattern is failed with unexcepted error!" -ForegroundColor Red
        $ret | Format-Table -Property Uuid,Success

# Wait 60 seconds
#Start-Sleep -Seconds 60

# Deploy OS image to target system
# Set global deploy setting
$globalSet = Get-LXCADeployGlobalSetting
$globalSet.IpAssignment = $deploySet.IpAssignment
Set-LXCADeployGlobalSetting -DeployGlobalSetting $globalSet
# Create a deploy task
$deployTask = New-LXCADeployTask -MacAddress $deploySet.macAddress -ServerUuid $targetSystem.uuid -ImageProfileID $deploySet.imageProfileId -TargetDevice $deploySet.targetDevice -Mtu 1500 -PrefixLength 0
# Deploy OS image to target system
$ret = Install-LXCAOSImage -DeployTask $deployTask
if ($null -eq $ret)
    Write-Host "Install-LXCAOSImage is failed with unexcepted error!" -ForegroundColor Red
    $ret | Format-Table -Property ServerUuid,Percentage,Result,Message -Wrap

# Disconnect from LXCA