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- Example scripts to illustrate how to bulk import multiple systems and configuration.

# Define the variable value
$LxcaIP = ""

function ReadPassword()
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $secureUserInput = Read-Host "Please enter $Username password" -AsSecureString
    $encryptedInput = ConvertFrom-SecureString -String $SecureUserInput
    return (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $EncryptedInput)

# Define the configuration pattern (name) for flex compute node and rack server
$configPattern = @{
    flex = "Flex_Pattern"
    rack = "Rack_Pattern"

# Define the bulk import file and username, password.
$bulkImportCsv = "c:\bulkimport.csv"
$serverUserName = "USERID"
$serverPassword = ReadPassword -Username $serverUserName
$chassisUserName = "USERID"
$chassisPassword = ReadPassword -Username $serverUserName
$recoveryPassword = ReadPassword -Username $serverUserName

# First connect to LXCA server
$Cred = Get-Credential -Message "Credential to access LXCA"
Connect-LXCA $LxcaIP -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck

# Bulk import servers
Write-Host "`nTry to manage servers via file:" $bulkImportCsv
$ret = Add-LXCAManagedDevice -BulkImportFile $bulkImportCsv -CurrentRackServerUserName $serverUserName -CurrentRackServerPassword $serverPassword -CurrentChassisUserName $chassisUserName -CurrentChassisPassword $chassisPassword -ChassisRecoveryPassword $recoveryPassword
Write-Host "`nManaged chassis:"
$ret.ChassisManageResult | Format-Table -Wrap
Write-Host "`nManaged rack server:"
$ret.RackServerManageResult | Format-Table -Wrap

# wait until the inventory state is not "Pending" after management
$bWait = $true
while ($bWait)
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
    Foreach($chassisRet in $ret.ChassisManageResult)
        $allNonPending = $true
        if ($chassisRet.Success -eq $true)
            $chassis = Get-LXCAChassis -ChassisUuid $chassisRet.Uuid
            if ($chassis.AccessState -eq "Pending")
                $allNonPending = $allNonPending -and $false
                $allNonPending = $allNonPending -and $true
            $bWait = -not $allNonPending

# Configure them via configuration pattern
# Configure compute node
Foreach($chassisRet in $ret.ChassisManageResult)
    # Check if the chassis is managed succesfully
    if ($chassisRet.Success -eq $true)
        # Get the compute node list in this chassis
        $computeNodes = Get-LXCAComputeNode -ChassisUuid $chassisRet.Uuid | Select-Object -Property Uuid
        $nodeUuids = @()
        foreach ($node in $computeNodes)
            # config pattern only accepts uuid in upper case
            $nodeUuids += $node.Uuid.ToUpper()
        # Get pattern due to the pattern name
        $pattern = Get-LXCAConfigPattern | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $configPattern.flex}
        if ($null -eq $pattern)
            Write-Host ("`nCannot get pattern with name {0}" -f $configPattern.flex) -ForegroundColor Red
            # Deploy pattern to the compute nodes
            Write-Host "`nDeploy pattern to compute nodes under chassis" $chassisRet.Uuid
            $ret = Install-LXCAConfigPattern -PatternId $pattern.Id -TargetComputeNodeId $nodeUuids -Restart Immediate
            $ret | Format-Table -Property Uuid,Success

# wait until the inventory state is not "Pending" after management
$bWait = $true
while ($bWait)
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
    Foreach($serverRet in $ret.RackServerManageResult)
        $allNonPending = $true
        if ($serverRet.Success -eq $true)
            $server = Get-LXCARackServer -Uuid $serverRet.Uuid
            if ($server.AccessState -eq "PENDING")
                $allNonPending = $allNonPending -and $false
                $allNonPending = $allNonPending -and $true
            $bWait = -not $allNonPending

# Configure rack server
$serverUuids = @()
Foreach($serverRet in $ret.RackServerManageResult)
    # Check if the server is managed succesfully
    if ($serverRet.Success -eq $true)
        # config pattern only accepts uuid in upper case
        $serverUuids += $serverRet.Uuid.ToUpper()
if ($serverUuids.Count -gt 0)
        # Get pattern due to the pattern name
        $pattern = Get-LXCAConfigPattern | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $configPattern.rack}
        if ($null -eq $pattern)
            Write-Host ("`nCannot get pattern with name {0}" -f $configPattern.rack) -ForegroundColor Red
        else {
            # Deploy pattern to the rack servers
            Write-Host ("`nDeploy pattern to rack servers {0}" -f [string]::Join(",",$serverUuids))
            $ret = Install-LXCAConfigPattern -PatternId $pattern.Id -TargetRackServerId $serverUuids -Restart Immediate
            $ret | Format-Table -Property Uuid,Success

# Disconnect LXCA