function Get-PackagesInRepository { <# #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string]$Repository, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string]$RepositoryType, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string]$Model ) $UTF8ByteOrderMark = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString(@(195, 175, 194, 187, 194, 191)) Write-Verbose "Looking for packages in repository '${Repository}' (Type: ${RepositoryType})" if ($RepositoryType -eq 'HTTP') { $ModelXmlPath = $Repository.TrimEnd('/', '\') + "/${Model}_Win10.xml" $DatabaseXmlPath = $Repository.TrimEnd('/', '\') + '/database.xml' } elseif ($RepositoryType -eq 'FILE') { $ModelXmlPath = Join-Path -Path $Repository -ChildPath "${Model}_Win10.xml" $DatabaseXmlPath = Join-Path -Path $Repository -ChildPath "database.xml" } if ((Get-PackagePathInfo -Path $ModelXmlPath -TestURLReachable).Reachable) { Write-Verbose "Getting packages from the model xml file ${ModelXmlPath}" if ($RepositoryType -eq 'HTTP') { # Model XML method for web based repositories $webClient = New-WebClient -Proxy $Proxy -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ProxyUseDefaultCredentials $ProxyUseDefaultCredentials try { $COMPUTERXML = $webClient.DownloadString($ModelXmlPath) } catch { if ($_.Exception.innerException.Response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) { throw "No information was found on this model of computer (invalid model number or not supported by Lenovo?)" } else { throw "An error occured when contacting ${Repository}:`r`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } } # Downloading with Net.WebClient seems to remove the BOM automatically, this only seems to be neccessary when downloading with IWR. Still I'm leaving it in to be safe [xml]$PARSEDXML = $COMPUTERXML -replace "^$UTF8ByteOrderMark" } elseif ($RepositoryType -eq 'FILE') { # Model XML method for file based repositories $COMPUTERXML = Get-Content -LiteralPath $ModelXmlPath -Raw # Strings with a BOM cannot be cast to an XmlElement, so we make sure to remove it if present [xml]$PARSEDXML = $COMPUTERXML -replace "^$UTF8ByteOrderMark" } foreach ($Package in $PARSEDXML.packages.package) { $PathInfo = Get-PackagePathInfo -Path $Package.location -BasePath $Repository if ($PathInfo.Valid) { [PackageXmlPointer]::new( $PathInfo.AbsoluteLocation, $PathInfo.Type, 'XmlDefinition', $Package.checksum.'#text', 0, $Package.category ) } else { Write-Error "The package definition at $($Package.location) could not be found or accessed" } } } elseif ((Get-PackagePathInfo -Path $DatabaseXmlPath -TestURLReachable).Reachable) { Write-Debug "Getting packages from the database xml file ${DatabaseXmlPath}" if ($RepositoryType -eq 'HTTP') { $webClient = New-WebClient -Proxy $Proxy -ProxyCredential $ProxyCredential -ProxyUseDefaultCredentials $ProxyUseDefaultCredentials try { $XmlString = $webClient.DownloadString($DatabaseXmlPath) } catch { if ($_.Exception.innerException.Response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NotFound) { throw "No information was found on this model of computer (invalid model number or not supported by Lenovo?)" } else { throw "An error occured when contacting ${Repository}:`r`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } } # Downloading with Net.WebClient seems to remove the BOM automatically, this only seems to be neccessary when downloading with IWR. Still I'm leaving it in to be safe [xml]$PARSEDXML = $XmlString -replace "^$UTF8ByteOrderMark" } elseif ($RepositoryType -eq 'FILE') { $XmlString = Get-Content -LiteralPath $DatabaseXmlPath -Raw # Strings with a BOM cannot be cast to an XmlElement, so we make sure to remove it if present [xml]$PARSEDXML = $XmlString -replace "^$UTF8ByteOrderMark" } foreach ($Package in $PARSEDXML.Database.package) { if ($Package.SystemCompatibility.System.mtm -contains $Model) { $PathInfo = Get-PackagePathInfo -Path $Package.LocalPath -BasePath $Repository if ($PathInfo.Valid) { [PackageXmlPointer]::new( $PathInfo.AbsoluteLocation, $PathInfo.Type, 'XmlDefinition', $Package.checksum.'#text', 0, $Package.category ) } else { Write-Error "The package definition at $($Package.LocalPath) could not be found or accessed" } } else { Write-Debug "Discovered package $($Package.LocalPath) is not applicable to the computer model" } } } else { Write-Warning "The repository '${Repository}' did not contain either a '${Model}_Win10.xml' or 'database.xml' file to get packages from" } } |