#!/usr/bin/env pwsh # MARKER: NEW PARAM BLOCK # Define the path to the local Private directory and Krew storage directory for KubeTidy $localPrivateDir = "./Private" # Local Private directory $krewStorageDir = "$HOME/.krew/store/KubeTidy" # Krew storage directory # Check if the local Private directory exists if (Test-Path -Path $localPrivateDir) { Write-Verbose "Executing scripts from local Private directory." # Get all .ps1 files in the local Private directory $localScripts = Get-ChildItem -Path "$localPrivateDir/*.ps1" # Execute each .ps1 script found in the local Private directory foreach ($script in $localScripts) { Write-Verbose "Executing script: $($script.FullName)" . $script.FullName # Call the script } } else { Write-Verbose "Local Private directory not found, checking Krew storage." # Check if the KubeTidy storage directory exists if (Test-Path -Path $krewStorageDir) { Write-Verbose "Checking for available versions in $krewStorageDir." # Get all version directories (assuming they follow a vX.X.X naming pattern) $versionDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $krewStorageDir -Directory | Where-Object { $_.Name -match '^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$' } # Check if any version directories were found if ($versionDirs) { # Get the latest version directory based on the version number $latestVersionDir = $versionDirs | Sort-Object { [Version]$_.Name.Substring(1) } -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 Write-Verbose "Latest version found: $($latestVersionDir.Name)" # Construct the path to the Private directory for the latest version $kubePrivateDir = Join-Path -Path $latestVersionDir.FullName -ChildPath "Private" # Check if the Private directory exists if (Test-Path -Path $kubePrivateDir) { # Get all .ps1 files in the Private directory $scripts = Get-ChildItem -Path "$kubePrivateDir/*.ps1" # Execute each .ps1 script found foreach ($script in $scripts) { Write-Verbose "Executing script: $($script.FullName)" . $script.FullName # Call the script } } else { Write-Host "No Private directory found for the latest version: $($latestVersionDir.Name)." exit 1 } } else { Write-Host "No version directories found in $krewStorageDir." exit 1 } } else { Write-Host "Krew storage directory for KubeTidy not found." exit 1 } } # Define the function without parameters (parameters are passed via script-level param()) function Invoke-KubeTidy { # START PARAM BLOCK [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$KubeConfigPath, [array]$ExclusionList, [bool]$Backup = $true, [switch]$Force, [switch]$ListClusters, [array]$MergeConfigs, [string]$DestinationConfig, [switch]$DryRun, [Alias("h")] [switch]$Help ) # END PARAM BLOCK # Only show help if the Help switch is passed # OR if none of the actual action parameters are provided if ($Help -or (-not $ExclusionList -and -not $ListClusters -and -not $MergeConfigs)) { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Parameters:" Write-Host " -KubeConfigPath Path to your kubeconfig file." Write-Host " -ExclusionList Comma-separated list of clusters to exclude from cleanup." Write-Host " -Force Force cleanup even if no clusters are reachable." Write-Host " -ListClusters Display a list of all clusters in the kubeconfig file." Write-Host " -MergeConfigs Array of kubeconfig files to merge." Write-Host " -DestinationConfig Path to save the merged kubeconfig file." Write-Host " -DryRun Simulate the cleanup process without making changes." Write-Host " -Help Display this help message." return } <# .SYNOPSIS KubeTidy: A script to clean up your Kubernetes config file by removing unreachable clusters and associated users and contexts, or merge multiple config files. .DESCRIPTION This script removes unreachable clusters from the kubeconfig file and ensures that associated users and contexts that reference the removed clusters are also removed. It can also merge multiple kubeconfig files. .PARAMETER KubeConfigPath Path to your kubeconfig file. Defaults to the default Kubernetes location if not specified. .PARAMETER ExclusionList A comma-separated list of cluster names to exclude from cleanup (useful for clusters on VPNs or temporary networks). .PARAMETER Backup Flag to create a backup before cleanup. Defaults to true. .PARAMETER Force Forces cleanup even if no clusters are reachable. Defaults to false. .PARAMETER ListClusters Displays a list of all clusters in the kubeconfig file without performing cleanup. .PARAMETER MergeConfigs An array of kubeconfig files to merge into the destination kubeconfig file. .PARAMETER DestinationConfig The path to save the merged kubeconfig file. Defaults to the default location if not specified. .PARAMETER DryRun If specified, the function will simulate the cleanup process without making any changes. .PARAMETER Verbose Enables verbose logging for detailed output. #> # Split the ExclusionList by commas to create an array of clusters $ExclusionList = $ExclusionList -split ',' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } # Check if no parameter was passed if (-not $KubeConfigPath) { Write-Verbose "No KubeConfigPath provided. Retrieving default path..." $KubeConfigPath = Get-KubeConfigPath } # Check if the powershell-yaml module is installed; if not, install it if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name powershell-yaml)) { Write-Verbose "powershell-yaml module not found. Installing powershell-yaml..." Install-Module -Name powershell-yaml -Force -Scope CurrentUser } Import-Module powershell-yaml -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "powershell-yaml module loaded successfully." if ($MergeConfigs) { if (-not $DestinationConfig) { $DestinationConfig = "$env:USERPROFILE\.kube\config" } Show-KubeTidyBanner Write-Host "Merging kubeconfig files..." -ForegroundColor Yellow # Call Merge-KubeConfigs with -DryRun only if $DryRun is True if ($DryRun) { Merge-KubeConfigs -MergeConfigs $MergeConfigs -DestinationConfig $DestinationConfig -DryRun } else { Merge-KubeConfigs -MergeConfigs $MergeConfigs -DestinationConfig $DestinationConfig } return } if ($ListClusters) { Show-KubeTidyBanner Get-AllClusters -KubeConfigPath $KubeConfigPath return } Show-KubeTidyBanner Write-Host "Starting KubeTidy cleanup..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "" Write-Verbose "Reading KubeConfig from $KubeConfigPath" $kubeConfigContent = Get-Content -Raw -Path $KubeConfigPath $kubeConfig = $kubeConfigContent | ConvertFrom-Yaml # Backup original file before cleanup if ($Backup -and -not $DryRun) { Write-Verbose "Creating a backup of the KubeConfig file." New-Backup -KubeConfigPath $KubeConfigPath } elseif ($DryRun) { Write-Host "Dry run enabled: Skipping backup of the KubeConfig file." -ForegroundColor Yellow } $removedClusters = @() $checkedClusters = 0 $reachableClusters = 0 $totalClusters = $kubeConfig.clusters.Count foreach ($cluster in $kubeConfig.clusters) { $clusterName = $cluster.name $clusterServer = $cluster.cluster.server $checkedClusters++ Write-Progress -Activity "Checking Cluster:" -Status " $clusterName" -PercentComplete (($checkedClusters / $totalClusters) * 100) if ($ExclusionList -contains $clusterName) { Write-Verbose "Skipping cluster $clusterName as it is in the exclusion list." continue } Write-Verbose "Checking reachability for cluster: $clusterName at $clusterServer" if (-not (Test-ClusterReachability -ClusterServer $clusterServer)) { Write-Verbose "$clusterName is NOT reachable via HTTPS. Marking for removal." $removedClusters += $clusterName } else { Write-Verbose "$clusterName is reachable via HTTPS." $reachableClusters++ } } if ($reachableClusters -eq 0 -and -not $Force) { Write-Host "No clusters are reachable. Perhaps the internet is down? Use `-Force` to proceed with cleanup." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Verbose "No clusters are reachable. Aborting cleanup unless `-Force` is used." return } if ($removedClusters.Count -gt 0) { if ($DryRun) { Write-Host "Dry run enabled: The following clusters would be removed: $($removedClusters -join ', ')" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { $retainedClusters = $kubeConfig.clusters | Where-Object { $removedClusters -notcontains $_.name } $retainedContexts = $kubeConfig.contexts | Where-Object { $removedClusters -notcontains $_.context.cluster } $removedUsers = $kubeConfig.contexts | Where-Object { $removedClusters -contains $_.context.cluster } | ForEach-Object { $_.context.user } $retainedUsers = $kubeConfig.users | Where-Object { $removedUsers -notcontains $_.name } $kubeConfig.clusters = $retainedClusters $kubeConfig.contexts = $retainedContexts $kubeConfig.users = $retainedUsers Write-Host "Removed clusters, users, and contexts related to unreachable clusters." -ForegroundColor Green Write-Verbose "Removed the following clusters: $($removedClusters -join ', ')" } } else { Write-Host "No clusters were removed." -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Verbose "No clusters were marked for removal." } # Manually build the YAML for clusters, contexts, and users $clustersYaml = @" clusters: `n "@ foreach ($cluster in $kubeConfig.clusters) { $clustersYaml += " - cluster:`n" $clustersYaml += " certificate-authority-data: $($cluster.cluster.'certificate-authority-data')`n" $clustersYaml += " server: $($cluster.cluster.server)`n" $clustersYaml += " name: $($cluster.name)`n" } $contextsYaml = @" contexts: `n "@ foreach ($context in $kubeConfig.contexts) { $contextsYaml += " - context:`n" $contextsYaml += " cluster: $($context.context.cluster)`n" $contextsYaml += " user: $($context.context.user)`n" $contextsYaml += " name: $($context.name)`n" } $usersYaml = @" users: `n "@ foreach ($user in $kubeConfig.users) { $usersYaml += " - name: $($user.name)`n" $usersYaml += " user:`n" $usersYaml += " client-certificate-data: $($user.user.'client-certificate-data')`n" $usersYaml += " client-key-data: $($user.user.'client-key-data')`n" } $kubeConfigHeader = @" apiVersion: v1 kind: Config preferences: {} `n "@ if (-not $DryRun) { $fullKubeConfigYaml = $kubeConfigHeader + $clustersYaml + $contextsYaml + $usersYaml $fullKubeConfigYaml | Set-Content -Path $KubeConfigPath Write-Host "Kubeconfig cleaned and saved." -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Dry run enabled: Changes to the KubeConfig file were NOT saved." -ForegroundColor Yellow } $removedCount = $removedClusters.Count $checkedClustersText = "{0,5}" -f $checkedClusters $removedCountText = "{0,5}" -f $removedCount $retainedCountText = "{0,5}" -f ($checkedClusters - $removedCount) Write-Host "" Write-Host "╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╗" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "║ KubeTidy Summary ║" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "╠════════════════════════════════════════════════╣" -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host "║ Clusters Checked: $checkedClustersText ║" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "║ Clusters Removed: $removedCountText ║" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "║ Clusters Kept: $retainedCountText ║" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝" -ForegroundColor Magenta } # MARKER: FUNCTION CALL |