function Restore-KubeSnapshot { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$InputPath = "./snapshots", # Path to the directory or a specific file [switch]$Force # Force switch to skip confirmation ) # Ensure verbose output is only shown when requested $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue" # Validate if the input path is a directory or a file if (-not (Test-Path -Path $InputPath)) { Write-Host "Error: The specified input path does not exist: $InputPath" -ForegroundColor Red return } # Prompt for confirmation unless -Force is provided if (-not $Force) { $confirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to restore resources from $InputPath? Type 'yes' or 'y' to continue." if ($confirmation.ToLower() -notin @('yes', 'y')) { Write-Host "Restore operation canceled." -ForegroundColor Yellow return } } # Determine if InputPath is a file or directory $isFile = Test-Path $InputPath -PathType Leaf $isDirectory = Test-Path $InputPath -PathType Container if ($isDirectory) { # Get the list of YAML files in the directory $yamlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $InputPath -Filter *.yaml if (-not $yamlFiles) { Write-Host "No YAML files found in the specified input directory: $InputPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow return } } elseif ($isFile) { # If it's a file, process the single file $yamlFiles = @((Get-Item $InputPath)) # Wrap single file in array for consistent processing } else { Write-Host "Error: Invalid input. Please provide a valid file or directory path." -ForegroundColor Red return } # Restore each resource from its YAML file foreach ($file in $yamlFiles) { $filePath = "`"$($file.FullName)`"" # Add quotes around the file path $kubectlCmd = "kubectl apply -f $filePath" Write-Host "Restoring resource from file: $filePath" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Verbose "Running command: $kubectlCmd" try { # Capture the output and errors using Start-Process for better control over success/failure $process = Start-Process -FilePath "kubectl" -ArgumentList "apply -f $filePath" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) { throw "Failed to restore resource from: $filePath" } Write-Host "Resource from '$filePath' restored successfully." -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Error occurred while restoring resource from: $filePath" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red } } } |