$FunctionScriptName = "Get-AZTableEntity" Write-Verbose "Import-Start| [$($FunctionScriptName)]" #* Dependencies # Import-Function -Scope "Support" -Function "Get-SAStokenValidity" -Version "1.X" function Get-AZTableEntity { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Table entrys .DESCRIPTION Get all or filtered entrys from AZ table API. Using SAS token to auth. Basic error handling & token validation .PARAMETER Config Config param Expects following values: StorageAccount / TableName / Sastoken All 3 can be forced by direct param .PARAMETER paramConfig Same as 'Config' but multiple .PARAMETER StorageAccount Storageaccount to use Overrides value from config param .PARAMETER TableName TableName to use Overrides value from config param .PARAMETER sastoken sastoken to use Overrides value from config param .PARAMETER PartitionKey PartitionKey used in filter None = * .PARAMETER RowKey RowKey used in filter None = * .PARAMETER filter Custom filter according to Azure Table filter property e.g.: "Lastname eq 'John'" None = * .PARAMETER select Custom select query according to Azure Table filter property e.g.: "Partitionkey,RowKey,Name None = * .PARAMETER ignoreTables ignored Tables from piped config selection .PARAMETER skipSAScheck ignore SAStoken check recommended if a lot of tables with the same token shall be used .EXAMPLE Get-AZTableEntity -Config $Config -ALL $MoreConfigs | Get-AZTableEntity -ALL Get-AZTableEntity -Config $Config -sastoken $sastoken -RowKey $RowKey -ALL .NOTES AUTHOR: Ken Dobrunz // | Direkt Gruppe WEBSITE: LASTEDIT: 07.08.2023 - Version: 3.4 #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( # Tableconfig - Config or other 3 needed [Parameter()]$Config, [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)]$paramConfig, [Parameter()][Alias('Storage')]$StorageAccount, [Parameter()][Alias('Table')]$TableName, [Parameter()][Alias('sas')]$sastoken, [Parameter()][Alias('PKey')]$PartitionKey, [Parameter()][Alias('RKey')]$RowKey, [Parameter()]$filter, [Parameter()]$select, #* Generic [Parameter()]$ignoreTables, [Parameter()][switch]$skipSAScheck ) Begin { $SelfIdentifier = "GETtable" # API Header $headers = @{ "x-ms-version" = "2019-07-07" Accept = "application/json;odata=minimalmetadata" } $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $returnlist = New-Object PSObject $functionverbosecount = 0 } Process { #* Get / set / check param if ($paramConfig) { $Config = @(); $Config = $paramConfig } $TableName = if ($TableName) { $TableName }elseif ($Config.Table) { $Config.Table }else { Write-Error "[$($SelfIdentifier)] No TableName provided" } $StorageAccount = if ($StorageAccount) { $StorageAccount }elseif ($Config.StorageAccount) { $Config.StorageAccount }else { Write-Error "[$($SelfIdentifier)] No StorageAccount provided" } $sastoken = if ($sastoken) { $sastoken }elseif ($Config.sastoken) { $Config.sastoken }else { Write-Error "[$($SelfIdentifier)] No sastoken provided" } if (!$skipSAScheck) { if (!(Get-SAStokenValidity -ReadOnlyObject -Table -sastoken $sastoken)) { throw "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Sastoken not valid" } } else { Write-Verbose "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Skipped sas check due to skip flag" } Write-Verbose "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Using table: $($Tablename) @ $($StorageAccount)" #* URI $base_uri = "https://$($StorageAccount)" + $TableName $table_uri = $base_uri + $sastoken #* Add filterstring if (!$PartitionKey -and !$RowKey -and !$filter) { Write-Debug "[$($SelfIdentifier)] No Filter used [$($PartitionKey)] [$($RowKey)]" } else { $filterstring = "filter=" if ($PartitionKey) { $filterstring = $filterstring + "PartitionKey eq '$PartitionKey'" } if ($Rowkey) { if ($PartitionKey) { $filterstring = $filterstring + " and " } $filterstring = $filterstring + "RowKey eq '$RowKey'" } if($filter) { if ($PartitionKey -or $RowKey) { $filterstring = $filterstring + " and " } $filterstring = $filterstring + $filter } # Set URI $table_uri = $table_uri + "&$" + $filterstring } #* Add selectstring if ($select) { $selectstring = "select=" + $select # Set URI $table_uri = $table_uri + "&$" + $selectstring } Write-Debug "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Using TableURI: $($table_uri)" #* Get data [Loop] $nextURI = $table_uri $plist = @( ) if ($TableName -in $ignoreTables) { $nextURI = $null; Write-Verbose "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Skipping table [$($TableName)] due to ignorelist" } while ($null -ne $nextURI) { $whilesink = @{ } $restresponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $nextURI -Headers $headers -ContentType application/json -UseBasicParsing $plist += (($restresponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).value) $whilesink.NextPKey = $restresponse.Headers.'x-ms-continuation-NextPartitionKey' $whilesink.NextRKey = $restresponse.Headers.'x-ms-continuation-NextRowKey' if ($null -ne $whilesink.NextPKey) { $nextURI = $table_uri + "&NextPartitionKey=$($whilesink.NextPKey)" if ($null -ne $whilesink.NextRKey) { $nextURI = $nextURI + "&NextRowKey=$($whilesink.NextRKey)" } Write-Debug "[$($SelfIdentifier)] NextURI: $($nextURI)" } else { $nextURI = $null } } if ($TableName -in $ignoreTables) { Write-Debug "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Skip" }else { Add-Member -InputObject $returnlist -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ($TableName + "_List") -Value $plist } $functionverbosecount++ Write-Debug "[$($SelfIdentifier)] [Process] block end" } End { Write-Debug "[$($SelfIdentifier)] [End] block start" if ($functionverbosecount -gt 1) { Write-Verbose "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Ran $($functionverbosecount) configs" } $returncount = ((Get-Member -InputObject $returnlist -MemberType NoteProperty).Name).Count Write-Verbose "[$($SelfIdentifier)] returning [$($returncount)] different entries" if ($returncount -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Get - 0 return"; return @{ } } elseif ($null -eq $returncount) { Write-Verbose "[$($SelfIdentifier)] Get - null return"; return @{ } } elseif ($returncount -eq 1) { return ($returnlist.((Get-Member -InputObject $returnlist -MemberType NoteProperty).Name)); Write-Debug "[$($SelfIdentifier)] return eq1" } elseif ($returncount -gt 1) { return $returnlist } else { Write-Error "[$($SelfIdentifier)] unexpected return" } } } #v3.4 Export-ModuleMember -Function * Write-Verbose "Import-END| [$($FunctionScriptName)]" |