
Get events for an object

Name of the object to get events for

If set, don't return normal events, only warnings

.PARAMETER Namespace
K8s namespace to use, defaults to default

Get-K8sEvent -ObjectName test-minimal-7894b5dbf9-xkvgc

Get all events for a pod

Get-K8sEvent -ObjectName test-minimal-7894b5dbf9-xkvgc -NoNormal -Namespace test

Get all non-normal events for a pod in namespace test

Get-K8sEvent -ObjectName test-minimal-bf9c4b7f9 -NoNormal -Namespace test

Get all non-normal events for a replicaset in namespace test

One or more event objects for the pod, $null if error

function Get-K8sEvent {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Alias("PodName", "RsName")]
        [string] $ObjectName,
        [switch] $NoNormal,
        [string] $Namespace = "default"
    Write-Verbose "kubectl get events --namespace $Namespace --field-selector `"$ObjectName`" -o json"
    $json = kubectl get events --namespace $Namespace --field-selector "$ObjectName" -o json

    Write-Verbose "kubectl exit code: $LASTEXITCODE"
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        Write-Status "kubectl get events --namespace $Namespace --field-selector `"$ObjectName`" -o json" -LogLevel warning
        Write-Status " had exit code of $LASTEXITCODE" -LogLevel warning
        Write-Status " JSON is $json" -LogLevel warning
        return $null
    $events = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($null -eq $events) { # valid if no events, such as it didn't need to create a new pod
        Write-Verbose "Null events after conversion"
        Write-Output @() -NoEnumerate # Prevent @() from turning into $null
    if ($events.items) {
        Write-Verbose "Events count: $($events.items.count)"
    if ($NoNormal) {
        $ret = $events.items | Where-Object { $_.type -ne "Normal" }
    } else {
        $ret = $events.items
    if ($null -eq $ret) {
        Write-Verbose "Null items, returning empty array"
        $ret = @()
    Write-Output $ret -NoEnumerate

Set-Alias -Name Get-PodEvent -Value Get-K8sEvent -Description "Get events for a pod"
Set-Alias -Name Get-RsEvent -Value Get-K8sEvent -Description "Get events for a replica set"
Set-Alias -Name Get-ReplicaSetEvent -Value Get-K8sEvent -Description "Get events for a replica set"