<# .SYNOPSIS Get the status of the pods for a deployment .PARAMETER Selector K8s select for finding the deployment .PARAMETER Namespace K8s namespace to use, defaults to default .PARAMETER TimeoutSec Seconds to wait for the deployment to be ready .PARAMETER PollIntervalSec How often to poll for pod status. Defaults to 5 .PARAMETER LogFileFolder If specified, pod logs will be written to this folder .EXAMPLE Get-DeploymentStatus -TimeoutSec $timeoutSec ` -Selector "$ReleaseName,$ChartName" Get the status of a default Helm deployment labels .EXAMPLE Get-DeploymentStatus -Selector "app=platformapi" Get the status of a helm deployment with a different selector .OUTPUTS $True if all pods are running, $False if not #> function Get-DeploymentStatus { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Selector, [string] $Namespace = "default", [int] $TimeoutSec = 30, [int] $PollIntervalSec = 5, [string] $LogFileFolder ) Set-StrictMode -Version Latest Write-Verbose "Get-DeploymentStatus has timeout of $TimeoutSec seconds and selector $Selector in namespace $Namespace" # get the deployment to get the replica count, loop since it may not be ready yet $replicas = $null $uid = $null for ( $i = 0; $i -lt 10 -and $null -eq $replicas; $i++) { # todo check to see if it exists, or don't use jsonpath since items[0] can fail Write-Verbose "kubectl get deploy --namespace $Namespace -l $Selector -o jsonpath='{.items}'" $deployments = kubectl get deploy --namespace $Namespace -l $Selector -o jsonpath='{.items}' | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 20 if (!$deployments) { Write-Warning "No items from kubectl get deploy -l $Selector. Trying again in 1 second." } else { $deployment = $deployments | Select-Object -First 1 # handle as hash table $replicas = $deployment.spec.replicas $uid = $deployment.metadata.uid $revision = $deployment.metadata.annotations.'' } Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 || $null -eq $replicas) { throw "No data from kubectl get deploy -l $Selector" } # get the current replicaSet's for hash to get pods in this deployment Write-Verbose "kubectl get rs -l $Selector -o jsonpath={.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.deployment\.kubernetes\.io/revision==`"$revision`")]}" $rs = kubectl get rs -l $Selector -o "jsonpath={.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.deployment\.kubernetes\.io/revision==`"$revision`")]}" | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 20 if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 -or !$rs) { throw "When looking for pod, nothing returned from kubectl get rs -l $Selector --namespace $Namespace. Check selector." } $hash = $rs.metadata.labels."pod-template-hash" Write-Verbose "rs pod-template-hash is $hash" Write-Status "Looking for $replicas pod$($replicas -eq 1 ? '' : 's') with pod-template-hash=$hash" -Length 0 -LogLevel Normal $podSelector = "pod-template-hash=$hash" $ret = Get-PodStatus -Selector $podSelector ` -ReplicaCount $replicas ` -Namespace $Namespace ` -TimeoutSec $TimeoutSec ` -PollIntervalSec $PollIntervalSec ` -LogFileFolder $LogFileFolder Write-Verbose "ret is $($ret | out-string)" return $ret } |