
Get events for a pod

Name of the pod to get events for

If set, don't return normal events, only warnings

.PARAMETER Namespace
K8s namespace to use, defaults to default

Get-PodEvent -PodName mypod

Get all events for pod mypod

Get-PodEvent -PodName mypod -NoNormal -Namespace test

Get all non-normal events for pod mypod in namespace test

One or more event objects for the pod, $null if error

function Get-PodEvent {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $PodName,
        [switch] $NoNormal,
        [string] $Namespace = "default"
    Write-Verbose "kubectl get events --namespace $Namespace --field-selector `"$PodName`" -o json"
    $json = kubectl get events --namespace $Namespace --field-selector "$PodName" -o json

    Write-Verbose "kubectl exit code: $LASTEXITCODE"
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        Write-Status "kubectl get events --namespace $Namespace --field-selector `"$PodName`" -o json" -LogLevel warning
        Write-Status " had exit code of $LASTEXITCODE" -LogLevel warning
        Write-Status " JSON is $json" -LogLevel warning
        return $null
    $events = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($null -eq $events) { # valid if no events, such as it didn't need to create a new pod
        Write-Verbose "Null events after conversion"
        Write-Output @() -NoEnumerate # Prevent @() from turning into $null
    if ($events.items) {
        Write-Verbose "Events count: $($events.items.count)"
    if ($NoNormal) {
        $ret = $events.items | Where-Object { $_.type -ne "Normal" }
    } else {
        $ret = $events.items
    if ($null -eq $ret) {
        Write-Verbose "Null items, returning empty array"
        $ret = @()
    Write-Output $ret -NoEnumerate