
One pass replacement of variables in a file, similar to qetza.replacetokens.replacetokens-task.replacetokens in Azure DevOps

This is useful if you have a values.yaml file that has #{variable}# in it, and you want to replace those with values to run locally.

Name of the file to replace variables in

.PARAMETER Variables
Hashtable of variables to replace, will override VariableFile

.PARAMETER VariableFile
Yaml file of variables to replace

.PARAMETER StartDelimiter
Start delimiter for the variable to replace, defaults to #{

.PARAMETER EndDelimiter
End delimiter for the variable to replace, defaults to }#

$newFolder = '~/code/PlatformApi'
$oldFolder = '~/temp/PlatformApi'
"dev","test","qa","prod","staging","demo" | % {
    Convert-Value -ValuesFile "$newFolder/DevOps/deploy/helm/api/values.yaml" -VariablesFile "$newFolder/DevOps/deploy/variables/variables-$_.yml" -Variables @{Environment=$_;ImageTag='1.2.3'} > "~/temp/valuesyaml/values-platformapi-$_.yaml"
bc ~/temp/valuesyaml "$oldFolder/Docker/helm/api"

Convert using a yaml file, then compare the results

Convert-Value "~/code/BackendTemplate/DevOps/helm/values.yaml" `
        -Variables @{
            imageTag = 114090
            fullEnvironmentName = "dev"
            'cert-password' = $env:cert_password
            environment = "dev"
            availabilityZoneLower = "sc"
        } | Out-File ./new-values.yml

Convert using a hashtable of variables

The file with the variables replaced

function Convert-Value {
    param (
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]
        [string] $ValuesFile,
        [hashtable] $Variables,
        [string] $VariablesFile,
        [string] $StartDelimiter = '#{',
        [string] $EndDelimiter = '}#'

    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    if ($VariablesFile) {
        $fileVariables = (Get-Content $VariablesFile -Raw) | ConvertFrom-Yaml
        foreach ($v in $fileVariables.variables) {
            Set-Variable -Name $ -Value $v.value

    if ($Variables) {
        foreach ($k in $Variables.Keys) {
            Set-Variable -Name $k -Value $Variables[$k]

    $content = (Get-Content $ValuesFile -Raw) -replace "$StartDelimiter([\w-]+)$EndDelimiter", '${$1}'
    Write-Verbose "Content: $content"