function Invoke-CuraDNSRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a webrequest against Curanet DNS Api. Checks if access_token is set or needs to be updated. .PARAMETER Uri String object containing the URI of the endpoint trying to be reached. .PARAMETER Method String object containing the request method. .PARAMETER Payload JSON object containing the payload. .OUTPUTS Object containing DNS object or error. .NOTES Should not be called manually except if you know what you're doing. #> param ( [Parameter()] $Uri, [Parameter()] $Method = 'GET', [Parameter()] $Payload = '' ) if( ($null -eq $global:3370AccessTokenExpire) -or ((Get-Date) -gt ($global:3370AccessTokenExpire)) ) { Get-CuranetAccessToken -Account 3370 } $BaseUrl = "" $Headers = @{ Authorization = "bearer $($global:3370AccessToken.access_token)" } $FinalUri = "$($BaseUrl)/$($Uri)" if ($psversionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5 ) { if ($Payload -ne '') { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $FinalUri -Headers $headers -Method $Method -Body $Payload -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipHttpErrorCheck } else { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $FinalUri -Headers $headers -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -SkipHttpErrorCheck } } else { try { if ($Payload -ne '') { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $FinalUri -Headers $headers -Method $Method -Body $Payload -ContentType 'application/json' -UseBasicParsing } else { $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $FinalUri -Headers $headers -Method $Method -ContentType 'application/json' -UseBasicParsing } } catch { return ConvertFrom-JSON $($_.ErrorDetails) } } return $result } |