
using namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models

function Get-MgAppRole {
    Retrieves a list of Managed Identities within the organization
    Managed identities are hidden by default from Get-MgServicePrincipal. This exposes them
    This is a derived function from Get-MgServicePrincipal. All other parameters work the same as that function

        #Id of the ServicePrincipal that you want to fetch Ids for
        #Filter by the displayname of the role. Wildcards are supported.
        #Filter by the unique ID of the AppRole. Exact IDs only.
        #Filter by the description of the role. Wildcards are supported.
        #Filter by the value (short role name) of the role. Wildcards are supported.

    #TODO: Invoke-GraphRequest to create more specific activity?
    process {
        $appRoles = (Get-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $Id).AppRoles
        if (-not $appRoles) {return}
        if ($RoleId) {
            return $appRoles.where{$PSItem.Id -eq $RoleId}

        if ($DisplayName) {
            $appRoles = $approles.where{$PSItem.DisplayName -like $DisplayName}

        if ($Description) {
            $appRoles = $approles.where{$PSItem.Description -like $DisplayName}
        if ($Value) {
            $appRoles = $approles.where{$PSItem.Value -like $Value}

        return $appRoles